Sexuality and the life cycle: adulthood - a summary of chapter 10 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 10
Sexuality and the life cycle: adulthood

Sex and the single person

Sexual unfolding

The process of sexual development continues into adulthood.
There is a need to solidify one’s sexual identity and orientation.
Another step toward maturity is identifying our sexual likes and dislikes and learning to communicate them to a partner.

Two more issues are important in achieving sexual maturity

  • Becoming responsible about sex
  • Developing a capacity for intimacy

The never married

The never married: adults who have never been married.
The typical person who marries spends several years in the never-married category.

Celibate: unmarried
Chaste: abstaining from sexual intercourse

Serial monogamy: being involved in tow or more sexually intimate relationships prior to marriage.
Common in adolescence.

The attitudes of never-married persons about their status vary widely.
Three types of involuntary celibates

  • Virgins
    Never had intercourse, rarely ever dated, often had not engaged in any partnered sexual intimacy
  • Singles
    Had sexual experience but often reported that it was not satisfying.
    Unable to find and maintain relationships.
  • Partnered
    Persons in sexless relationships.

Singleism: the stigmatizing and stereotyping of people who are not in a socially recognized couple relationship.

Predictors of remaining a virgin at age 28

  • Male virginity
    No sexual attraction in the past
    Late puberal development
    Being rated unattractive
  • Female virginity
    Being overweight
    Achieving low scores on a test of cognitive function
    Attending religious services more frequently

Some young people plan to be celibate but not chaste.

Being single

The person who passes age 25 without getting married gradually enters a new world

  • The social structures that supported dating (such as college) are gone
  • More and more people of the same age are getting married

Singles scene: institutions for singles that provide opportunities for meeting others.

Technology has expanded the ways in which singles can meet.
Cell phones are not only play a role in meeting and screening potential partners, they are a major by which relationships are maintained and terminated.

Most singles do not have intercourse much.

Motives and the importance of scripts in their interactions with women of men

  • Desire for sexual intimacy
    Desire for sex was associated with playing the courtship game via the traditional script of male initiates and female controls
  • Desire for intimate relationships
    Men moved from superficial to in-depth mutual intercourse
    Sexual intimacy was a secondary goal
  • Desire for sexual passion
    Immersion in the partner and the experience of high levels of arousal and lust
    Usually spontaneous and could not be planned

Single adults engage in a variety of relationships.
Sexual activity in nonromantic relationships was associated with lower relationship quality. These differences are due to selection. They invest less in relationships.

LAT: living apart together.
Intimate relationships involving unmarried persons who live in separate residences but consider themselves a couple.


Living together is an important turning point

  • It represents commitment
  • It is a public declaration of a sexual relationship

Cohabiting is an opportunity to try out a committed residential relationship.

Among heterosexuals, cohabitation has become an increasingly common alternative to marriage.
These arrangements tend to be short lived.
Almost three-fourths of the men and women who are cohabiting have plans to marry or think they will marry their partner.
These marriages are more likely to end in divorce than are marriages not preceded by cohabitation.

Married persons have intercourse 8 to 11 times per month.
Cohabiting person report a frequency of 11 to 13 times per month. (on average).

Marital relationships

Marriage is a sexual turning point for a number of reasons

  • The decision to get married is a real decision these days
  • Some psychological pressures seem to intensify with marriage
    These pressures may result in problems where there were non previously
  • Marriage is a tangible statement that one has left the family of origin and shifted to a family of procreation
  • The pressure for sexual performance may become more intense once married
  • Marriage still carries with it an assumption of fidelity or faithfulness, a promise that is hard for some to keep

In marriage, there is a need to work out issues of gender roles.
As a relationship progresses, it can’t stay forever as blushingly beautiful as it seemed the day of the wedding.
The nature of love changes, and for some couples there is a gradual disenchantment with sex.

Marital sexuality

About 94 percent of all people aged 54 or younger are or have been married.
Of those who divorce, most remarry.
In our society, marriage is also the context in which sexual expression has the most legitimacy.

The average American married couple have coitus two or three times per week when they are in their twenties, with the frequency gradually declining as they get older.
Among couples in their fifties the frequency was still once per week.
Social characteristics are generally not related to marital sexual frequency.

Two general explanations for the age-related decline in frequency

  • Biological ageing
  • Habituation to sex with the partner
    We lose interest in sex as the partner becomes more and more familiar

There is a wide variability in these frequencies.
Sexual inactivity was associated with unhappiness with the marriage, and poor health.

Techniques in marital sex

Four clusters of activities

  • (mMostly) vaginal intercourse
  • Basic
    Kissing, cuddling, stroking, intercourse
  • Basic and oral sex
  • Basic plus oral masturbation

Mouth-genital techniques are very common in martial sex.
Oral sex came into vogue in the 1960s.

Negotiating sex

Before any of the techniques are executed, there is typically a ‘mating dance’ between partners.
Sexual scripts are played out in established as well as new relationships.
More often using sexual language is associated with greater satisfaction with sexual communication, relational satisfaction and the reported closeness.

For other couples, deciding to have intercourse involves preliminary negotiations, which are phrased in indirect or euphemistic language, in part so that the person’s feelings can be salvaged if his or her partner is not interested.
To avoid the risk of rejection inherent in such negotiations, some couples ritualize sex so they both understand when it will and when it will not occur.

The majority of couples have the mail initiating sex.
The traditional gender-typing of initiation patterns may be related to how people deal with refusal.

  • If the woman refuses, it is attributed to her lesser sexual appetite
  • If the man refuses, the woman has no stereotype to rescue her, and she is likely to conclude that he is not interested in her.

Masturbation in marriage

Many adults continue to masturbate even though they are married.
This behaviour is normal, although it often evokes feelings of guilt and may be done secretly.

Masturbation can serve very legitimate sexual needs in marriage.

  • It can provide sexual gratification while allowing the partner to remain faithful to a spouse.
  • It can also be a pleasant adjunct to marital sex

Satisfaction with marital sex

Satisfaction with sex has two components

  • Satisfaction with the sexual activity
  • Emotional satisfaction

Married men and women are significantly more satisfied than are cohabiting or single men and women in a continuing relationship.
This greater satisfaction reflects the stronger emotional commitment and sexual exclusivity associated with marriage.

Sexual satisfaction is an important contributor to marital quality.
Sexual satisfaction and marital quality both predict marital stability.

Four factors that differentiate who couples who were happy with their sex life

  • A sense of calm about, and acceptance of their sexuality
  • Happy people are generous: they delight giving their partner sexual pleasure
  • Happy people listen to their partners and were aware of the partner’s quirks, moods, likes and dislikes
  • They talk, both in and out of bed, even though it is difficult

Sexual patterns in marriage

Sexual patterns in marriage are influenced by the level of sexual desire experienced by each person.
Four patterns in rating of desire

  • Stable and low
  • Slight fluctuations and low
  • Moderate fluctuations and average
  • Highly fluctuating and average

On days when positive affect toward the spouse was high, lust was high.
When negative affect was high, lust was low.
There is a significant positive association between own lust and partner’s lust each day.
Sexual activity which occurred on days when there was a discrepancy between the partners’ level of desire was rated of lower quality.

Sexual patterns can change during the course of marriage.

