Primates abroad and while traveling: are they dangerous, where do you encounter them, where can you see them?

What are primates?

  • Primates are mammals with relatively large brains, good vision (but often less sense of smell than other animals), opposable thumbs (not all though) and relatively complex social structures. 
  • Primates consists of strepsirrhini such as lemurs and lorises, and haplorhines such as monkeys and apes. 
  • They can all climb trees, although some, such as humans, gorillas and baboons, prefer to stay on the ground. 
  • They are very social animals that have interesting and complicated group structures and interactions. Primates are also the most cognitive advanced group of animals. 
  • Unfortunately around 60% of primate species are threatened with extinction, mainly due to habitat destruction, forest fragmentation, primate hunting and monkey drives (when monkeys are killed in large numbers to protect crops). 

Are primates dangerous?

  • Primates can definitely be dangerous. Not only can they transfer diseases, but they can also cause harm due to protectiveness/aggression/physical harm. 
  • While it doesn’t happen often in normal circumstances, in touristy places and places where monkeys and humans live in close proximity, it does happen a lot. Bites by monkeys account for 2-21% of animal bite injuries according to the World Health organisation. 
  • Monkey bites are especially a risk among travellers. Quite often travellers think of monkeys as cute, and want to touch them. According to a study done in the UK, people are very bad at reading monkey expressions, and often think they are the opposite of what the monkey actually tries to communicate. 
  • Just make sure to keep your distance from monkeys, don’t feed them and don’t look them in the eyes. There are differences between the aggressiveness of different primate species, but this is the general advice. And if you’re going to look for primates in the wild forest, make sure to have a good guide! 
  • Most common injuries are bites. 

Where to see primates in the wild abroad?

  • There are many places to see primates in the world. You can find primates in Africa, South and Southeast Asia, South and Central America and even the most northern living primates in Japan, the Japanese macaques. 
  • Primates generally live in forests, but you can also find them in other habitats such as savannas, wetlands, rocky areas and grasslands. 
  • Orangutan: You can find Orangutans in the jungles of Borneo (Kalimatan, Sabah), on Sumatra and around the shelters. You can often see at the shelters how they are being prepared for an independent life in the wild.
  • Chimpanzees: You can see chimpanzees in the wild in West and Central Africa, mainly in rainforests.
  • Gorillas: You can see gorillas in the wild in the mountain forests of Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Loris: The great slow loris (+/- 30/40 cm) can be seen in the wild in the jungles of Indonesia and Malaysia (Borneo).
  • The small slow loris (+/ 25 cm) can be spotted in the wild in Cambodia, Laos or the south of Vietnam.
  • Baboons: You can see baboons in the wild in most countries in Africa and partly in the Middle East. You can find them in the savannahs, forests, and at the table at your safari lodge. Some specimens enjoy redecorating your hotel room.
  • Macaques:
    • Rhesus macaque (rhesus monkey): Rhesus monkeys are common in South Asia, especially in India, Nepal, and Thailand.
    • Berber macaques (Barbary macaque); The Barbary macaque is found in North Africa, especially in Morocco and Algeria. It is the only macaque that lives outside Asia, and the only monkey species that lives in the wild in Europe (Gibraltar).
    • Japanese macaques: The Japanese macaque can be seen in the wild in Japan in mountainous areas and at hot springs.
  • Langurs: Langurs can be seen in Southeast Asia (India, Thailand and Malaysia).
  • Proboscis monkeys (proboscis monkey): The proboscis monkey can be seen playing quite close in Borneo, both on the Malay part (Sabah) and on the Indonesian part (Kalimantan).
  • Yellow-green vervets (green monkey): The vervet can be seen in the wild in West Africa (from Senegal and Gambia to the Volta River) and on some Caribbean islands (St. Kitts, Nevis, Barbados, St. Maarten and Tortola).
  • Vervets, South African green vervets or blue monkeys: The vervets can be found everywhere on the east coast of Africa from South Africa to Ethiopia.
  • Mandrills: Mandrills can be seen in the jungles and forests of West and Central Africa.

What to do if you encounter primates in the wild?

  • Monkeys can be very cheeky. They are not only after food, but also take other things. Shiny items such as a phone or camera are very popular and difficult to get back. If you run the risk of having to deal with monkeys while traveling or abroad, check the basic rules below.

