Interview with Greg

Introduction: Name: Greg Gilfroy Age: 26 Nationality: South African 1. In times of Apartheid people were divided in different classes, based on their race. Do you think all people in South Africa are equal today, despite skin colour? Yes, all the people in South Africa are given the same changes in live today. Everyone can go to school and university. But there is still a big difference in education. On average white people still have better jobs and education than black people. Especially in the older generation is this a problem. But I think it needs time and it will be equal in a couple of years. 2. Do you think men and women are equal? Yes, men and women are equal and have the same human rights. Of course, men and women are different and often have other qualities but they are treated the same. 3. What do you do to contribute to a more equal world? I am a game ranger, so I make sure animals and plants are reserved and prevented from human interference. 4. What would you like to develop in your country? I would like to make more areas in South Africa national parks, so wildlife and nature can be prevented from poaching. 5. Which millennium development goal you think is most important for your own country? For me as a ranger that will be number 7: Ensure environmental sustainability. 6. Which millennium development goal you think is most important for the world? I think that is goal number 1: eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. 7. What are you proud of? I’m proud of the fact that I made my dream come true. I wanted to be a ranger from the age of 4. I worked and studied hard to make that dream come true. 8. What would you still like to learn/achieve? I like to have my own company someday. I have a plan to buy a bus and make it into a kind of hotel. That way I can take guests to South Africa and Botswana on a safari. 9. When we first met, what differences between us did you see? Did you thought we were very similar or very different? How do you think about that now? I thought we were similar, but we have a different mindset. I think Africans are more free to live their life. Dutch and European people have more rules to live with and are more civilized. 10. Do you have a religion? No, I don’t. I believe there is a god but I think he wants us to believe in ourselves. 11. What kind of education did you receive? In went to high school in Johannesburg. That was a boarding school for boys. After that I studied tourism in Cape Town. 12. You went to boarding school. What do you think is the upside and what is the downside compared to regular education? I think a good thing about boarding school is that it learns you discipline and respect. The downside is that nowadays they aren’t allowed to teach you that anymore because they can’t hit children. 13. You think hitting children is a good thing? Yes, it teached me discipline and today children have no respect for teachers or adults anymore. I think there are other ways to teach children that. 14. Did you ever experience extem poverty and hunger? Or did you see it in your environment? Yes, I did not experience it myself luckily but I see it a lot in my neighbourhood. I’m also used to it because I grew up with it. But if I have anything left I always give it away, I never throw something away. It could be someone’s dinner.

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