ExamTickets with Introduction to Psychology at the Leiden University


The exam consists mostly of factual questions. Make sure you study all of the facts, definitions and concepts well.

Important concepts and experiments in this course are:

  • ego / superego / id
  • bobo doll,
  • behaviorism,
  • psychoanalysis,
  • retrograde amnesia,
  • Standford prison experiment, Milgramm experiment etc. 

Important pioneers of psychology are:

  • Descartes, Locke, Leibniz, Kant, Darwin, Wundt, Erikson, Galton, James, Pavlov, Skinner, Watson, Freud
  • Pay close attention to Erikson, Freud, Watson and Pavlov, who have regularly returned to the exam in the past

Important opposite theoretical positions in psychology are:

  • cognition / emotion as the basis of human behavior,
  • mind / body problem
  • nature / nurture debate,
  • monism / dualism,
  • realism / idealism,
  • empiricism / skepticism / rationalism,
  • Enlightenment / romance

The exam consists of multiple choice questions. So you don't have to explain anything, but you need to know what the consequences are if someone no longer has a corpus callosum, for example.

Practice Questions

Question 1: According to materialism you…

A) ...can study cognition because it is caused by neurons.
B) ...can not study cognition, because the mind does not exist, everything is matter and energy.
C) ...see cognition as something that does not exist.

Question 2: One possible interpretation of Pavlov's experiments with dogs is that the dogs learned that they could expect food after the conditioned stimulus, and that this expectation subsequently led to salivation. This interpretation fits best with which approach to learning?

A) Watson's traditional S-R (stimulus-response) approach.
B) The ecological approach.
C) The cognitive-psychological approach.
D) The operant conditioning approach.

Question 3: Which of the following statements is least consistent with the information processing perspective of development?

A) The schemes that children use undergo qualitative changes as they develop.
B) Children learn specific rules that are increasingly advanced when solving certain types of problems.
C) Children can learn more and more complicated behavior because the capacity of their working memory increases.


Question 1

  • The correct answer is: A
  • Want to read more? Check Chapter 1 What is the background of the study of psychology? in Psychology by Gray

Question 2

  • The correct answer is: C
  • Want to read more? Check Chapter 8 What basic processes underly learning? in Psychology by Gray

Question 3

  • The correct answer is: A
  • Want to read more? Check Chapter 11 How did thought and language develop? in Psychology by Gray


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Study Guide with practice exams for Introduction to Psychology at Leiden University

Practice exams with Introduction to Psychology at Leiden University

Table of content

  • Example exam with Introduction to Psychology
  • ExamTickets with Introduction to Psychology
  • ExamTests with the book: Psychology of Gray - 8th edition
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Tentamentickets - Leiden Psychologie jaar 1 - 2022/23

TentamenTickets bij Inleiding in de Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden

TentamenTickets bij Inleiding in de Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden

Tips bij de studiestof van Inleiding in de psychologie

Belangrijke begrippen en experimenten bij dit vak zijn:

  • Ego / superego / id
  • Bobo doll
  • Behaviorisme
  • Psychoanalyse
  • Retrograde amnesia
  • Standford prison experiment, Milgramm experiment etc.

Belangrijke pioniers van de psychologie zijn:

  • Descartes, Locke, Leibniz, Kant, Darwin, Wundt, Erikson, Galton, James, Pavlov, Skinner, Watson, Freud
  • Let extra op bij Erikson, Freud, Watson en Pavlov, die zijn in het verleden regelmatig teruggekomen in het tentamen

Belangrijke tegenovergestelde theoretische posities in de psychologie zijn:

  • Cognitie versus emotie als basis van menselijk gedrag
  • Mind versus body probleem
  • Nature versus nurture debat
  • Monisme versus dualisme
  • Realisme versus idealisme
  • Empirisme versus sceptisisme versus rationalisme
  • Verlichting versus romantiek

Tips bij de tentamens van Inleiding in de psychologie

  • Het tentamen bestaat uit meerkeuzevragen, zoals de oefenvragen hieronder. Je hoeft dus niets uit te leggen, maar je moet wel weten wat de gevolgen zijn als iemand bijvoorbeeld geen corpus callosum meer heeft.


Vraag 1

Volgens het materialisme kun je bewustzijn…

A) … bestuderen, omdat dat wordt veroorzaakt door neuronen.

B) … niet bestuderen, want de geest bestaat niet, alles is materie en energie.

C) … zien als iets wat niet bestaat.

Vraag 2

Eén mogelijke interpretatie van Pavlov’s experimenten met honden is, dat de honden leerden dat ze na de geconditioneerde stimulus (“conditioned stimulus”) voedsel konden verwachten, en dat deze verwachting (“expectation”) vervolgens tot het speekselen leidde. Deze interpretatie past het best in welke benadering van leren?

