When is behaviour abnormal? - Chapter 1 What is abnormal behaviour?What is the concept of developmental standards?What is prevalence?Is there a relationship between developmental level and disorder?How did this develop historically?How does behaviourism link into this topic?What are the current principles of abnormal........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about When is behaviour abnormal? - Chapter 13321 reads
What does developmental psychopathology include? - Chapter 2 What are paradigms?What is developmental psychopathology?How does the continuity of disorders work?Why is attachment important?What are the concepts temperament and self-regulation?What is the importance of emotions?Back to top........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What does developmental psychopathology include? - Chapter 23586 reads
What influence do genes and environment have on behaviour? - Chapter 3 Why are neurons and the brain relevant?What is the importance of the nervous system? What are genes?What is the importance of heredity?What does gene environment collaboration mean?What are the concepts learning and cognition?What does socio-cultural context entail?What are........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What influence do genes and environment have on behaviour? - Chapter 32042 reads
What kind of research is involved in this field of psychology? - Chapter 4 What is science?What are factors of science? What is a case study?What are various types of research?What are the ethical issues?Back to topWhat is science?........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What kind of research is involved in this field of psychology? - Chapter 41951 reads
How can disorders be classified? - Chapter 5 What are the concepts of classification systems?What is the importance of reliability and validity?What is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)?What is the empirical approach?What is the influence of labels?The interview, what do you do?What is........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about How can disorders be classified? - Chapter 52079 reads
What are the anxiety disorders and what are their characteristics? - Chapter 6 What are the concepts anxiety, stress, and phobia?What are 'specific phobias'?What is Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)?What is generalized anxiety disorder?What is a Panic disorder?What is Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?What are the........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What are the anxiety disorders and what are their characteristics? - Chapter 61988 reads
What are the mood disorders and what are their characteristics? - Chapter 7 What are the developments of mood disorders?What is the historical perspective?What is the DSM classification of mood disorders?What are the biological influences?What are the social psychological influences?How do you assess and treat depression?What is bipolar disorder?How do you........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What are the mood disorders and what are their characteristics? - Chapter 71842 reads
When is something a behavioural problem and how do they affect people? - Chapter 8 What does externalizing mean?What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?What is Conduct Disorder?What is the developmental process?What can have an influence?What are the biological influences?What is the treatment of behavioural disorders?Back to top........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about When is something a behavioural problem and how do they affect people? - Chapter 81999 reads
What characterizes ADHD disorder? - Chapter 9 What are the three subtypes of ADHD?What are the primary characteristics of ADHD?What is the effect on social behaviour and relationships?What are comorbid disorders?What is the developmental process?What are neuropsychological theories of ADHD?How do you assess and treat it?........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What characterizes ADHD disorder? - Chapter 91987 reads
What disorders are there with regard to language and learning? - Chapter 10 What is the historical perspective?How do you go about identifying specific disorders?What are the language disorders?What do we mean with learning disabilities?What are the secondary problems?What is the aetiology?How do you treat and / or intervene?........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What disorders are there with regard to language and learning? - Chapter 101900 reads
When does someone have an intellectual disability? - Chapter 11 What are the criteria?How are intelligence and intellectual disability related?What are the classifications?What is the aethiology?What are related genetic syndromes?What are family factors?How do you assess and intervene?Back to top........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about When does someone have an intellectual disability? - Chapter 111880 reads
What are the most important characteristics of autism and schizophrenia? - Chapter 12 What is the history?What are other Autistic spectrum disorders and other pervasive developmental disorders?What is Asperger’s?What is PDD-NOS?How do you assess and intervene?What is Schizophrenia?How do you assess and intervene?Back to top........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What are the most important characteristics of autism and schizophrenia? - Chapter 121813 reads
Which disorders have a strong influence on physical functions? - Chapter 13 What is paediatric psychology?What is Enuresis?What is Encopresis?What are several sleep problems?What is Obstructive sleep apnoea?What are eating disorders?How do you define eating disorders?What is the treatment of AN and BN?Back to........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about Which disorders have a strong influence on physical functions? - Chapter 131936 reads
What is the connection between psychology and (physical) health? - Chapter 14 What is the terminology?What is Asthma?How does adjustment to chronic diseases factor in?Why is cancer important?What are other diseases/disorders?What do you do with the mental state of a dying child?Back to top........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What is the connection between psychology and (physical) health? - Chapter 141828 reads
What issues are currently affecting young people? - Chapter 15 What can be an issue with taking care of children?What is the importance of mental health care?How is the global society interrelated?Back to top........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What issues are currently affecting young people? - Chapter 152026 reads
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