Choosing a destination abroad?

blogs, contributions, summaries, study assistance and experiences abroad


Choosing a destination abroad

for backpacking, travel, living, studying, intern, volunteer or working abroad


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What are the best places to go to in Guatemala?

What are the best places to go to in Guatemala?

  • Tikal, the Mayan center, in the jungle full of howler monkeys is the big attraction along with the very colorful Guatemalan people. Antigua is the place where many Spanish courses are held and where it is pleasant to be. Chichi has something m...


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Spotlight: selection

Selected spotlight content related to Choosing a destination abroad
Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?
  • When to plan a travel trip?
  • What are tips concerning the travel time?
  • How much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries?
  • Best travel times: what is de the best time to go to ...?
  • When to plan a travel trip?

    • When you are planning ...

Hi! Since I have been to Japan a couple of times and since the country is becoming more and more popular, I decided to make a magazine where you can find many Japan-related blogs to guide you through your travel plans. :) Enjoy!


Surviving disasters abroad and solving problems while traveling Table of content

  • What to do during a hurricane, typhoon or cyclone,
  • how dangerous are strong winds
  • What to do do during a volcano eruption,
  • How dangerous is climbing an active volcano?
  • What t...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Choosing a destination abroad
Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?
  • When to plan a travel trip?
  • What are tips concerning the travel time?
  • How much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries?
  • Best travel times: what is de the best time to go to ...?
  • When to plan a travel trip?

    • When you are planning ...

Hi! Since I have been to Japan a couple of times and since the country is becoming more and more popular, I decided to make a magazine where you can find many Japan-related blogs to guide you through your travel plans. :) Enjoy!

philippines sea

The Philippines has a tropical climate with some areas that are rainy all year round, others with a distinct wet and dry season and others that have a shorter dry season and cooler temperatures all year round. So when is the best time to visit?

  • Between January and April. It’s gene...

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