Having a baby has an impact on a marriage and on the sexual relationship of the couple.
Trying to get pregnant and the threat of infertility can be potent forces on one’s identify as a sexual being.
Pregnancy can influence a couple’s sexual interactions

For the first few weeks after the baby is born, intercourse is typically uncomfortable for the women.
While estrogen levels are low the vagina does not lubricate well.
Also, the mother and the father may feel exhausted with 2.00 am feedings.

Not all couples have children.
Risks in delaying pregnancy

  • Fertility declines with age

Adopting an infant probably has effects on one’s relations and sexual desires similar to those of having a baby.

Childlessness varies by race.

Sex and the two-career family

Work commitment may interfere with a couple’s sex life.
But there is little cause for concern.
The quality of work was associated with sexual outcomes.
Women and men who had satisfying jobs reported that sex was better.
Fatigue is associated with decreased sexual satisfaction.

Keeping your mate

What makes men and women susceptible to infidelity

  • Narcissism and impulsiveness
  • Characteristics of the relationship like conflict, engaging in sexual withholding, abused alcohol
  • Dissatisfaction with the marriage

Our awareness of the possibility of infidelity sometimes leads us to engage in behaviours designed to preserve the relationship

  • Men report greater use of resources display and more frequent submission to the partner
  • Women report more frequent use of enhancing their appearance or attractiveness and use of positive verbal statements

Nonmonogamous relationships

Adultery: sex with someone other than the spouse.

Non-monogamous relationships

  • Secret non-monogamy
    Sexual activity involving a person in a committed relationship with a third person without the knowledge of the partner
  • Open non-monogamy
    Sexual activity involving a person in a committed relationship with a third (or multiple) person(s) with the consent of the partner.

Extra-relationship sex

Extra-relationship sex: sexual activity between a person in a long-term committed relationship and someone other than that person’s partner; adultery, cheating.

How many people engage in extra-relationship sex?

Extramarital sexual activity is not common.
It varies by ethnicity.
It is more common among persons with low incomes, and those who rarely or never attend religious services.

Influences on extra-relationship sex

Predictors of involvement in extra-relationship sex

  • Relationship dissatisfaction
  • Negative communication patterns
  • Lower commitment to the relationship
  • One’s perceived power
  • Strength of relationship bond

Attitudes toward extramarital sex

Attitudes toward extramarital sex are not very good predictors of extramarital behaviour.
Factors related to attitudes toward extramarital sex

  • Gender
  • Education
  • Social class

Internet infidelity

Cyberaffair: a romantic or sexual relationship initiated by online contact and maintained primarily via online communication, involving a person who is married/in a committed relationship.

Albright uses equity theory to suggest that married people who go online seeking sex may be dissatisfied.
The internet provides tens of thousands of potential alternative partners.

Equity and extramarital sex

Equity theory:a theory that states that people mentally calculate the benefits and costs for them in a relationship; their behaviour is then affected by whether they feel there is equity or inequity, and they will act to restore equity if there is inequity.

Engaging in extramarital sex might be a way of restoring equity in a inequitable relationship.

Our assessments of the rewards and costs in our intimate relationships are associated with both our satisfaction in whose relationships and the likelihood that we will become involved in extra-relationship sexuality.

Evolution and extramarital sex

Extramarital sex occurs in every society.
Men who seek out ‘other women’ may produce more offspring, who in turn will produce more offspring carrying the genetic make-up that leads to extra-relationship liaisons.

Ways in which adultery might have been biologically adaptive for women in the past

  • Sexual liaisons with other men might have enabled woman to acquire extra goods and services that enhanced her offspring’s chances of survival
  • It could serve as ‘insurance’ for the case in which her husband dies
  • A woman married to a timid, unproductive hunter could ‘upgrade her genetic line’ by mating with another man
  • Having children with multiple partners increases the genetic diversity of one’s offspring, increasing the chances that one of them will survive

Open non-monogamous relationships

There are several types of open or consensually non-monogamous relationships.
In all of these all partners explicitly agree that the partner(s) may have other partners.


Swinging: a form of extra-relationship sex in which couples exchange partners with others.
Or engage in sexual activity with a third person, with the knowledge and consent of all involved.

Swinging may be closed or open

  • Closed swinging
    The couples meet and exchange partners. Each pair goes off separately to a private place to have intercourse, returning to the meeting place at an agreed-upon time
  • Open swinging
    The pairs get back together for sex in the same room for at least part of the time
    In most cases, this includes the women having sex with each other

Why do people become swingers

  • Desire for variety in sexual partners and experiences
  • Pleasure or excitement
  • To meet new people
  • The opportunity to be a voyeur

Swinging appears to involve a small minority of people.


Polyamory: the nonpossesive, honest, responsible, and ethical philosophy and practice of loving multiple people simultaneously.

Several forms

  • Intentional family
    Involving thee or more persons
  • Group relationship
    Committed, loving relationships involving three or more partners
  • Group marriage
    Involving three or more persons

There is (ideally) full disclosure of the network of relationships to all participants.
The emphasis is on long-term intimate relationships.

Consequences of non-monogamous relationships

Not much research.
There are no differences found.

The spouse having the affair was more likely to want the divorce more.

Post-relationship sex

Most divorced women, but fewer widowed women, return to having an active sex life.

  • Widows are on average older
  • Widows are more likely to be financially secure
  • Widows have the continuing social support system of in-laws and friends, so they are less motivated to seek new friendships

Widowed and divorced women who have postmarital sex often begin a relationship within 1 year of the end of the marriage.
These are long-term relationships.

Divorced men and women face complex problems of adjustment

  • Reduced income
  • A lower perceived standard of living
  • Reduced availability of social support

These problems may increase the motivation to establish a new long-term relationship.
Single parents face a trade-off between parenting their children and devoting resources to establishing a new relationship.

There are no significant differences between formerly married and formerly cohabiting men and women.
Newly single persons acquire new partners at a significantly higher rate than single, never-married persons in the year following breakup.
Men with custody and women with low incomes have higher rates of new partner acquisition, perhaps reflecting the impact of instability associated with the dissolution.

Sex later in life

Physical changes in women

The climacteric: a period lasting about 15 to 20 years during which a woman’s body makes the transition from being able to reproduce to not being able to reproduce.
The climateric is marked by a decline in the functioning of the ovaries.

Menopause: the cessation of menstruation.

Biologically, as a woman grows older, the pituitary continues a normal output of FSH and LH, but as the ovaries age, they become less able to respond to the pituitary hormones.
With the ageing of the ovaries, there is an accompanying decline in the output of eggs and the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.

There are a number of physical symptoms that may accompany menopause

  • Vasomotor symptoms
    Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Psychosomatic symptoms
    Feeling tense, irritable, and depressed

Two other possible effects of the decline in estrogen levels

  • Vaginal drynes
  • Osteoporosis
    Porous and brittle bones

The woman’s sociocultural environment influences the experience of symptoms.

Four approaches to the treatment/management of symptoms of menopause

  • Hormone therapy
  • Medications to relieve specific symptoms
  • Complementary or alternative treatments
  • Seeking advice from friends and family

Sexuality and menopause

During the climacteric, physical changes occur in the vagina.
The lack of estrogen causes the vagina to become less acidic, which leaves it more vulnerable to infections.
Estrogen is also responsible for maintaining the mucous membranes of the vaginal walls.
With a decline of estrogen, there is a decline in vaginal lubrication during arousal, and the vaginal walls become less elastic.

