To those in power who believe that only strength counts, and that people are always self-interested, I say: "We tried it your way, and it didn't work. Let's try something new. ~ Simon Anholt ~

To those in power who believe that only strength counts, and that people are always self-interested, I say: "We tried it your way, and it didn't work. Let's try something new. ~ Simon Anholt ~
Simon Anholt helpt overheden van landen, regio's en steden om een betere reputatie te krijgen. Niet door advertenties of PR-campagnes, maar door hun gedrag te veranderen: 'To those in power who believe that only strength counts, and that people are always self-interested, I say: 'We tried it your way, and it didn't work. Let's try something new.'

Hij legt uit wat 'The Good Country Index' is en wat zijn idee hierachter is. Nederland staat op nummer 4 van 'Good Countries'. Daar worden we blij van, toch? Ik loop in ieder geval trots over straat als ik ergens anders ben. Laten we daaraan blijven werken!

(Zie de TED-talk op:

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