In Utrecht de natuur in!

De natuur in! Hmm, maar wat kan je gaan doen dan? Wandelen, fietsen, hardlopen, maar misschien wil je wel eens wat meer leren over dat landschap waar je doorheen trekt, of eens buiten je comfort zone treden. Ik ben dol op wandelen, maar toch heb ik de laatste tijd zin om weer meer te leren. Mijn studie biologie is alweer een tijdje geleden, dus af en toe een update en me weer even student voelen geeft mij wel kriebelende vingers. Met dat idee ben ik eens op zoek gegaan naar wat voor uitjes er eigenlijk allemaal zijn in en rondom de natuur in Utrecht. Met een krap budget moest er ook wel wat te vinden zijn dacht ik, de natuur is immers voor iedereen, toch? Zo kwam ik uit bij de volgende organisaties die allemaal weer zo hun eigen activiteiten aanbieden voor jong en oud, en voor een vriendelijk budget. 

Utrecht Natuurlijk
Utrecht Natuurlijk is speciaal gericht op natuur toegankelijker maker voor Utrechters. In samenwerking met onder andere lokale organisaties, bewoners en de gemeente organiseren ze cursussen, activiteiten en evenementen door heel Utrecht. Utrecht Natuurlijk heeft veel betekend voor het groen en de duurzaamheid van Utrecht en is dan ook een leuke organisatie om daar meer over te leren. De organisatie heeft zelf 5 Steedes met kinderboerderij en speeltuin en 4 stadstuinen, genoeg plekken dus om even wat (stadse) natuur op te snuiven. Daarnaast organiseren ze veel activiteiten zoals muziek in het park, bomen snoeien, uilenballen pluizen, natuurcolleges en tuinieren. Veel van de activiteiten zijn gratis wat de drempel lekker laag maakt om te gaan. 

Om te zien wat voor activiteiten Utrecht Natuurlijk aanbod, kijk dan hier.

IVN Utrecht
IVN is een landelijke organisatie met verschillende regionale takken. Ze richten zich voornamelijk op natuureducatie en hebben ook als doel de natuur dichterbij Nederlanders te brengen. Dit doen ze aan de hand van vier hoofdthema's; Natuur & Gezondheid, Kind & Natuur, Natuur in de Buurt en Natuur & Recreatie. De afdeling Utrecht is lekker actief. Er worden veel activiteiten georganiseerd die zich voornamelijk richten op educatie zoals bomen herkennen in de winter, een mossen wandeling, natuurlezingen, vogelexcursies en ga zo maar door. Ook zijn er activiteiten waarbij je zelf de handen uit de mouwen moet steken zoals wilgen knotten, een vogeltelling of hutten bouwen. De activiteiten zijn vaak gratis of voor een klein prijsje. Cursussen worden ook georganiseerd, waarvan de meest bekende de natuurgids opleiding is, maar er zijn ook kortere cursussen zoals een vogelcursus of reptielen en amfibieën cursus. Voor deze cursussen betaal je over het algemeen wel een bijdrage, maar ook deze is voor wat je krijgt niet hoog. 

Voor een overzicht van de activiteiten, kijk hier

Utrechts Landschap
De naam zegt het eigenlijk al, Utrechts Landschap richt zich op het landschap van Utrecht en organiseert allerlei activiteiten hieromheen. Het was de eerste van alle provinciale Landschappen toen het opgericht werd in 1927 met als doel om de natuur in Utrecht te beschermen. Inmiddels beheert Utrechts Landschap 5800 hectare natuur. De organisatie werkt aan het behouden en ontwikkelen van de natuur en het daarbij betrekken van mensen. Dit doen ze door activiteiten als wandelexcursies, vaartochten, rondleidingen, fietsexcursies en diverse kinderactiviteiten. Het is een goede manier om de echte Utrechtse natuur te leren kennen. De kosten zijn wederom vaak gratis, maar een vrijwillige bijdrage wordt (evenals bij de voorgaande organisaties overigens) op prijs gesteld. 

