Testimonial voor Worldactivity Philippines

Hieronder heb ik de testimonial geplaatst die ik voor Worldactivity Philippines geschreven heb. Ik vertel er in het kort hoe ik mijn verblijf in de Filippijnen heb ervaren. De testimonial is overigens ook te vinden op de site van Worldactivity Philippines (de link: http://www.worldactivity.ph/who-we-are). Als je interesse hebt om een vrijwilligersproject of stage in de Filippijnen te doen is deze site ontzettend handig, want alle projecten die aangeboden worden door WAP worden hier in het kort beschreven. Ik kan je de organisatie ten zeerste aanbevelen. De service is ontzettend goed, de medewerkers doen heel erg hun best om je er thuis te laten voelen, ze helpen je goed er de weg te vinden, en ze zijn beschermend. Hieronder mijn testimonial: Renske, Amsterdam: 'I want to thank WorldActivity Philippines for giving me one of the best times of my life. Through WAP I’ve had an impressing and eye-opening experience because I got to know the Filippino culture from very close by, and of course because I came to work at St Martin in Bustos. This place, founded by Father Boyet with the purpose of providing former street children of Manila a safe and healthy environment, took a little piece from me. In the very short time of two weeks that I was there, St. Martin managed to attach me to itself, hence I know I will return to that place over and over again once I will get the chance. The site is situated in a gorgeous and peaceful valley surrounded by green rice fields, the staff working there is very passionate about their mission, and the children are so brave, cheerful and very very sweet. Throughout my stay in the Philippines I learned more than I expected; it changed my view on topics like poverty, developing countries, religion and corruption a lot by experiencing it in its original setting. As one of the trainers said during my preparation training given by the staff of WorldActivity Philippines: “you will learn more from being here in person than from watching 1000 hours of documentaries, or reading a hundred books about the society”. I definitely have come to support this opinion, and therefore I advice that if you have the chance, to pack your bags and jump in the plane to support this fantastic organization WorldActivity Philippines. It will be an eye-opening experience that you will not regret'

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