Women’s sexuality after menopause

  • The majority of women continue to engage in sexual activity and many enjoy it both during and after menopause
  • There is some decline in sexual functioning, on average, during menopause and particularly after the last period
  • Estrogen is related to the decline in sexual functioning, in part because low estrogen levels cause vaginal dryness
  • Testosterone is important.
    A woman’s sexual desire may decline as her levels of ovarian testosterone decline

Factors related to the frequency of sexual behaviour

  • High scores on an index of sexual desire
  • Positive attitudes toward sex for oneself
  • The presence of a partner with no limitations related to sexuality

Hysterectomy: surgical removal of the uterus.
Sex hormone production is not affected as long as the ovaries are not removed.
It has no effect on sex lifes of most women.
But some women have problems with sexual repsonse

  • The ovaries can be removed, and hormonal changes are responsible
  • An anatomical probem if the cervix is removes

Oophorectomy: surgical removal of the ovaries.

Physical changes in men

Testosterone production declines gradually over the years.

Good circulation is essential to erection.
A major change is that erections occur more slowly, which is perfectly natural.
The refractory period lengthens with age.
Others signs of sexual excitement diminish with age.
The volume of the ejaculate gradually decreases and the force of ejaculation lessens.

Older men have better control over orgasm than younger men.
Satisfaction with sexual functioning was significantly related to whether the man had erectile difficulties.

Prostatectomy: surgical removal of the prostate.
The volume of ejaculate will decrease and it an create erectile problems.
Whether there are problems depends on which of several available methods of surgery is used.

Attitudes about sex and the elderly

The sexual behaviour of the elderly is related to cultural expectations.
Various specific misunderstandings may influence sexuality as well.

Two factors that are critical in maintaining sexual capacity in old age

  • Good physical and mental health
  • Regularity of sexual expression

Sexual behaviour

There are substantial numbers of older men and women who have active sex lives.
There does not seem to be any age beyond which all people are sexually inactive.

Frequency of intercourse declines with age.

Among many older people, it is the health of the male that determines sexual activity, and for many older women the problem is absence of a partner.



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Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater - a summary

Sexuality in perspective - a summary of chapter 1 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Sexuality in perspective - a summary of chapter 1 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 1
Sexuality in perspective

Sex and gender

Gender: being male, female, or some other gender such as trans.
Sexual behaviour: behaviour that produces arousal and increases the chance of orgasm.

The history of understanding sexuality: religion and science


Throughout most of recorded history, religion provided most of the information that people has about sexuality.
These religions have profound impact.


The scientific study of sex began in the 19th century, although religious notions continue to influence our ideas about sexuality.
Freud gave a great contribution to the understanding of sex.

Havelock Ellis (1896)
Believed that women, like men, are sexual creatures
He believed that sexual deviations from the norm are often harmless, and he urged society to accept them.

Richard von Krafft-Ebing (1840-1902)
Was interested in ‘pathological’ sexuality.
His work was neither objective nor tolerant, but had a long-lasting effect.
He coined the concepts of sadism, masochism, and paedophilia, and the terms heterosexuality and homosexuality.

Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935)
Founded the first sex research institute and journal devoted to the study of sex.
Established a marriage counselling service and gave advice on contraception and sex problems.

The study of sex tends to be interdisciplinary.

The media

The mass media in America today may play the same role that religion did in previous centuries.
Media can have three types of influence

  • Cultivation
    The view that exposure to the mass media makes people think that what they see there represents the mainstream of what happens in our culture
  • Agenda setting
    The idea that the media define what is important and what is not by which stories they cover
  • Social learning
    The idea that the media provide role models whom we imitate, perhaps even without realizing it

The internet has a powerful mass media influence.
It has potential for both positive and negative effects on sexual health.

Cross-cultural perspectives on sexuality

Cultural learning accumulates over time.
Culture: traditional ideas and values passed on from generation to generation within a group and transmitted to members of the group by symbols.

Ethnocentrism tends to influence our understanding of human sexual behaviour.
Ethnocentrism: the tendency to regard one’s own ethnic group and culture as superior to others and to believe that it customs and way of life are standards by which other cultures should be judged.
There are wide variations from one culture to more
Theoretical perspectives on sexuality - a summary of chapter 2 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Theoretical perspectives on sexuality - a summary of chapter 2 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 2
Theoretical perspectives on sexuality

Evolutionary perspectives


Sociobiology: the application of evolutionary biology to understanding the social behaviour of animals, including humans.
Sociobiologists try to understand why certain patterns of sexual behaviour have evolved in humans.

The sociobiologists argues that many of the characteristics we evaluate in judging attractiveness are indicative of the health and vigour of the individual.
These in turn are probably related to the person’s reproductive potential.
Thus, perhaps our concern with physical attractiveness is a product of evolution and natural selection.

Attractiveness is an indicator of health and is more important in mate selection in societies where more people are unhealthy.

From this viewpoint, hanging out, playing sports, getting engaged and similar customs are much like the courtship rituals of other species.
This courtship is an opportunity for each member of the prospective couple to assess each other’s fitness.

An offspring’s changes of survival are greatly increased if the parents bond emotionally and if the parents have propensity for attachment.
An emotional bond may also lead to more frequent sexual interaction. The pleasurable consequences of sex in turn will reinforce the bond.

Parental investment: the behaviour and resources invested in offspring to achieve the survival and reproductive success of their genetic offspring.

Many criticisms of sociobiology have been made

  • The biological determinism
  • It rests on an outmoded version of the evolutionary model that modern biologists consider naive
  • Sociobiologist assume that the central function of sex is reproduction, but this is not true today

Evolutionary psychology

Evolutionary psychology: the study of psychological mechanisms that have been shaped by natural selection.
If behaviours evolved in response to selection pressures, it is plausible that cognitive or emotional structures evolved in the same way.
A man who accurately judged whether a woman was healthy and fertile would be more successful in reproducing.

According to sexual strategies, females and males face different adaptive problems in short-term, or casual, mating and in long-term reproduction.
These differences lead to different strategies.

  • In short-term mating, a female may choose a partner who offers her immediate resources, such as food or money
  • In long-term mating, a female may choose a partner who appears to be able and willing to provide resources for the indefinite future
  • A male may choose a sexually available female for a short-term liaison, but avoid such females when looking for a long-term mate

According to the theory, females engage in intrasexual competition to access the males.

Criticisms to evolutionary psychology

  • Men and women are very similar in their stated mating preferences
    • Both prefer long-term strategies and few or no short-term partners
  • It assumes that every characteristic that we observe must have some more
Sex research - a summary of chapter 3 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Sex research - a summary of chapter 3 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 3
Sex research

There are different types of sex research, but basically the techniques vary in terms of the following:

  • How sexuality is measured
    • Self-reports
    • Observations of behaviour
    • Using biological measures
  • Whether large numbers of people are studies in surveys, or whether a smaller number of people are studies
  • Whether the studies are conducted in the laboratory or in the field
  • Whether sexual behaviour is studied as it occurs naturally or whether some attempt is made to manipulate it in an experiment.

Measuring sex

The first thing that researchers have to decide is how the measure the particular aspect of sexuality they want to study.


