1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
20 years.
Were do you life?
3. I life on this school. Haha.
4. What do you like about your country?
The weather!
5. What are your hobby's?
Like to play outside and making music with my friends.
6. Can you discribe your day for me?
In the morning before breakfast we pray. Then we have breakfast. After breakfast we pray. Then we are going to school. After lunch we pray. Then we play outside. Before dinner we pray to thank god for the food and after dinner. We pray so we thank god for the food. Then we are going to sleep.
7. Do you have brothers and sisters?
Yes I have three sisters en two brothers.
8. With witch of your familymembers you have the best connection?
With my mother.
9. Were are you proud of?
Of being a girl. I'm the mother of Uganda.
10. What would you like to change in your country?
I should like to change the cityroad. Haha.
11. What about the politics in Uganda?
The politics are very good. They taking care of people.
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