Travel to Cambodia to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Cambodia

Backpacking or traveling in Cambodia?

  • Cambodia is not only popular for backpacking trips through Southeast Asia, but is definitely worth planning a separate trip to. 
  • Spotting cities and temples: Angkor, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh.
  • Activity spotting: go on a street food tour and discover Cambodia's delicious cuisine; trek through the Cardamom Mountains; witness an Apsara dance show; cruise on the Mekong River; visit Angkor Archeological Park, Siem Reap and Phnom-Penh; relax in Sihanoukville; enjoy the sunset in Koh Rong Sanloem; go to a show by the Phare Cambodian Circus; hike through Kirirom's forest; visit the national museum; experience the coolness of Popokvil waterfall.
  • Animal spotting: Irrawaddy dolphin, giant ibis, clouded leopard, Asian wild dog, various deer species, Asian elephant, Sunda pangolin, banteng, gibbon etc.

Studying in Cambodia?

  • Cambodia has a few universities, including the Royal University of Phnom Penh and the University of Cambodia. The education system in Cambodia is evolving, with efforts to improve quality. Although resources are sometimes limited, several institutions offer reasonably good education, especially in the capital Phnom Penh.
  • The country offers programs in areas such as development studies, international relations, and Asian studies.
  • Study cities: Phnom Penh. 
  • Language: Khmer, although there are also limited options in English. 

Internship in Cambodia?

  • Internships are available in various sectors, such as NGOs, international organizations, tourism, education, and health care. Phnom Penh and Siem Reap are the main cities where interns will find opportunities.
  • Competencies: intercultural communication, adaptability and flexibility, problem-solving skills, planning skills, community-oriented approach, understanding of hierarchical structures. 

Volunteer in Cambodia?

  • There are numerous volunteer opportunities in education, health care, stray animal/wildlife shelter and community development. Teaching English, working with children, and contributing to environmental projects are popular options.
  • Mind you, this actually applies to everywhere, but as a volunteer it is good to be aware of the ethical implications of your work and ensure that you contribute in a way that is sustainable and in line with local needs. Knowledge of the Khmer language is a plus, although English is often sufficient.

Working in Cambodia?

  • The most popular job among expats is teaching English. There is still a growing demand for English teachers. In addition, other important fields of work are tourism, NGOs, and the export industry (such as textiles). There are also opportunities for expats in business development and consulting.
  • Work culture: the work culture in Cambodia is generally informal and relaxed. There is respect for hierarchy, but the work environment is often flexible and friendly. English is the language of communication in many professional environments, especially in the tourism sector and NGOs.

Working as a digital nomad in Cambodia?

  • Close to popular Thailand, you'll find Cambodia as an emerging destination for digital nomads. The country is a lot more affordable and has facilities for digital nomads, although they are a lot fewer than in Thailand. Internet is available, but speed and reliability can vary, especially outside the cities. 
  • Favorite locations: Siem Reap, Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville. 

Living in Cambodia?

  • Living in Cambodia means simple, but relaxed, living. Expats usually live in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, or on the coast. The cost of living is low, the country is quite safe, and there is a growing expat community.
  • There are many social activities and communities in the big cities, including for expats. But also get to know the many local groups like the Khmer, it will expand your world. In addition, there is beautiful nature to explore, as well as rich traditions of art and dance. 
  • But... due to the recent history of war and political instability, the country has not been able to develop a good health system or education system, and the government spends little on health care. So health care leaves a lot to be desired and on top of that, there are many diseases going around in Cambodia. So make sure you have your vaccinations and your own well-covered health insurance.

Supporting content

WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


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Stories, tips and experiences from Cambodia


Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Cambodia

26 mei 2014 - 15:04 Inmiddels ben ik ruim een week in Kampot: tijd voor een bericht! Nog steeds is de hitte overweldigend. Langzaam maar zeker begint het een klein beetje te wennen. Ik zit hier nu op het toppunt van de hitte: van maart tot mei is het droge en hete seizoen, waarin de temperatuur opl...


VEGETARIAN CAMBODIAN KROEUNG (KHMER CURRY PASTE) Aromatic, spicy kroeung provides the base to many Khmer (Cambodian) recipes. Not unlike its Thai equivalents, this curry paste is easy to make at home and a perfect ingredient to keep around for when you want a quick and easy dinner- fry it ...


Toeristenvisum Het is verplicht om een toeristenvisum aan te vragen voor Cambodja. Deze is geldig voor 30 dagen. Een visum kan aangevraagd worden op de ambassade in Brussel of bij aankomst bij een van de checkpoints maar in ieder geval op het vliegveld van Phnom Penh. Je kunt ook een e-visum aanvrag...


Athit Kong werd in 2002 ontslagen vanwege zijn inzet voor de Cambodjaanse vakbond. Hij werkte toen zo’n 2,5 jaar als assistent-machineoperator op de wasafdeling van een textielfabriek. Maar van de een op de andere dag was het voorbij. Sindsdien maakt hij carrière bij de bond; nu is hij ...

Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Cambodia

Ben jij aan het twijvelen om alleen op vakantie te gaan ?  Is het een droom die al langer bij je speelt, maar waar je maar geen stappen voor durft te zetten ?  Lees mijn artikel en wie weet kan ik je motiveren om toch deze stap te gaan zetten. Tijdens mij opleiding voor Sport&recreatie...

Vrijwilligerswerk in Cambodja: Lesmateriaal maken.

Ik ben nu net terug van een maand lang vrijwilligerswerk in Cambodja, samen met mijn moeder. Ik vond dit erg indrukwekkend en wil mijn indrukken en ervaringen graag met jullie delen. Voor liefhebbers: We hebben een blog bijgehouden over ons werk, deze is veel uitgebreider dan mijn korte samenvatting...

Heden, verleden en de toekomst

Ongeveer een half jaar geleden ben ik met Worldmapping naar Cambodja geweest. Ik heb daar een geweldige tijd gehad en denk er nog vaak aan terug. De voorbereidingen voor een reis zijn natuurlijk ontzettend leuk. Het plannen, het checken van je spullen, het is daardoor net alsof je reis langer duurt ...

Combodja, Bangkok

De laatste dag van onze reis is aangebroken. Na 6 maanden is het helaas weer tijd richting Europa te gaan.   In Combodja zijn we naar Angkorwat gegaan, het grootste tempelcomplex ter wereld. Het was erg indrukwekkend om te zien. Het was ook zo groot dat we langerna niet alles hebben kunnen zien...

Favorite tips and suggestions related to Cambodia

VEGETARIAN CAMBODIAN KROEUNG (KHMER CURRY PASTE) Aromatic, spicy kroeung provides the base to many Khmer (Cambodian) recipes. Not unlike its Thai equivalents, this curry paste is easy to make at home and a perfect ingredient to keep around for when you want a quick and easy dinner- fry it ...


Tijdens mijn reis door Cambodja mijn favoriete gerecht om lekker van te smullen. httppublic://recipe/ Ready In: 0 min.

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