Lilongwe Wildlife Trust

Lilongwe Wildlife Trust is a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centre that is committed to protect Malawi's wildlife by helping animals in need and fighting wildlife crimes.

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Contact & Location
Lilongwe Wildlife Trust
PO Box 1464
Lilongwe, Malawi
More about Lilongwe Wildlife Trust in past and present

Products & Services CV

Lilongwe Wildlife Trust was established in 2008, and opened a wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and education centre in the same year. This centre supported the government's efforts to combat wildlife crimes. Since then, Lilongwe Wildlife Trust has supported high-level wildlife crime investigations, wildlife justice programmes for prosecutors and revisions to wildlife policy and legislation. 

Protecting wildlife

  • Lilongwe Wildlife Trust works within different areas to achieve its aims, Focus areas are: Wildlife rescue & Welfare, Education & Advocacy, Wildlife law enforcement and Wildlife research.
  • Within the wildlife centre every effort is made to release animals back into the wild after they have been recovered from their injuries. 
  • Lilongwe Wildlife Trust works together with the local goverment and other like-minded organisations to deliver collaborative initiatives and improve legislation in order to stop the illegal exploitation and cruel treatment of wild animals.
  • With its education and advocacy intitiatives, Lilongwe Wildlife Trust tries to inspire and empower local communties to protect their natural heritage for future generations.


Work & Internship CV

Lilongwe Wildlife Trust has several job, internshop and volunteering opportunities. In addition, they offer several courses related to wildlife conservation and rehabilitation. Check their website for the latest opportunties.


  • Lilongwe Wildlife Trust is regularly recruiting researchers, coordinators and rescue and rehabilitation employees. To see which positions are open at the moment, you can visit their website. 


  • The organisation offers several specialist internships, for example in the field of law, education and wildlife rehabilitation. Food, accommodation and a training are included.
  • There are possibilties for students and graduates to take part in various research programmes or to conduct their own research.
  • The vet expert programme gives you the opportunity to gain experience in wildlife medicine. This internship is especially for people studying or holding a veterinary-related qualification. 


  • As as volunteer at Lilongwe Wildlife Centre you can take part in different activities, such as orphan care, vet support, wildlife research and education and community outreach. Food, accommodation and training are included. 

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