The most common method for measuring sexuality is self-reports, in which the participants are asked questions about their sexual behaviour.

Self-reports can be collected in a number of ways

  • Paper questionnaires
  • Interviews
  • Online

Behavioural measures

Several alternatives are available for behavioural measures of sexuality.

  • Direct observation
    A behavioural measure in which the scientist directly observes the behaviour being studied
  • Eye-tracking
    A behavioural measure in which a device measures the participant’s point of gaze over time
  • Police reports
    • The problem with this measure is that it detects only those cases that are reported by the police

Implicit measures

Implicit Association Test (IAT)
Measures an individual’s relative strength of association between different pair of concepts with reaction times.
We react quicker to two concepts that we associate strongly.
People cannot fake reaction times.

Biological measures

Genital measures: assess arousal by using devices that measure erection in males and vaginal changes in females.

  • In males, penile plethysmography is used
  • In females, a vaginal photoplethysomgraph is used

MRI and fMRI are being used increasingly in sex research.
Two limitations to use of fMRI in sex research

  • Participants must be lying very still to get good images
  • fMRI depends on contrasting the difference between two stimuli, therefore the results depend very much on the choice of each set of stimuli

Measures of pupil dilation.
Our pupils dilate when we look at something that is interesting or arousing, or that puts a big load on our brain.

Issues in sex research


An important step in conducting sex research is to identify the appropriate population of people studied.
Generally the scientist is unable to get data for all people in the population so a sample is taken.

If a sample is a random sample or representative more
Sexual anatomy - a summary of chapter 4 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Sexual anatomy - a summary of chapter 4 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 4
Sexual anatomy

Female sexual organs

The female sexual organs can be classified into two categories

  • External organs
  • Internal organs

External organs

The external genitals of females consist of

  • The clitoris
  • The mons pubis
  • The inner lips
  • The outer lips
  • The vaginal opening

Vulva: the collective term of the external genitals of the female.
The appearance of the vulva varies greatly from one women to another.

The clitoris

Clitoris: a highly sensitive sexual organ in the female: the glans is in front of the vaginal entrance, and the rest of the clitoris extends deeper into the body.
It consists of

  • Glans
    A knob of tissue situated externally in frond of the vaginal opening and the urethral opening
  • A shaft consisting of two corpora cavernosa
    Extends perhaps an inch into the body
  • Two crura
    Longer spongy bodies that lie deep in the body and run from the tip of the clitoris to either side of the vagina, under the major lips.

Female sexual organs and make sexual organs develop from similar tissue before birth.
The female’s clitoris is homologous to the male’s penis, both develop from the same embryonic tissue.

The clitoris has a structure similar to that of the penis in that both have corpora cavernosa.
The clitoris varies in size from one women to the next.
The clitoris is erectile.
Its internal structure contains corpora cavernosa that fill with blood, as the similar structures in the penis do.
The clitoris has a rich supply of nerve endings, making it very sensitive to stroking.
It is the only part of the sexual anatomy with no known reproductive function.

The Mons

Mons pubis: the fatty pad of tissue under the public hair.

The labia

Outer lips: rounded pads of fatty tissue lying on either side of the vaginal entrance. They are covered with public hair.
Inner lips: thin folds of skin lying on either side of the vaginal entrance.
The inner lips extend forward and come together in front, forming the clitoral hood.

The inner and outer lips are well supplied with nerve endings and thus are also important in sexual stimulation and arousal.

Bartholin glands: two tiny glands located on either side of the vaginal entrance.
Seem to have no significant function, but sometimes they become infected.

Fourchette: the place where the inner lips come together behind the vaginal opening.
Perineum: the skin between the vaginal entrance and the anus.
Introitus: the vaginal entrance.

The urinary opening lies about midway between the clitoris and the vaginal opening.
Urine passes through a separate pathway, the urethra.


Female’s external organs more
Sex hormones, sexual differentiation, and the menstrual cycle - a summary of chapter 5 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Sex hormones, sexual differentiation, and the menstrual cycle - a summary of chapter 5 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 5
Sex hormones, sexual differentiation, and the menstrual cycle

Many of the structural differences between males and females arise before birth, during the prenatal period, in a process called prenatal sexual differentiation.
Prenatal period: the time from conception to birth.
Further differences develop during puberty.

Sex hormones

Hormones: chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands into the bloodstream.
Because they go into the blood, their effects are felt rapidly and at places in the body quite distant from where they were manufactured.
The most important sex hormones are

  • Testosterone
    A hormone secreted by the testes in males (also present at lower levels in females)
    One of a group of hormones called androgens.
  • Estrogens
    The group of sex hormones secreted by the ovaries in females (and present at lower levels in males)
  • Progesterone
    A sex hormone secreted by the ovaries

The pituitary gland and the hypothalamus are also important.

  • The hypothalamus regulates the pituitary glands
    Also plays a part in regulating many vital behaviours.
  • The pituitary gland regulates the other glands
    In particular the testes and ovaries.
    Because of this, the pituitary gland is also called master gland fo the endocrine system.
    • Anterior lobe
      Interacts with the gonads (testes or ovaries)

These three structures function together.
They influence important sexual functions

  • Menstrual cycle
  • Pregnancy
  • The changes of puberty
  • Sexual behaviour

Sex hormone systems in males

The pituitary and testes both produce hormones.
The important hormone produced by the testes is testosterone.
Has important functions in:

  • Stimulating and maintaining the secondary sex characteristics
  • Maintaining the genitals and their sperm-producing capability
  • Stimulating the growth of bone and muscle

The pituitary produces several hormones, two of which are important here. These hormones affect the functioning of the testes

  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
    Stimulates follicle development in females and sperm production in males
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH)
    Regulates estrogen secretion and ovum development in females and testosterone production in males

Testosterone levels in males are relatively constant.
The hypothalamus, pituitary, and testes operate in a negative feedback loop that maintains these constant levels.

The levels of LH are regulated GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone), which is secreted by the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus monitors the levels of testosterone present, and this way testosterone influence the output of GnRH.
This loop is sometimes called the HPG axis, for hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis.

The pituitary’s production of LH stimulates the testes to produce testosterone, but when testosterone levels get high, the hypothalamus reduces its production of GnRH, in turn causing the pituitary to reduce production of LH, and consequently decreasing the production of testosterone.
When more
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Contraception and abortion - a summary of chapter 7 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 7
Contraception and abortion

Both babies and mothers are healthier if pregnancies are spaced three to five years apart.

Hormonal methods

Hormonal methods of contraception are highly effective and come in a number of forms

  • The pill
  • The patch
  • The vaginal ring
  • Injections

The combination pill

Combination birth control pills: birth control pills that contain a combination of estrogen and pregestin (progesterone), both at higher than natural levels.
A women takes the pill for 21 days, and then no pill or a placebo for 7 days, after which she repeats the cycle.
Variations have been introduced.

How it works

The pill works mainly by preventing ovulation.
When a women starts taking the birth control pills, estrogen levels are high. This high level of estrogen inhibits FSH production, and the message to ovulate never sends out.
The high level of progesterone inhibits LH production, further preventing ovulation.

