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Article summary with Reflections on positive emotions and upward spirals by Fredrickson & Joiner - 2017

In the current study the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions is reviewed. This theory is based on the genesis of positive psychology. Empirical and theoretical advancements are made in the understanding of upward spirals that are associated with positive emotions. Furthermore, the upward spiral theory of lifestyle change is explained. Deeper end more rigorous tests should be done to see reciprocal and prospective relations with positive emotions. This research can help translating theory into applications to improve health and well-being.

What was the objective of the study?

The broaden-and-build theory of emotions describes that momentary experiences of everyday positive emotions extend people’s awareness so that they contribute to overall well-being. Positive emotions broaden the mind and feed the growing of resources. The long-term effects of mild -and everyday positive emotions was further investigated in the current study by reviewing the following hypothesis:

  1. Positive affect will predict improvements in broad-minded coping with a strategy solely related to creative responding.

  2. Positive (not negative) affect will be improved after broad-minded coping.

  3. In five weeks, the primary positive affect will cause an increase in broad-minded coping.

  4. Also, broad-minded coping will cause an increase of positive affect.

The last two hypothesis illustrate the dynamic and upward spiral.

What was found in the study?

There were 138 participants in the study who completed a survey. The data collection provided support for all hypothesis. Another study of 185 participants re-confirmed these findings. The goal was to replicate findings to support the broaden-and-build theory (Fredrickson & Joiner, 2002).  It was demonstrated that positive emotions initiate a spiral that has a positive impact on people’s future emotions. Further research found the effects of positive emotions training can increase over time, which is consistent with the dynamics of upward spirals.

How did research on positive psychology emerge?

The study of positive emotions is relatively new, as they only focused on the effects of negative emotions such as fear, sadness and anger in the past. For this reason, the broaden-and-build theory received a great amount of attention. The article by Fredrickson & Joiner has been cited many times, of which some turn out to be strong scientific contributions.

Some evidence for upward spiral dynamics was researched by Keyes (2005) and Krueger, Schkade, Schwarz and Stone (2004). They found that the presence of positive emotions, the lack of mental illness caused an increase in positive behaviours such as helping, playing and learning. It also predicted future increases in flourishing of positive emotions. Other research shows that emotion regulation strategies are affected by positive emotions. The team of Fredrickson also identified biological resources that influence or are influenced by positive emotions. The upward spiral theory of lifestyle change was tested as framework to understand the processes through which positive emotions influence health. Furthermore, the incentive salience theory of addiction shows that associations are formed between pleasantness and predictive cues of it called incentive salience.

How does the upward spiral model of positive emotions work?

The inner loop of the spiral model contains nonconscious motives that operate as a central mechanism for behaviour maintenance. Positive emotions affect health behaviours because of the salience of cues associated with these behaviours. Thus, a cascade of unconscious processes involved in producing positive emotions might orient individuals to redo previously enjoyed behaviours. The outer loop of the model represents the claim, based on the broaden-and-build theory that positive affect creates resources that moderate the inner loop processes. It means that vantage resources predict an increase in enjoyment of positive health behaviours.

What should be done in further research?

The reciprocal relations associated with positive emotions have been researched, but more development is needed. Causal pathways should be tested by controlled lab experiments and randomized controlled trials to find ways to create interventions to promote lifestyle changes. Larger samples and more frequent measures are now available and should be used to set motion in discovering resources people use in the upward spiral processes that improve health and well-being.

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