The 7/11 - interview

Strolling though the roads of Beijing I passed by the 7/11; the famous Asian little supermarket. Fetching my yoghurt (which's strangely enough also sold on every corner on the street outside) I bumped into a girl who was holding a tray full of cake. She offered me a piece to try, and asked if I wanted to order a whole cake. Surprised by her English (in fact the third Chinese who I met that could speak more than three words of English), I had a little chat with her. She told me she had to sell 250 cakes by the end of the week. But to smoothen the conversation - after three sentences back and forth - we switched our conversation to WeChat. WeChat is an application on the Phone for chatting, very similar to WhatsApp. Only the big advantage of WeChat is the translate function! This is how our conversation worked:
She wrote me a message in Chinese 你好.. I received the message in Chinese on my phone. I translate the message 你好 to English: Hello. Then I would write: how are you. She receives how are you in English, but then translates it into Chinese; 你好吗.

Once home I thought about the things I had to do for JoHo Worldsupporter, which one was having a conversation with a local of your age. This was my chance! So.. I contacted her again, and asked if could ask her some questions via WeChat and she was happy to help. I made screenshots of the interview but unfortunately my phone died.. (and now i can only find two screenshots of the interview which I will upload as image).

I do remember though, one of the remarkable aspects she pointed out. She said: 'did you ever notice that China has the form of a Roaster?'. I looked at the map and wow indeed (I added a picture, so you can see for yourself). I also asked her some open questions about the education in China. She told me, that the education in China is very good, and everyone goes to school. But some not, and that the study is divided into two kinds, where one is of special character and to which the country gives subsidy. The other one is more applicable to the rich, who are studying abroad, and to whom no subsidy is given. So her message was a little contradictory. When I asked a little further, and why some people do not go to school, she gave a deviant answer. And started talking about her boyfriend.. so, I asked how they met and it appeared they knew each other from high school. Further I asked how a regular week looked like for her. She said she would work at least 2x in the 7/11 and more if possible. Moreover, she would go to the university, chill with friends and of course hang out with her boyfriend. But ok.. I wanted to know also a bit more her thoughts on the communist regime, but she did as if I she did not understood me. I understood that it would not be of any use to dig any deeper on sensitive subjects, and would just evoke irritation, so I asked her about her about her favo food. Which's: 宫保鸡丁GongBao chicken. The main ingredients of the dish are: diced chicken, dried chili, and fried peanuts. Mmm.

Unfortunate, she had to go. I thanked her for her input. I also went again to the 7/11, and gave her stroopwafels as a gift for the interview. She was very happy and I she could only accept the gift if I would get something in the 7/11 and she would pay for it. I refused, but she insisted. So, I fetched one of the cheapest thing in the shop.

So, quite an experience this interview, but definitely worth it!

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The 7/11 - interview
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