The progestin provides additional backup effects

  • It keeps the cervical mucus very thick
    Making it difficult for the sperm to get through
  • It changes the lining of the uterus in such a way that even if a fertilized egg were to arrive,implantation would be unlikely

When the estrogen and progestin are withdrawn, the lining of the uterus disintegrates, and withdrawal bleeding or menstruation occurs.
The flow is typically reduced because the progestin has inhibited development of endometrium.


Failure rate: the pregnancy rate occurring using a particular method; the percentage of women who will be pregnant after a year of use of the method.
Effectiveness: 100 minus the failure rate.
Two kinds of failure rate

  • Failure rate for perfect users
  • Failure rate for typical users

Combination pills are one of the most effective methods of birth control.
The perfect-user failure rate is 0.3 percent.
The typical user failure rate is 9 percent.
Failures occur primarily as a result of forgetting to take a pill for 2 or more days.

If a women forgets the pill for 3 or more days, she should use a condom or abstain from sex until she has taken hormonal pills for 7 days in a row, at which point she will again be well protected.

Side effects

  • Slight but significant increases in certain diseases of the circulatory system
    Women who use the pill have a higher chance than non-users of developing blood clots
    • Clots may lead to pain, hospitalization, and (in rare cases) death
    • For some women, the pill can cause high blood pressure
  • The pill may aggravate more
Sexual arousal - a summary of chapter 8 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Sexual arousal - a summary of chapter 8 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 8
Sexual arousal

Satisfying sexual expression contributes to good physical and mental health.

The sexual response cycle

Sexual response typically progresses in thee stages, according to the Masters and Johnson’s model

  • Excitement
  • Orgasm
  • Resolution

Physiological processes that occur during these stages are

  • Vasocongestion:
    An accumulation of blood in the blood vessels of a region of the body, especially the genitals; a swelling or erection results.
  • Myotonia
    Muscle contraction
    Not only in the genitals, but also throughout the body.


Excitement: the first stage of sexual response, during which erection in males and vaginal lubrication in females occur.
The basic physiological process that occurs during excitement is vasocongestion.

Erection may be produced by

  • Direct physical stimulation of the genitals
  • Stimulation of other parts of the body
  • Erotic thoughts or sensory images

Erection occurs rapidly, although it may take place more slowly as a result of a number of factors

  • Age
  • Intake of alcohol
  • Fatigue

As the man gets closer to orgasm, a few drops of fluid, secreted by the Cowper’s gland, appear at the tip of the penis.
They may contain active sperm.

In men, the skin of the scrotum thickens, the scortal sac tenses, and the scrotum is pulled up and closer to the body.

For an erection to occur, several arteries must dilate, allowing a strong flow of blood into the corpora. They dilate because the smooth muscle surrounding the arteries relaxes.
At the same time, the veins carrying blood away from the penis are compressed, restricting the outgoing blood flow.
Multiple neurotransmitters are involved in this process

  • Nitric oxide (NO)
  • Dopamine

Vasoconstriction makes an erection go away.

  • Epinephrine
  • Norepinephrine

An important response of females in the excitement phase is lubrication of the vagina.
Results from vasocongestion.
During excitement, the capillaries in the walls of the vagina dilate and blood flow through them increases.
Vagina lubrication results when fluids seep through the semipermeable membranes of the vaginal walls, producing lubrication as a result of vasocongestion in the tissues surrounding the vagina.
Lubrication begins 10 to 30 seconds after the onset of arousing stimuli.
Can be affected by

  • Age
  • Alcohol
  • Fatigue

Orgasmic platform: a tightening of the entrance to the vagina caused by contractions of the bulbospongiosus muscle (which covers the vestibular bulbs) that occur during the excitement stage of sexual response.

During the excitement phaser, the glans of the clitoris (the tip) swells.
This results form engorgement of its corpora cavernosa.
The crura of the clitoris also swell.
The vestibular bulbs, which lie along the wall more
Sexuality and the life cycle: childhood and adolescence - a summary of chapter 9 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Sexuality and the life cycle: childhood and adolescence - a summary of chapter 9 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 9
Sexuality and the life cycle: childhood and adolescence

Lifespan development: development from birth through old age.

Data sources

Scientific data available on the sexual behaviour of children and adolescents

  • Kinsey report

Responses on surveys may be problematic

  • The data on childhood sexual behaviour may be subject to errors that result from adults being asked to recall things that happened a very long time ago
  • An alternative would be to interview children about their sexual behaviour or even to observe their sexual behaviour
    Few researchers have done this
    • Many studies of adolescent sexual behaviour have been done

The studies of child and adolescent sexual behaviour have mostly involved surveys, which have used either questionnaires or interviews.
Virtually no researchers have made systematic, direct observations of children’s sexual behaviour, although some have asked parents to report on their children’s sexual behaviour.

Infancy and the preschool years (birth to 4 years)

Sigmund Freud first expressed the notion that children – in fact, even infants – have sexual urges and engage in sexual behaviour.

The capacity of the human body to show a sexual response is present from birth.
Reflex erections occur in male fetus for several month before birth and vaginal lubrication has been found in baby girls in the 24 hours after birth.

The first intimate relationship that most children experience is with their mother and their fathers.
The mother-infant relationship involves a good deal of physical contact and engages the infant’s tactile, olfactory, visual, and auditory senses.


Attachment: a psychological bond that forms between an infant and the mother, the father, or other caregiver.
The quality of attachment can be very important to the child’s capacity for later sexual and emotional relationships.

The bond begins in the hours immediately following birth and continues throughout the period of infancy.
It is facilitated by cuddling and other forms of physical contact.

Adults’ styles of romantic attachment are similar to the kinds of attachment they remember having with their parents in childhood.


Infants have been observed fondling their own genitals.

  • Between 6 and 12 months, infants discover their genitals by unintentionally touching them more
Sexuality and the life cycle: adulthood - a summary of chapter 10 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Sexuality and the life cycle: adulthood - a summary of chapter 10 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 10
Sexuality and the life cycle: adulthood

Sex and the single person

Sexual unfolding

The process of sexual development continues into adulthood.
There is a need to solidify one’s sexual identity and orientation.
Another step toward maturity is identifying our sexual likes and dislikes and learning to communicate them to a partner.

Two more issues are important in achieving sexual maturity

  • Becoming responsible about sex
  • Developing a capacity for intimacy

The never married

The never married: adults who have never been married.
The typical person who marries spends several years in the never-married category.

Celibate: unmarried
Chaste: abstaining from sexual intercourse

Serial monogamy: being involved in tow or more sexually intimate relationships prior to marriage.
Common in adolescence.

The attitudes of never-married persons about their status vary widely.
Three types of involuntary celibates

  • Virgins
    Never had intercourse, rarely ever dated, often had not engaged in any partnered sexual intimacy
  • Singles
    Had sexual experience but often reported that it was not satisfying.
    Unable to find and maintain relationships.
  • Partnered
    Persons in sexless relationships.

Singleism: the stigmatizing and stereotyping of people who are not in a socially recognized couple relationship.

Predictors of remaining a virgin at age 28

  • Male virginity
    No sexual attraction in the past
    Late puberal development
    Being rated unattractive
  • Female virginity
    Being overweight
    Achieving low scores on a test of cognitive function
    Attending religious services more frequently

Some young people plan to be celibate but not chaste.

