CENIT is a non-profit organization dedicated to improve the life of children in Ecuador.

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Contact & Location
CENIT- El Centro Integral de la Niñez y Adolescencia
Huacho E2-63 y Jose Peralta
Barrio El Recreo
Quito, Ecuador
More about CENIT in past and present

Products & Services CV 

Vision and Goals

  • The Integrated Childhood and Adolescence Center, CENIT, developes strategies and integrates programs designed to serve children in Ecuador and their families.
  • The organizations' aim is to eradicate child labour, promote childrens' lives and improve their living conditions.
  • CENIT provides educational, health, vocational and psychological services to reach those goals.


  • CENIT offers a primary school and high school program, a street outreach program and an adult education program. In addition, a camp is organized every summer.
  • All these programs are designed for a long term effect, are integrated with public and private sectors and employ national as well as foreign volunteers.

Work & Internship CV 


  • According to the information available to JoHo, CENIT does not have vacancies at the moment.


  • According to the information available to JoHo, CENIT does not offer internships at the moment. It is often possible however, to do volunteer work.


  • CENIT regularly has a variety of volunteering possibilities.
  • The positions are for example in tutoring, health services or fundraising.
  • Look at the website or contact the organization for more information.
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