Voor de activiteiten, zie hier

Natuurmonumenten beheert enorm veel grond in Nederland; zo'n 100.000 hectare. Het is een organisatie die zich echt richt op en inzet voor natuurbehoud en op het creëren van nieuwe natuur. Ze hebben dan ook hun eigen natuurgebieden waar ze voor zorgen en veel projecten voor natuur- en landschapsherstel. De activiteiten die Natuurmonumenten organiseert zijn vergelijkbaar met die van de vorige twee organisaties. Zo zijn er fietsexcursies, weidevogelexcursies, wandelingen, fort bezoeken en paddestoelenexcursies. De activiteiten zijn wel iets minder gevarieerd als je zoekt in de omgeving Utrecht en over het algemeen iets duurder (rond de 10 euro), maar daarom niet minder leuk. 

Voor de activiteiten van Natuurmonumenten, klik hier

Van alle organisaties behalve Utrecht Natuurlijk kan je ook lid worden. Dit ondersteunt het beheer van de landschappen en geeft je vaak korting bij activiteiten! 

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Off the beaten track - Utrecht

Off the beaten track - Utrecht


(2h - half-day trip)

Utrecht is one of the most beautiful canal cities of Europe. The city offers an inspiring atmosphere of history, dating back to the 13th century, combined with a hipster culture. It is one of the best kept secrets of the Netherlands, and preferably it stays that way (I say that as an Utrechter). It's a city full of charm, without the flocks of tourists and therefore provides the ideal getaway for a day. 

There are many fun things to do in Utrecht. It's perfect for shopping (especially with the new shopping center Hoog Catharijne), there are sights for architecture lovers (Rietveld-Schröderhuis), history addicts (Dom-tower, Duitse huis), and culture fanatics (Nijntje/Miffy museum). However, even this hidden city provides some hidden beauties, of which one is the Theehuis Rhijnauwen

As you might have noticed, there are not many restaurants offering typical Dutch food. Even though there are many types of typical Dutch dishes, we prefer to cook them at home. Eating out is for enjoying the delicious flavours of Southern Europe, Asia, Central/South America, or maybe one, typical Dutch dish: Pancakes. 

Theehuis Rhijnauwen (Teahouse Rhijnauwen), is definitely the best place in the surrounding of Utrecht to enjoy this dish. Going there means cycling through Utrecht's hidden forest while seeing the bright red house at the end of the road and smelling the scent of baked apple, bacon and cheese coming at you through the trees. It's a hidden gem for locals and therefore can be pretty crowded on spring and summer days when the sun is out. You will feel like one of the Dutch if you go here on your bycicle on a sunny day. 

Getting to the pancake house is easy, you simply need to find a bike. If you're staying with a local, you can ask them to rent an OV-bike for you (you need a personal public transportation card), which only costs 3,85 a day. Otherwise you can rent one at Laag Catharijne Rental and Repair (7,50+ a day), Bike Rental Utrecht - Black Bikes (6,50+ for 3 hours), and the best one: Willemstraatbike (7 euros per day). Then you navigate to Rhijnauwenselaan 16, 3981 HH Bunnik, which takes about 30 minutes from Utrecht Central Station area. Don't worry, it's an easy ride, no hills no frills since you're in the Netherlands, and as a bonus you will pas the Rietveld-Schröderhuis on your way! 

When you arrive, I strongly recommend you to take a walk in the surrounding area. It's beautiful and full of history. You can find constructions and a fort built in the 19th century, as well as an organic dairy farm where you can buy raw milk and just several nice hiking paths. This hiking will only prepare you more for the delicious and huge pancake you'll have afterwards. The list is long, and I'm sure you'll be overwhelmed with choices, so here are some suggestions for Dutch pancakes: 

- Naturel (natural pancake on which you can put the sirop that is on the table)
- Appel (apple)
- Ham
- Kaas (cheese)
- Spek (bacon)
- Appel en kaneel (apple and cinnamon)
- Spek en appel (bacon and apple)
- Spek en kaas (bacon and cheese) 
- And many more combinations............ 

