Travel to Australia to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Australia

Backpacking in Australia?

  • Australia has been the mecca of the international backpacker for more than 50 years. Australia is a top destination for backpackers to emigrants. With the Great Barrier Reef, a reef of 2000 km long, tropical rainforest and vast deserts. With Aborigines and a melting pot of immigrants from all over the world. The beautiful Blue Mountains, and crocodiles, kangaroos, koala bears and plenty of opportunities to work temporarily. The country is rough, and Australians are relaxed, sporty, adventurous and extremely friendly people who are proud of their 'country'.
  • Features: atmosphere, sun, surf, work, outback, beach, international.

Traveling in Australia?

  • Traveling through Australia is a journey where you can cover enormous distances through impressive landscapes both on land and underwater.
  • City spotting: Adelaide (culture and surroundings), Broome (scenery), Gold Coast (beach to jungle), Byron Bay (life).
  • Animal spotting: Dingo, Emu, Kangaroo, Camel, Kakatoes, Koala, Kookaburra, Pelicans, Quokka, Tasmanian tiger, Wallaby.
  • Animals to avoid: some snakes, frogs and spiders, those rather large kokodiles and that one shark that does have an appetite for a surfer.

Study in Australia?

  • If your English is good enough, you can study at most universities and colleges in Australia.
  • Studies: basically all subjects and forms of education can be found. After high school or during college, you can take 1 or 2 semesters at a university in Australia. Bachelors take 3 to 4 years. Masters 1.5 to 2 years focused on research or more on teaching.
  • Study cities: Adelaide, Canberre, Brisbane, Perth, Gold Coast, Wollongong.
  • Characteristics: many international schools, several university cities where both the study and student life are highly rated, relatively much freedom in putting together your educational curriculum.

Internships in Australia?

  • Internships: internships can be found in all sectors of society: retail, marketing, education, research, engineering, tourism.
  • Internship cities: Adalaide, Cairns, Perth, Melbourne, Melbourne.
  • Characteristics: The work culture can be tough for an intern, there is often a “no worries” in return. Paid internships are a possibility. Long and shorter internships are possible. Arranging visas remains a bit of a hassle.

Volunteering in Australia?

  • Volunteer projects: especially in the social sectors, nature management (including coral and rainforest) and animal care.
  • Animal projects: protection of koalas, kangaroos, penguins, wombats, sea turtles.
  • Characteristics: volunteering possible from 1 or 2 days to several weeks.

Working in Australia?

  • Jobs: temporary work can be found mainly in the sectors: hospitality, agriculture, fruit growing and tourism but you can also find temporary work in the other sectors.
  • Characteristics: with a working holiday visa you are legally employed and can last a long time down under.

Working as a digital nomad in Australia?

  • Favorite cities: Adelaide, Gold Coast, Perth, Sydney.
  • Characteristics: easy going cities where work and life often go well together.

Living in Australia?

  • Language: English with the familiar accent.
  • Characteristics: Prepare for a fairly open culture. The values and norms of the community where you live or work may play a role though. The work hard, play hard attitude is common.


Supporting content

WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


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Displaying 17 - 20 of 28
Around Broome, Western AUstralia

I left the Wangatjunka Community and moved to Broome via another Aboriginal community. Broome was good for me. I met a lof of nice people and later I moved on to yet another Aboriginal community.

Where Can I Go Camping for Free in Australia

Can anything be better for a tourist than camping on a site with a marvelous view opening around it, breathing fresh air, and enjoying the wildlife and nature? Yes, it can. It’s always cool when you can come to a place, set up a roof top tent, and rest there without paying a dollar for accommo...


We’ve all had a lingering craving that just doesn't seem to go away. While many people may encourage stifling that craving, especially if it’s unhealthy, we believe that you should indulge in it. Cravings seem to give every cuisine a turn and sometimes, you just can’t satisfy it. I...


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Researchers from Melbournes RMIT’s Behavioural Business Lab informed the design of Sans Forgetica using principles of cognitive psychology. They collaborated with the School of Design to produce a typeface specifically designed to enhance memory retention. JoHo WolrdSupporter is now using this...


TransferWise biedt een Mastercard betaalkaart om (bijna) grenzeloos te betalen. Backpackers kunnen betalen en ontvangen in verschillende landen en valuta’s vanaf een account. De grenzeloze bankrekening en betaalkaart zorgt ervoor dat reizigers geld kunnen uitgeven, versturen of bewaren alsof z...

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WWOOFing is a great way to experience a country on a completely different way than when you 'just' travel. You generally perform work you haven't done before and live on a farm that you didn't know before. Besides all the reasons why you should pack your bag and start WWOOFing, please consider some ...

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TransferWise biedt een Mastercard betaalkaart om (bijna) grenzeloos te betalen. Backpackers kunnen betalen en ontvangen in verschillende landen en valuta’s vanaf een account. De grenzeloze bankrekening en betaalkaart zorgt ervoor dat reizigers geld kunnen uitgeven, versturen of bewaren alsof z...


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