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Chinees nieuw jaar Het Chinese nieuwjaar is één van de allerbelangrijkste Chinese feestdagen! De meeste Chinezen gaan naar huis om deze dag samen met familie te vieren. Het Chinese nieuw jaar is ook wel het Lentefeest. Het feest begint goed met het aflossen van schulden, een schoo...


Chinese New Year Chinese New Year is one of the all-important Chinese holidays! Most Chinese people go home to celebrate this day together with family. The Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival. The celebration starts well with paying off debts, a clean house and new clothes. The Chi...


What is VESAK? Vesakha Puja (Pali) is one of the three main Buddhist holidays. On this day, Buddhists commemorate the birth, enlightenment and parinibbana (passing away) of Gautama Buddha, all of which traditionally took place on the full moon of the month of Vesakha of the lunar calendar of ancient...

The beginning of Smokey Tours

A feature of Smokey Tours on TV5 (local Filipino channel), giving an impression of our signature tour through the slums in Tondo, Manila: Smokey Mountain. This is how it all started. And years after, Smokey Tours has given an insight in the life of the slums to many people and changed the lifes of m...


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The beginning of Smokey Tours

A feature of Smokey Tours on TV5 (local Filipino channel), giving an impression of our signature tour through the slums in Tondo, Manila: Smokey Mountain. This is how it all started. And years after, Smokey Tours has given an insight in the life of the slums to many people and changed the lifes of m...

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