But, if you're really hungry, try out some of the special pancakes as well, they are unique and delicious! And make sure to pet the donkeys!

Top 8 vegan restaurants in Utrecht

Top 8 vegan restaurants in Utrecht


Utrecht is one of the most beautiful cities in the Netherlands. It’s Amsterdam, but smaller and less crowded, what more do you want? Well…. FOOD of course. While there are plenty of restaurants to choose from, and they generally all have some vegan dishes, there are some great spots where you can find especially great vegan food.

Vegan restaurants:

1. The Vegan Gorilla

The vegan gorilla is a sort-of new restaurant in Utrecht. All their dishes are completely vegan and delicious. They offer both small Asian-style streetfood dishes to share, as well as larger meals from spaghetti to tacos if you prefer to eat everything by yourself. And next to their great dishes they have a cool drinks menu with drinks like apple-nettle icetea. It’s a bit out of the way if you’re in the city center, but worth a visit anyway.

2. Oproer

Oproer is another restaurant you won’t find while shopping around the city canals. The restaurant/bar can be found near Utrecht Zuilen station at an industrial terrain, where they sell vegan food as well as their own home-brewed beers. They use organic, seasonal ingredients and because of that also have a new menu every month!


SNCKBR Utrecht is the only 100% vegan restaurant of all the SNCKBR restaurants. They offer many kinds of dishes, from tempeh to pizza. They also have a specific lunch menu with the typical dutch dish called “Kapsalon” meaning hair salon (WHY?!?! I don’t know..). This is usually a meat-lovers dish, but here a vegan version can be found with sweet potatoes, barbecued pulled jackfruit, Caesar dressing and cheese. According to their website they also work with sustainable ingredients, and, good to know, they can be found in the city centre!

Restaurants with vegan options:

1. Gys

Gys could almost be with the vegan options since their menu is ALMOST entirely vegan friendly. Gys was one of the first restaurants in Utrecht to create a partly vegan menu, however nowadays it’s almost 100% vegan. The offer a range of organic vegan/vegetarian options such as Fish & chips (vegan), sate, pokebowl, gnocchi. The food is really good and the atmosphere is great. There are two locations in Utrecht and both have their own menu, so have a look at that if you don’t know where to go. 

2. Restaurant Ân Ân Vietnamese food

Restaurant Ân Ân is a Vietnamese restaurant selling Vietnamese streetfood. It has a very laid back and simple atmosphere, which makes it feel a little bit like you’re actually eating in the streets of Vietnam. It’s a very popular restaurants with many different dishes. While they serve meat and fish, they also have an extensive list of delicious vegan options and even the ones that don’t seem vegan can sometimes be made vegan when leaving the egg out. The idea of the restaurant is that it’s kind of Taiwanese tapas, so you order many different dishes to share, which makes it an even more fun dinner experience.

3. Wagamama

Wagamama has been in Amsterdam for many years now, but recently finally moved to Utrecht. It’s a Japanese restaurant (although they serve a limited amount of other Asian dishes as well) with amazingly delicious dishes and drinks. They’ve recently released an entirely vegan menu that finally has a vegan version of my boyfriend’s favourite dish (Japanese curry) and some other amazing dishes. The food is freshly made, so dishes are not served at the same time, but that also means you get really fresh food.

4. Sunshine

Sunshine is an amazing Ethiopian restaurant in Utrecht. It is small, cozy, quite simple and the people are really nice. The food they serve is traditional Ethiopian food, served in a traditional way. While they serve quite some non-vegan/vegetarian dishes, they also have some AMAZING vegan options. I would definitely urge you to go if you want to try vegan Ethiopian food, to make sure which dishes are vegan, make sure you ask them.

5. Soy

Soy is a restaurant/take-away a little bit outside of Utrecht city centre. They offer amazing Chinese dishes, but all vegetarian/vegan! :D So if you’re into Chinese-ish take-out, make sure to get it here! Eating in is alright too, but it’s simple and small so not very special for eating out.

So if you're in Utrecht, make sure to try out one of these amazing restaurants and let me know in the comments what you think :). 