Being single

The person who passes age 25 without getting married gradually enters a new world

  • The social structures that supported dating (such as college) are gone
  • More and more people of the same age are getting married

Singles scene: institutions for singles that provide opportunities for meeting others.

Technology has expanded the ways in which singles can meet.
Cell phones are not only play a role in meeting and screening potential partners, they are a major by which relationships are maintained and terminated.

Most singles do not have intercourse much.

Motives and the importance of scripts in their interactions with women of men

  • Desire for sexual intimacy
    Desire for sex was associated with playing the courtship game via the traditional script of male initiates and female controls
  • Desire for intimate relationships
    Men moved from superficial to in-depth mutual intercourse
    Sexual intimacy was a secondary goal
  • Desire for sexual passion
    Immersion in the partner and the experience of high levels of arousal and lust
    Usually spontaneous and could not be planned

Single adults engage more
Attraction, love, and communication - a summary of chapter 11 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Attraction, love, and communication - a summary of chapter 11 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 11
Attraction, love, and communication


The girl next door

Our opportunities to meet people are limited by geography and time.

We tend to be more attracted to people with whom we have had contact several times than we are to people with whom we have had little contact.
Mere-exposure effect: the tendency to like a person more if we have been exposed to him or her repeatedly.

Birds of a feather

We like people who are similar to us.
We are attracted to people who are approximately the same was we are in age, race or ethnicity, and economic and social status.
Homophily: the tendency to have contact with people who are equal in social status.

We are attracted to people whose attitudes and opinions are similar to ours.

Reasons to be attracted to a person similar

  • We get positive reinforcement from that person agreeing with us.
  • Similarity in attitudes is important, in personality is not
  • Similarity on attachment styles is associated with indicators of marital satisfaction
    Similarity in attitudes is not

Physical attractiveness

Individuals prefer partners who are more physically attractive.
This effect depends on gender to some extent.
Physical attractiveness is more important to males evaluating females than it is to females evaluating males.
Our perception of attractiveness or beauty of another person is influenced by our evaluation of their intelligence, liking, respect, and our own objective attractiveness.
This phenomenon is somewhat modified by our own feelings of personal worth.

The interpersonal marketplace

Whom we are attracted to and pair off with depends a lot on how much we think we have to offer and how much we think we can ‘buy’ with it.
Matching phenomenon: the tendency for men and women to choose as partners people who match them. Who are similar in attitudes, intelligence, and attractiveness.

Generally, the principle seems to be that:

  • Women’s worth is based on their physical beauty
  • Men’s worth is based on their success

For both men and women, the person’s physical attractiveness is highly correlated with his/her education, income, and a measure of social status.
Attractiveness in high school is associated with greater social integration and favourable treatment by teachers and classmates.
This predicts education, work, and mental health outcomes as the person becomes an adult.

From the laboratory to real life

Perceived similarity: extent to which the individual believes his or her partner is similar on important characteristics.
Both perceived and actual similarity are associated with interpersonal attraction.
Perceived similarity is more important.

The nature and importance of matching varies as relationships develop.
Each individual’s rating on self-worth predicted the level of physical attractiveness of more
Gender and sexuality - a summary of chapter 12 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Gender and sexuality - a summary of chapter 12 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 12
Gender and sexuality

Gender is one of the most basic status characteristics.
Gender binary: the classification of people into on of two categories, male or female.

Gender roles and stereotypes

One of the basic ways in which societies codify this emphasis on gender is through gender roles.
Gender role: a set of norms , or culturally defined expectations, that define how people of one gender ought to behave.
Stereotype: a generalization about a group of people that distinguishes them from others.

Gender roles and ethnicity

Gender roles are a product of culture.

Intersectionality: an approach that simultaneously considers the meaning and consequences of multiple categories of identify, difference, and dis-advantage.
According to this approach, we should not consider the effects of gender in isolation.
We should consider the effects of gender, race, social class, and sexual orientation simultaneously.

African Americans

Two factors are especially important in the cultural heritage of African Americans

  • The heritage of African culture
  • The experience in America of slavery and subsequent racial oppression.

African American culture emphasized the collective over the individual.

Stereotypes about black women are complex and contradictory.
Black men’s sexuality also has been stereotyped.
The stereotypes tend to be negative.
These stereotypes and discrimination that results can be a source of severe stress.


Acculturalisation: the process of incorporating the beliefs and customs of a new culture.
Mexican American culture is based on the Mexican heritage, modified through acculturalsation to incorporate Anglo components.

The family is the central focus of Hispanic life.
In traditional Latin American cultures, gender roles are sharply defined.

Asian Americans

The cultural values of Asian Americans are in some ways consistent with white middle-class American values.

  • Share an emphasis on achievement and the importance of education
  • Asian Americans place far more value on family and group interdependence
  • Asian Americans tend to hold more conservative sexual attitudes and to experience more anxiety about sex

The sexuality of Asian Americans is stereotyped.
The Asian American women has been stereotyped as a sex toy.

American Indians

Some Indian tribes had relatively egalitarian gender roles.
The process of acculturation hand adaptation to Anglo society seems to have resulted in increased male dominance.


Socialization: the ways in which society conveys to the individual its norms or expectations for his or her behaviour.
Occurs especially in childhood, as children are taught to behave as they will be expected to in adulthood.

  • Children may be rewarded for behaviour that is appropriate for their gender
    Or punished for behaviour that is not.
  • The adult models more
Sexual orientation: Gay, Straight, or Bi? - a summary of chapter 13 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Sexual orientation: Gay, Straight, or Bi? - a summary of chapter 13 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 13
Sexual orientation: Gay, Straight, or Bi?

Sexual orientation: a person’s erotic and emotional orientation toward members of his or own gender or members of the other gender.
Homosexual: a person whose sexual orientation is toward members of the same gender
Heterosexual: a person whose sexual orientation is toward members of the other gender.
Bisexual: a person whose sexual orientation is toward both men and women.
Queer:a self-label used by some LGBs, as well as by some heterosexuals who prefer unusual sexual practices.

Attitudes toward Gays and Lesbians

Your sexual orientation has implications for the attitudes people have toward you.
Heteronormativity: the belief that heterosexuality is the norm.


Many Americans disapprove of homosexuality.
The gay liberation movement has a slow effect on changing the negative attitudes.

Homophobia: a strong, irrational fear of homosexuals; negative attitudes and reactions to homosexuals.
Antigay prejudice: negative attitudes and behaviours toward gays and lesbians.
Heterosexism: the belief that everyone is heterosexual and that heterosexuality is the norm.

Some prejudice is subtle.
The most extreme expressions of anti gay prejudice occur in hate crimes against LGBs.
Hate crimes against and harassment of sexual minority individuals are common whether physical, emotional, or sexual.
These incidents exact a psychological toll.

In previous decades there were almost no portrayals of gays, so they were invisible in the mass media.
There are now more representations of sexual minorities.
This has mixed results.

Gays and lesbians as a minority group

Like members of other minority groups, LGB people suffer from job discrimination.

Discrimination goes hand in hand with stereotypes.

LGBs, unlike other minorities, can hide their status.

