Forest, Wildlife and Nature conservation?

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Komend jaar willen Stichting MEERGroen, Caring Farmers en Urgenda minimaal 1 miljoen bomen gratis weg te geven. Om dit doel te behalen oogsten ze op landgoederen en andere groene zones zaailingen van bomen die anders zouden worden gemaaid of worden verdrukt. De geoogste bomen worden vervolgens grati...


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Spotlight: selection

Selected spotlight content related to Forest, Wildlife and Nature conservation
What is forest conservation?

Forest conservation focuses on the preservation, management, and restoration of forests to ensure their health and ecological functions. It brings together knowledge from ecology, forestry, environmental science, and social sciences to address the challenges facing forests. What are the main feature...

What is nature conservation?

Nature conservation encompasses the strategies and practices for protecting natural environments, including forests, grasslands, wetlands, oceans, and deserts. It utilizes knowledge from ecology, biology, environmental science, and social sciences to ensure the health and sustainability of these eco...

What is land conservation?

Land conservation prioritizes the preservation and sustainable use of land It encompasses various ecosystems beyond forests, including grasslands, wetlands, mountains, and deserts. The field draws upon knowledge from ecology, soil science, environmental science, geography, and land management practi...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Forest, Wildlife and Nature conservation
Schotse hooglanden

Breng als rewilding vrijwilliger een week door in de ruige Schotse Hooglanden, waar je bomen kweekt, bomen plant, wilde dieren in de gaten houdt en ander essentieel werk ondersteunt om het Caledonische bos te helpen herstellen. Elke week wordt geleid door twee bekwame en ervaren gidsen. Er kunnen ma...

Spotlight summaries related to Forest, Wildlife and Nature conservation
What is forest conservation?

Forest conservation focuses on the preservation, management, and restoration of forests to ensure their health and ecological functions. It brings together knowledge from ecology, forestry, environmental science, and social sciences to address the challenges facing forests. What are the main feature...

What is nature conservation?

Nature conservation encompasses the strategies and practices for protecting natural environments, including forests, grasslands, wetlands, oceans, and deserts. It utilizes knowledge from ecology, biology, environmental science, and social sciences to ensure the health and sustainability of these eco...

What is land conservation?

Land conservation prioritizes the preservation and sustainable use of land It encompasses various ecosystems beyond forests, including grasslands, wetlands, mountains, and deserts. The field draws upon knowledge from ecology, soil science, environmental science, geography, and land management practi...

What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is a travel philosophy that promotes responsible exploration of natural environments. It prioritizes minimal environmental impact, education for tourists, and supporting conservation efforts and local communities. What are main features of ecotourism?

  • Focus on nature: Ecotourism ...

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