Pay attention

  • Pay attention to your belongings and put your belongings in a bag as much as possible.
  • If you are in an environment with many monkeys, adjust your clothing and appearance. Keep it simple, no glitter, watches, piercings, bracelets, etc.
  • If you have long hair and want to avoid a hair pulling contest, it is better to put your hair up.
  • Be careful with selfies, monkeys that see themselves on your screen can react aggressively.

Keep at a distance

  • Monkeys can seem very sweet and sometimes tame, but be careful, they remain unpredictable wild animals!
  • Monkeys are much, much stronger than humans and can bite dangerously.
  • Monkeys regularly carry rabies; this is still very dangerous for humans.

Pay attention to your behavior

  • Learning a little monkey language can help a bit
  • Try to avoid smiling or showing your teeth, that is a sign of aggression for a monkey.
  • Try not to shout or make a threatening movement, let alone tease.
  • Do not feed, if a monkey attacks you, the presence of food is usually the reason.
  • Monkeys that get used to feeding can attack if you, or someone else, refuses to feed them. Preventing this habituation is important.


  • Do not do to a monkey what you would not do to another, but keep in mind that the other person does not always realize this... just like your fellow human being.

What to do if a primate attacks you?

  • If a primate attacks you, the general advice is not to run. Just stay calm, move away slowly without turning your back. 
  • You can also try to crouch down, to make yourself appear less threatening. 
  • If you can, using an object as a barrier is very useful. You can use a backpack or a jacket for example. 
  • If a monkey takes your stuff, don't fight it, the chance that it will let it go again a little later is much greater than if you fight over it.
  • If you have food in your hands, throw it towards the monkey and show your empty hands.

What are the most dangerous primate species and why?

  • Humans: Yes, you read that right! We are actually the most violent primate species. 
  • Loris: The Slow Loris is one of the cutest, but also the most dangerous monkey in the world. It is the only monkey that is poisonous. A bite from the loris can be so powerful that it goes through your bone. If you are bitten by a loris, you can go into shock and need help very quickly.
  • Gorillas: Gorillas are the enlightened despots of the monkey world. They are normally very calm, as long as you behave the way they want you to. If they get the feeling that you are doing something they don't like, they can feel attacked. They can become very aggressive and dangerous and can easily kill a human with their strength.
  • Mandrills: Mandrills not only look dangerous, but with sharp front teeth and strong jaws they are also really dangerous. They often display aggressive behavior when they feel threatened and suffer from territorial instincts.
  • Baboons: Baboons are the football fans among the monkeys. They are known for their aggressive behavior, attacking in large groups and being destructive when it comes to your belongings,
  • Rhesus macaques (Rhesus monkey): Rhesus monkeys are notorious for their unwanted behavior with people and transmitting diseases (including the herpes B virus). They can become aggressive, especially when they go hunting for food or feel threatened. Rhesus macaques express their aggression by biting, scratching or pulling bags or hair.
  • Barbary macaques (Barbary macaque): Barbary monkeys are known for their biting behavior and limited fear of people. They can transmit the herpes B virus, cause infections and carry rabies.
  • Japanese macaques: The Japanese macaque is an excited creature that often makes the news with an attack on a visitor to one of the many beautiful Japanese gardens or attractions. Many of these attacks result in quite serious injuries to the visitors.
  • Chimpanzees: Chimpanzees are extremely strong and can become very aggressive if they feel threatened.
  • Orangutans: Male orangutans can become dangerous if they come into conflict with humans. The tricky part is that you don't always realize that you are in conflict with them. They are just like people. The orangutan is only a lot stronger and more powerful than the average person. If you go on a trip through the jungle in search of orangutans, then nothing will probably happen. But if your guide decides to run away... run after them hard.
  • Capuchin monkeys: Capuchin monkeys look innocent but can be very destructive and territorial. They are quite intelligent and do not only bite and scratch you. There are several known cases where they try to eliminate their opponent by inflicting serious injuries.
  • Langurs: Langurs can react aggressively if they are protecting their territory, want food or feel threatened.

What diseases can you get from primates?