  • his makes it fairly easy to get along in the heterosexual world
  • It encourages people to live and lie and to deny her or his true identity
    This may be psychologically stressful

Life experiences of LGBs

There is a wide variety of experiences.
One of the most important aspects of this variability is whether the person is covert (in the closet) or overt (out of the closet) about his or her homosexuality.
The lifestyle of gay men differs somewhat from that of lesbians, as a result of the different roles assigned to males and females in our society.
There is more discrimination against gay men than there is against lesbians.

LGB development

Some evidence indicates that more
Variations in sexual behaviour - a summary of chapter 14 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Variations in sexual behaviour - a summary of chapter 14 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


Chapter 14
Variations in sexual behaviour

When is sexual behaviour abnormal?

Defining abnormal

Sexual behaviour varies greatly from one culture to the next.
There is a corresponding variation in what is considered to be abnormal.

Statistical definition
An abnormal sexual behaviour is one that is rare.
This definition does not give us insight into the psychological or social functioning of the person.

Sociological approach
A behaviour that violence the norms of society.

Psychological approach
The three criteria of abnormality are discomfort, inefficiency and bizarreness.

Medical approach
Exemplified by the definitions included in the DSM-V.
Paraphilia: intense and persistent unconventional sexual interest.

The normal-abnormal continuum

There is a continuum from normal to abnormal sexual behaviour.
This continuum holds for many of the sexual variations.


Fetishism: a person’s sexual fixation on some object other than another human being and attachment of great erotic significance to that object.
A fetishistic disorder: sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviours involving the use of non-living objects to produce or enhance sexual arousal with or in the absence of a partner, over a period of at least 6 months and causing significant distress.

Inanimate-object fetishes can be roughly divided into two categories

  • Media fetishes
  • Form fetishes

Why do people develop fetishes?

Psychologists are not sure what causes fetishes to develop.
Three theoretical explanations

  • Learning theory
    Fetishes result from classical conditioning
    A learned association is built between the fetish object and sexual arousal and orgasm.
  • Cognitive theory
    Fetishes (or other paraphilics) have a serious cognitive distortion in that they perceive a nonconventional stimulus as erotic.
    Further, the perception of arousal is distorted.
    • They feel driven to the sexual behaviour when aroused, but the arousal may actually be caused by feelings of guilt and self-loathing
      There is a chain in which there are initial feelings of guilt as thoughts of the unconventional behaviour, which produces arousal, which is misinterpreted as sexual arousal, which leads to a feeling that the fetish ritual must be carried out; it is, and there are temporary feelings of relief, but the evaluation is negative, leading to further feelings of guilt and self-loathing
  • Sexual addiction model

Fetishism typically develops early in life.


Cross-dressing: dressing as a member of the other gender.
Done by a variety of people for a variety of reasons. more
    Sexual coercion - a summary of chapter 15 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

    Sexual coercion - a summary of chapter 15 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


    Chapter 15
    Sexual coercion


    Rape: non-consenting oral, anal, or vaginal penetration obtained by force, by threat of force, or when the victim is incapable of giving consent.

    Most statistics find that a woman’s lifetime risk of being raped is between 18 and 25 percent.

    The impact of rape

    Women who experience rape are more likely to show several types of psychological distress

    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Suicide ideation and attempts
    • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
      Long-term psychological distress suffered by someone who has experienced a trauma.

    People who have experienced a terrifying event form a memory schema that involves information about the situation and their responses to it.
    Because the schema is large, many cues can trigger it and thereby evoke the feelings of terror that occurred at the time.
    The schema is probably activated at some level all the time.
    The consequences can be far reaching and long lasting.

    Most women who experience a sexual assault have negative psychological reactions immediately afterwards.
    Many show significant recovery within a year.
    A number of factors are associated with worse psychological outcomes

    • Whether the woman has experienced sexual violence previously
    • The severity of the violence
    • Reactions of others when the woman discloses the assault

    Psychotherapeutic treatments for PTSD are available and they are successful in treating rape survivors.

    Some women experience self-blame.
    Self-blame is linked to worse long-term psychological outcomes.

    Damage to women’s physical health that may result from rape

    • Physical injuries
    • Vaginal pain
    • Women who have been forced to have oral sex may suffer irritation or damage to the throat
    • Women who were forced to have anal intercourse may have rectal bleeding and pain
    • Sexually transmitted infections
    • Pregnancy

    Rape affects many people besides the victim.
    Most women routinely do a number of things that stem from rape fears.
    Most women experience the fear of rape, if not rape itself, and this fear restricts their activities.

    Spouses or partners of victims may be profoundly affected.
    At the same time, they can provide important support.

    Not everyone who experiences a serious traumatic event develops PTSD.
    Posttraumatic growth: positive life changes and psychological development following exposure to trauma.

    Date rape

    Date rape is one of the most common forms of rape, especially on college campuses.
    In some cases, date rape seems to result from male-female miscommunication.

    • Men in general tend to misperceive women’s warmth and friendliness as indicating sexual interest
    • Sexually aggressive men are likely to have a ‘suspicious schema’, meaning that they generally believe that women do not communicate honestly, particularly when the woman communicates clearly and assertively that she is rejecting an advance.

    Marital rape

    Marital rape: the rape of a person by her or his more
    Sex for sale - a summary of chapter 16 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

    Sex for sale - a summary of chapter 16 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


    Chapter 16
    Sex for sale


    Prostitutes/commercial sex workers: people who engage in sexual acts in return for payment and do so in a promiscuous, fairly non-discriminating fashion.

    Venues for sex work

    There are a number of settings or venues in which commercial sexual activity occurs.
    The nature of the venue or social/sexual context influences the type of sex worker and client found, the activity that occurs, and its associated risks.

    Call girl: the most expensive and exclusive category of prostitutes.
    Works out of her own residence, making appointments with clients by a landline, cell phone or online.
    Has heavy business expenses.
    May have a number of regular customers and may accept new clients only on referral.
    She can exercise close control over whom she sees and her schedule.
    She usually sees clients in her residence.
    She often provides an illusion of intimacy and may provide other services (like accompanying to business and social gatherings).

    Brothel: a house of prostitution where prostitutes and customers meet for sexual activity.

    In-call services:a residence in which prostitutes work regular shifts, selling sexual services on an hourly basis.
    The sexual worker has generally less autonomy than a call girl.
    There is usually a manager or madam who determines the conditions of work and the fees to be charged and who collects a substantial percentage of each fee.
    Less choice of clients.

    Massage parlor: a place where massages, as well as sexual services, can generally be purchased.
    Some provide legitimate massage therapy.
    Vary greatly in décor and price.

    Out-call service: a service that sends a prostitute or sex worker to a location specified by the client to provide sexual services.

    Streetwalker: a lower-status prostitute or sex worker who walks the streets selling sexual services.
    Generally less attractive and less fashionably dressed than the call girl, and also charges less.
    More likely to impose strict time constraints on the customer.
    Little control over the condition in which they work, so greater risk.

    Strip club: a bar or business that provides (almost) nude dancers and sexualized interactions, not necessarily physical sexual contact.
    Exist along a continuum.

    The internet and cell phones have had a major impact on the delivery of commercial sexual services.

    The same person may work in several different venues over time.

    The role of third parties

    Pimp: a prostitute’s companion, protector and master.
    If she has a pimp, she supports him with her earnings, and in return he may provide her with companionship and sex, bail her out of jail, an provide her with feed, shelter, clothing, and drugs.
    May provide protection.
    But may also abuse her.