Kakunosuke Utrecht Review

Kakunosuke Utrecht Review


Sooo, yesterday was the best evening in the past few weeks! After weeks of work stress, family stress and job searching, I was spontaneously treated with a visit to the new Japanese restaurant in Utrecht; Kakunosuke. I had been wanting to go there ever since it opened (end of December), but it was always too busy and a bit too expensive for me so this was an amazing treat! 

The restaurant is located in quite a busy street in the middle of Utrecht City Centre. It is not too outspoken on the outside, but farely simple, resembling the Japanese minimalistic style. When entering, we were greeted by a beautiful Japanese lady in kimono (or yukata, not sure) in the typical Japanese way with "irasshaimase!", or freely translated "welcome!". I immediately felt like I was back in Japan, which made me even more excited. The inside of the restaurant was beautiful, warm and obviously decorated with attention to detail. Tables were made of strong wood, the set up was simple with a candle and some chopstiks and the walls really resonated this Japanese minimalistic, but cosy style again. We even saw the typical large room in the back which in Japan is often reserved by businessmen after which they close the curtains, eat, drink and close their deals. When sitting down and taking in the environment, my ears were greeted with the typical Japanese jazzy lounge music in that was playing in the background, reminding me of the hip and fancy cafe's in Kyoto.

We were presented with the menu. The concept is a bit different from their other restaurant (konousuke) and resembles that of a fancy Japanese izakaya. In an izakaya people get together with friends and colleagues to drink and share all kinds of small dishes. At Kakunosuke the idea was quite the same. There was a long list of drinks, including many Japanese cocktails (such as what they call sour cocktails like lemon-sour), Japanese whiskey and Japanese beers. And of course there are also non-alcoholic options. There are plenty of small dishes (also vegan) and two large dishes; udon curry with chicken or with vegetables. We were advised to take 5 small dishes and the 'main' dish, with is what the average customer takes. We decided to go for three small ones and maybe order extra if we wanted more combined with the two Japanese vegetarian curries. 

After we both got out cocktails, a lemon sour and a yuzu (Japanese citrus) sour which both tasted like they had very little alcohol, we could not wait for our food. The small dishes were served together. We had the tomato with Japanese shiso leaf, cabbage with miso-sauce and the chilled tofu. The dishes where all beautifully presented, especially the tofu dish, and when I had my first bite my memories of my food experiences in Japan immediately came back. These were not like many 'Japanese' dishes you get in the Netherlands, that are adjusted to our palate, but tasted like real authentic Japanese dishes. The taste of sesame sauce, miso and ponzu were some of my favorites in Japan, and we were both enjoying it a lot. So much, actually, that when the waitress was looking away, we decided to scoop up all the left over sauce and dressing and eat it like we were eating soup. 

Next, we got out udon (thick noodles) curry dish, one with egg yolk and one without. The curry tasted fresh, sweet, savoury and well-seasoned all at the same time, and we even got some toppings with it. Again, the presentation of the dish was unbeatable and we both did not want to destroy it, but we also could not wait to try it. So there we went, diving into our curries and what an adventure it was. We slurped up the noodles like the Japanese would do it and did not leave anything behind. We glowed with satisfaction and words remained unspoken while we devoured (with respect of course) our meals. 

Last but not least, we had to have desert. My choice was easy with mochi being the only (and by coincidence my favourite) vegan desert, and Ties had the matcha (green tea) cookies. This last one was not really typically Japanese, but nevertheless amazing. And my mochi? It was the most delicious one I have eaten since leaving Japan. In the end, these three dishes, the main dish and the desert were enough for us and we felt satisfied and full (and we are average-big eaters), but we could have eaten more if we tried. The bill, well I cannot say much about that, but with these veggie small dishes averaging 5/5,50 euro's each, the main dish 13 euro's and the desert 3-4 euro's, it is not for cheap and quick dinners. Also the drinks of 7,50/8,50 each add quite a sum to the final check. Nevertheless, we felt like it was worth it and when we have the opportunity to pay a bit more for dinner, we will definitely come back :D. 



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