  • Since primates are genetically very close to humans, it’s easier to pass diseases. Some of the pathogens that can be transferred are viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites and this can happen through biting, scratching, handling animals but also through airborne transmission. Transmission of zoonotic diseases is rare, but it can happen and especially people working with animals are at risk. Some of the more well know diseases are: 
  • Herpes B virus: B virus is a type of herpes that macaque species can carry and transfer to humans through bites, scratches or contamination of a wound. Without proper treatment, infection with the herpes B virus has a mortality rate of about 80% in humans.
  • Ebola: this disease is carried by gorillas, chimps and other great apes and can be transferred to humans through contact with primates’ blood, secretions or contaminated objects. The virus can cause a high fever, hemorrhaging and organ failure. 
  • Tuberculosis: this respiratory disease is carried by many primate species (including humans) and can be transferred from non-human primate to human and vice versa. It happens through breathing in respiratory droplets. The symptoms are a chronic cough, weight loss and fatigue. 
  • Wound infections: bites can seriously get infected. A wound should be properly cleaned with soap and water and assessed by a health authority to see if you need further treatment. 
  • Rabies: primates can carry and transmit rabies, but it’s quite rare compared to other mammals such as dogs, raccoons and bats. Wild primates rarely carry the disease, but they can get infected by other animals. Rabies can be transferred through a bite, scratch or mucosal contact and is almost always fatal once the symptoms appear. To avoid this, make sure you’re vaccinated before working with primates, and take the necessary steps (wash the wound, apply antiseptic, seek medical attention immediately and get your vaccines) ASAP. 
  • Leptospirosis: Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that affects humans and animals. It is spread through the urine of infected animals and occurs worldwide, but mostly in tropical and subtropical regions. The disease comes with many different symptoms, so it’s quite difficult to diagnose and is often misdiagnosed. 
  • Rare diseases such as the Marburg and Ebola viruses are only found in a limited number of countries in Central and West Africa.

Can you volunteer or intern with primates?

  • There are many possibilities to volunteer or intern with wild primates. There are several research programs throughout the world for which biology/veterinary students can usually apply. They are often internships of several months/a year since you might have to get to know and recognise the wild group of primates. 
  • There are also many volunteer programs throughout the regions in which primates live. Activities range from rescue and rehabilitation to following monkeys in the wild for research purposes. 

What should you do if you are going to work with primates during your volunteer work, internship or study?

  • Working with primates is cool, and a dream for many people who love animals. But it also comes with health, safety and ethical risks and it’s important to be aware of those. 
  • Before you find a project, one important thing to keep in mind is to check whether the organisation is conservation/rehabilitation driven rather than tourist driven exploitation. Unfortunately in the wildlife world there are also people who use animals for making money through volunteers. 
  • Another important thing when working with animals is to interact with them according to their natural behaviour. Avoid unnecessary interactions or interference and avoid hands-on interactions especially if the animals are going to be introduced. So avoid hugging and selfies. If the sanctuary allows for that, it’s generally not a good one. 
  • If you are going to do an internship or volunteer work with monkeys, your direct contact with the monkeys will generally be limited or absent.
  • Where there is direct contact, you will receive strict instructions and it is advisable to follow all instructions from the experienced caretakers as best as possible.
  • If you have the right (veterinary) training or a job as a monkey caretaker, this will be different and there is often direct contact.
  • Make sure to check with the organisation which vaccinations you might need. 

Where is the best place to work with primates?

  • You can work with primates at animal shelters, wildlife conservation sanctuaries, nature reserves and orphanages. And you might not even have to go far as there are, unfortunately, also animal shelters with rescued monkeys (from the circus, or peoples homes) in parts of the world where no monkeys live. 
  • Work ranges from feeding and cleaning to maintenance and veterinary tasks. Some sanctuaries also need help with things like social media or website maintenance which can be done from a distance.  
  • If you want to work with monkeys or help care for them, you can go to:
  • Bolivia: howler monkeys, spider monkeys, titi monkeys, black-headed squirrel monkeys
  • Brazil: howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, marmosets, spider monkeys and tamarins
  • Costa Rica: howler monkeys, squirrel monkeys, capuchin monkeys, spider monkeys
  • Ecuador: howler monkeys, capuchin monkeys, night monkeys, pinafores and titi monkeys
  • Malawi: baboons, vervet monkeys, blue monkeys, mohol bush baby
  • Indonesia: gibbons, langurs, macaques, orangutans and tarsiers (mini monkeys on Sulawesi)
  • Cameroon: chimpanzees, gorillas, mandrills, mangabeys (saki monkeys)
  • Madagascar; lemurs, sifakas, indris
  • Malaysia: orangutans, gibbons, macaques, spider monkeys
  • Tanzania: baboons, colobus monkeys, chimpanzees, vervet monkeys
  • Thailand: gibbons, long-tailed macaques, spider monkeys
  • South Africa: many projects with vervet monkeys, spider monkeys, baboons, lemurs and bush babies


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