    Madam: a woman who manages a brothel, in-call, out-call, or escort service.

    In other venues there more
    Sexual disorders and sex therapy - a summary of chapter 17 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

    Sexual disorders and sex therapy - a summary of chapter 17 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


    Chapter 17
    Sexual disorders and sex therapy

    Sexual disorders cause a great deal of psychological distress to the individuals troubled by them and to their partners.
    Sexual disorder: a problem with sexual response that causes a person mental distress.
    This is a continuum.

    • Lifelong sexual disorder: a sexual disorder that has been present ever since the person began sexual functioning.
    • Acquired sexual disorder: a sexual disorder that develops after a period of normal functioning

    Kinds of sexual disorders

    Desire disorders

    Sexual desire: an interest in sexual activity, leading the individual to seek out sexual activity or to be pleasurably receptive to it.

    Hypoactive sexual desire (HSD): a sexual disorder in which there is a lack of interest in sexual activity.
    Found in both men and women.
    Too little sexual desire is the most common sexual issue reported by women.
    But, there are also many circumstances when it is normal for a person’s desire to be inhibited.
    The problem is not the individual’s absolute level of sexual desire but a discrepancy between the partners’ levels.
    Discrepancy of sexual desire: a sexual disorder in which the partners have considerably different levels of sexual desire.

    Female sexual interest/arousal disorder: a diagnosis in the DSM-V that encompasses lack of interest in sexual activity and absent or reduced arousal during sexual interactions.
    The diagnosis is limited to women.

    Arousal disorders

    Female sexual arousal disorder

    Female sexual arousal disorder: a sexual disorder in which there is a lack of response to sexual stimulation, including lack of lubrication.
    Involves both a subjective, psychological component and a physiological element.
    Problems with lubrication become more frequent after menopause.

    Erectile disorder

    Erectile disorder: the inability to have or maintain an erection.
    One result is that the man cannot engage in sexual intercourse.

    • Lifelong erectile disorder
      Cases of erectile disorder in which the man has never had an erection sufficient to have intercourse
    • Acquired erectile disorder
      Cases of erectile disorder in which the man at one time was able to have satisfactory erections but can no longer do so.

    Psychological reactions to erectile disorder may be severe.

    Orgasmic disorders

    Premature ejaculation

    Premature ejaculation (PE): a sexual disorder in which the man ejaculates too soon and thinks he cannot control when he ejaculates.

    In practice it is difficult to specify when a man is a premature ejactulator.

    • Ejaculation that always or almost always occurs prior to or within one minute of vaginal penetration
    • The inability to delay ejaculation
    • Distress about the problem

    A common problem in the general male population.
    The great majority probably more
    Sexually transmitted infections - a summary of chapter 18 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

    Sexually transmitted infections - a summary of chapter 18 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


    Chapter 18
    Sexually transmitted infections

    Bacterial infections can be cured by antibiotics.
    Viral infections cannot be cured, but they can be treated to reduce symptoms.


    Chlamydia trachomatis: a bacterium that is spread by sexual contact and infects the genital organ of both males and females.


    • Men
      Thin, clear discharge
      Mild pain on urination
    • Females
      Frequently asymptomatic


    Chlamydia is quite curable.
    Treated with axithromycin or doxycycline.

    Poorly treated or undiagnosed cases may lead to a number of complications

    • Urethral damage
    • Epididymitis
    • Reither’s syndrome
    • Procititis in men who have had anal intercourse
    • Women
      Pelvic inflammatory disease: an infection and inflammation of the pelvic organs.


    Until a vaccine is available, the most effective tools for prevention is screening.
    On individual level, the best way of prevention is the consistent use of a condom.


    HPV: human papillomavirus, the virus that causes cervical cancer.

    Genital warts: a sexually transmitted infection causing warts on the genitals.
    Typically appear 3 to 8 months after intercourse with an infected person.
    The majority of people infected with HPV are asymptomatic.

    Oral sex can transmit HPV.


    A DNA test can be run on a sample of cells from the cervix to detect the types that are linked to genital cancers.
    For warts, diagnosis can be made by inspecting the warts.
    But warts are not always produced or visible.


    Several treatments for genital warts are available.
    Chemicals can be applied directly to the warts. Typically this have to be repeated several times, and the warts then fall off.
    With cryotherapy the warts are frozen off.
    Drugs can be applied.

    Many cases of HPV infection go away on their own, but others persist for long periods.


    A vaccination against cervical cancer.

    Genital herpes

    Genital herpes: a sexually transmitted infection, the symptoms of which are small, painful bumps or blisters on the genitals.

    The great majority is asymptomatic and do not know they are infected.
    These persons transmit the disease unknowingly.


    Small, painful bumps or blisters on the genitals.
    Typically appear within 2 or 3 weeks of infection.
    Fever, painful urination, and headaches may occur.
    The blisters heal on their own in about 3 weeks in the fist episode of infection.
    But the virus continues to live in the body and remains dormant for the rest of the person’s life.
    The more
    Ethics, religion, and sexuality - a summary of chapter 19 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

    Ethics, religion, and sexuality - a summary of chapter 19 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater


    Chapter 19
    Ethics, religion, and sexuality

    Basic concepts

    Ethics: a system of moral principles; a ways of determining right and wrong.

    Religion is a source of values, attitudes, and ethics.
    For believers, religion sets forth an ethical code and provides sanctions that motivate them to obey the rules.
    When a particular religion is practices by many people in a society, it helps create a culture, which then influences even those who do not accept the religion.

    Hedonism: a moral system based on maximizing pleasure and avoiding pain.
    Asceticism: an approach to life emphasizing discipline and impulse control.

    Legalism: ethics based on the assumption that there are rules for human conduct and that morality consists of knowing the rules and obeying them.
    Situationism: ethics based on the assumption that there are no absolute rules, or at least very few, and that each situation must be judged individually.

    Sexuality in great ethical traditions

    Classical Greek philosophy

    While nothing in Greek culture rejected sex as evil, the great philosophers did develop a kind of asceticism.
    They thought that virtue resulted from wisdom.
    To achieve wisdom and cultivate virtue, violent passions must be avoided, and these might well include sex.

    Plate believed that love led toward immortality and was therefore a good thing.
    But this kind of love was mainly intellectual and more like friendship than sexuality.

    Pederasty: sex between an older man and a younger man, or a boy.
    Approved especially among the warrior class.
    The older man was to serve as the younger one’s teacher and model of courage and virtue.

    Ataraxia: a tranquil state between pleasure and pain in which the mind is unaffected by emotion.
    Sex was not necessarily seen as evil, but as less important than wisdom and virtue.


    The basis for Judaism are the old testament of the bible.

    The view of sexuality in the Hebrew scriptures is fundamentally positive.
    Human sexual differentiation is an integral part of creation, which God calls ‘good’.
    Judaism sees sexuality as a gift to be used responsibly and in obedience to God’s will, never as something evil in itself.

    The command to marry and to procreate within marriage is clear.

    Three themes of sexuality

    • Sex is a deep and intimate part of a relationship between two people
    • In the Hebrew scriptures, sexuality could never be separated from its social consequences.
    • Hebrew scriptures see sexual behaviour as an aspect of national and religious loyalty

    Fertility cult:a form of nature religion in which the fertility of the soil more
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