Training tourleaders
Training tourleaders
- 1713 reads
Education Category: Creative, General, Geography, Health
Ages: 16+
Tour Leader Training modules: Module 1: Tourism and the Philippines Module 2: Smokey Tours Module 3: Making of a tourleader Module 4: Tour Procedures Module 5: Media Presentation
Julliet, the manager of the Smokey Tour Project, asked me to give a training, together with a local guy. We met and thought about what was most important to share with the old and new tourleaders. We divided the subject and made both our own powerpoints, Andrew bundled them together and did the finishing touch. Such a great guy to cooperate with!
When you give a training like this, preparation is very important. You need to know to whom you're speaking and need to create an ambiance that gives them (the tourleaders) confindence. Confidence during the training, but also confidence in themselves.
Module 1: about tourism itself and the Philippines. The tourleaders need to know facts about there own country and about tourleading.
Module 2: Smokey Tours. This training is made to train the tourleaders of the Smokey Tours organization. The tourleaders need to know a lot about there own organization to tell the tourists about it. So:
•What is Smokey Tours?
•Who are we?
•What are we offering?
Module 3: •The question is: What is exactly a Tour Leader?
•Job Responsibilities and Task
•SMOKEY Skills
•Public Speaking
•Cultural Differences
•Crisis Management
•Quality Enhancement
Module 4: Tour procedures
•Field Operations
Module 5: Media Presentation
About the use of media like facebook
The tour leaders will be working in the tourism industry. So, it is important that they will know the basics of this industry. This training modules will give a insight to this industry so that they will understand how this industry work and what tourists are looking for.
Contact the Smokey Tour organization (see website) for consultation about using these documents
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