A) Watson’s traditionele S-R (stimulus-respons) benadering.

B) De ecologische benadering.

C) De cognitief-psychologische benadering.

D) De operante-conditionerings benadering.

Vraag 3

Welke van onderstaande beweringen is het minst in overeenstemming met de informatieverwerkingsbenadering (information processing perspective) van ontwikkeling?

A) De schema’s die kinderen hanteren ondergaan kwalitatieve veranderingen wanneer zij zich ontwikkelen.

B) Kinderen leren bij het oplossen van bepaalde typen problemen specifieke regels die steeds geavanceerder zijn.

C) Kinderen kunnen steeds ingewikkelder gedrag leren, omdat de capaciteit van hun werkgeheugen toeneemt.


Vraag 1

Vraag 2

Vraag 3

ExamTickets with Introduction to Psychology at the Leiden University

ExamTickets with Introduction to Psychology at the Leiden University


The exam consists mostly of factual questions. Make sure you study all of the facts, definitions and concepts well.

Important concepts and experiments in this course are:

  • ego / superego / id
  • bobo doll,
  • behaviorism,
  • psychoanalysis,
  • retrograde amnesia,
  • Standford prison experiment, Milgramm experiment etc. 

Important pioneers of psychology are:

  • Descartes, Locke, Leibniz, Kant, Darwin, Wundt, Erikson, Galton, James, Pavlov, Skinner, Watson, Freud
  • Pay close attention to Erikson, Freud, Watson and Pavlov, who have regularly returned to the exam in the past

Important opposite theoretical positions in psychology are:

  • cognition / emotion as the basis of human behavior,
  • mind / body problem
  • nature / nurture debate,
  • monism / dualism,
  • realism / idealism,
  • empiricism / skepticism / rationalism,
  • Enlightenment / romance

The exam consists of multiple choice questions. So you don't have to explain anything, but you need to know what the consequences are if someone no longer has a corpus callosum, for example.

Practice Questions

Question 1: According to materialism you…

A) ...can study cognition because it is caused by neurons.
B) ...can not study cognition, because the mind does not exist, everything is matter and energy.
C) ...see cognition as something that does not exist.

Question 2: One possible interpretation of Pavlov's experiments with dogs is that the dogs learned that they could expect food after the conditioned stimulus, and that this expectation subsequently led to salivation. This interpretation fits best with which approach to learning?

A) Watson's traditional S-R (stimulus-response) approach.
B) The ecological approach.
C) The cognitive-psychological approach.
D) The operant conditioning approach.

Question 3: Which of the following statements is least consistent with the information processing perspective of development?

A) The schemes that children use undergo qualitative changes as they develop.
B) Children learn specific rules that are increasingly advanced when solving certain types of problems.
C) Children can learn more and more complicated behavior because the capacity of their working memory increases.


Question 1

  • The correct answer is: A
  • Want to read more? Check Chapter 1 What is the background of the study of psychology? in Psychology by Gray

Question 2

  • The correct answer is: C
  • Want to read more? Check Chapter 8 What basic processes underly learning? in Psychology by Gray

Question 3

  • The correct answer is: A
  • Want to read more? Check Chapter 11 How did thought and language develop? in Psychology by Gray
TentamenTickets bij Psychologie en Wetenschap aan de Universiteit Leiden

TentamenTickets bij Psychologie en Wetenschap aan de Universiteit Leiden


Bij het vak Psychologie en Wetenschap leer je verschillende manieren van redeneren aan, de daarbij komende drogredenen en de verscheidene manieren om mensen te overtuigen. Daarnaast krijg je inzicht in fraudegevallen en ethische vraagstukken. Hierdoor leer je creatief te denken en te overtuigen. Een aantal tips om je tentamen te halen zijn:

  • Zowel het tentamen als de werkgroepopdrachten gaan altijd over de stof uit de voorgeschreven boeken. Goed lezen en feitenkennis is dus erg belangrijk om dit vak te halen! Leer de theorie dus goed uit je hoofd.
  • Het vak is makkelijker te leren wanneer je je filosofielessen van de middelbare school nog even herhaalt.
  • De colleges zijn belangrijk ter ondersteuning van het boek, daarnaast behoren de colleges ook tot tentamenstof, bestudeer deze dus goed!

Belangrijke onderwerpen die terug zullen komen op het tentamen zijn:

  • Ontwikkelingen in de klassieke wetenschapsleer
  • Hoe kennis tot stand komt
  • De ontwikkeling van kennis
  • Belangrijke redeneervormen
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