Travel to Malaysia to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work,

or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?





Backpacking in Malaysia?

  • Backpacking in Malaysia offers a combination of modern development, affordable prices, beautiful nature and a multicultural society. There is a great diversity of destination, from popular dive sites and vast rainforests, to modern cities and fresh highlands.
  • Features: diverse cultures and languages, English is spoken by many people, beautiful nature, affordable yet modern.

Traveling in Malaysia?

  • When traveling in Malaysia, think jungle rainforest to tropical (diving) paradise. Eat your fill of street food from all cultures, seek out the mighty orangutans and visit temples and mosques.
  • City spotting: Kuala Lumpur, George Town, Melaka, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching, Langkawi.
  • Activity spotting: visit historical sites, climb the highest mountain in Southeast Asia, jungle walks, dive in one of the most beautiful places in the world, shop in Kuala Lumpur.
  • Nature spotting: chill on the tropical beaches of the Perhentian Islands, spot biodiversity in the rainforests of Borneo, dive by the corals of Sipadan, and hike in the cool highlands of Cameron.
  • Animal spotting: as one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, you will find the Malay tiger, Borneo elephant, Sumatran rhino, orangutan, hornbills, king cobras, various sharks and sea turtles.

Studying in Malaysia?

  • Education in Malaysia: Malaysian universities are rising in world rankings and the quality of education is increasing with some universities now among the world's top.
  • Language: the language of instruction is Malay (Bahasa Malaysia). Nowadays, many programs are also offered in English at the larger universities.
  • Studies: a wide variety of studies can be found in Malaysia with popular directions being engineering, business and management, computer science, medicine, tourism.
  • Study cities: Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Penang, Johor Bahru.
  • Language learning: you can learn the language in many places, including through language centers linked to universities and in these cities themselves.

Internship in Malaysia?

  • Internships: internships can be found in all sectors. There are many multinational companies based in Malaysia, which offer good internships in technology, financial services and electronics. There are also many opportunities in the fields of health, biodiversity and research
  • Internship cities: Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, Klang Valley, Borneo.
  • Characteristics: English will get you far in Malaysia although knowledge of Bahasa Malaysia opens just a little more doors. The work structure is hierarchical, courtesies (sir, ma'am) are important and communication is mostly indirect. Punctuality is valued and dress is relatively conservative.

Volunteer in Malaysia?

  • Volunteering can be found in many sectors in Malaysia, but particularly in nature and environmental conservation, teaching English and contributing to youth care is also popular.
  • Animal/nature projects: think rainforest protection projects, coral reefs and organizations protecting endangered species.
  • Characteristics: volunteering from a few weeks to a few months is easy to find.

Working in Malaysia?

  • Jobs: Malaysia has a strong economy and is open to foreign workers. You can find many jobs in financial services, palm oil, energy and the automotive industry in addition to (temporary) jobs in the tourism sector. 
  • Work culture: work can be 5 or 6 days a week and sometimes working outside working hours is expected. Try to avoid confrontations and form good personal ties.
  • Characteristics: take into account long working hours, indirect communication and a diversity of cultures in the workplace.

Working as a digital nomad in Malaysia?

  • Favorite locations: Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Kuching, Melaka, Langkawi.
  • Characteristics: Malaysia encourages the arrival of digital nomads especially for certain sectors, internet connectivity is generally good and there are plenty of co-working spots to be found.

Living in Malaysia?

  • Language: the main language is Bahasa Malaysia, but many other languages are also spoken such as Tamil and Chinese dialects. English is widespread and is often taught and spoken as a second language.
  • Quality of life: modern facilities, good health care, a rich culture and a high standard of living provide a good quality of life.
  • Characteristics: the diversity of cultures, good work options, easy to make connections and lots to do.
  • Healthcare: the quality of healthcare in Malaysia is very good. Especially in the big cities, you will find many (specialized) clinics with high standards of care.

Supporting content

Malaysia Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Malaysia Country Bundle: suggestions, stories and tips

Content about Malaysia on WorldSupporter

Malaysia: Updates & Travel

Malaysia: Updates & Travel

Travel in Malaysia

  • Malaysia is several countries in one, due to its mixed population of Malays, Indians and Chinese. The many islands on both the east and west coasts are real attractions. Kuala Lumpur is not only booming as a business centre, but is also a fun and especially pleasant city. In short, Malaysia guarantees culture, sun, delicious food and drinks and friendly people.
  • Visit the green and vast tea plantations in Cameron Highlands and take beautiful walks through the cooler plateaus.
  • Discover the jungle of Taman Negara, in one of the most beautiful national parks in Malaysia.
  • Get your diving certificate in Malaysia and go diving the Perhantians or on Sabah.
  • Visit a shadow puppet show, not very exciting but a traditional Malaysian entertainment.
  • Visit the enormous China Town in Kuala Lumpur, one of the largest China towns outside of China. Go to Sabah and enjoy the world's most beautiful underwater wonders (Sipadan) to unique jungles full of life on the river. Sabah is originally a part of the Philippines and you can also taste a little of the atmosphere of the Philippines.
  • Kuala Lumpur is a great and lively city with a compact center. The city is reasonably prosperous and clean, although the traffic occasionally flies around your ears. There are many sights and there is a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Imagine yourself back in (18th century) Netherlands in Melaka. In this town south of Kuala Lumpur there are all kinds of remains from the time when the Dutch ruled Melaka.
  • Georgetown is a town on the island of Pulau Penang that dates back to the colonial period and is therefore a mix of Eastern and Western influences. It is on the World Heritage List and has a very atmospheric atmosphere.
  • Cherating on the east coast is a typical beach town, but 'really Malaysian'. The waves are great for surfing and the surfers bring a lot of liveliness and create a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Visit Kinabalu National Park in Malaysian Borneo and climb Mount Kinabalu when you are in top shape.
  • Be aware that any possession of drugs (including cannabis) is prohibited and carries severe penalties.
  • Be prepared that tropical storms can occur from November to April. Pay close attention to the news and keep an eye on the current situation.

Updates Malaysia

  • More about Malaysia, updates and contributions, see the link below.
Why live in Malaysia, why emigrate to Malaysia or stay for a long time?

Why live in Malaysia, why emigrate to Malaysia or stay for a long time?

Why should you live in Malaysia as an expat, emigrant or working nomad?

  • because English is the second language of communication, and that everyone in business speaks English.
  • because the cost of living is relatively low.
  • because he Malaysian economy is growing with good job opportunities.
  • because the food is affordable and diverse. Besides Malay, Chinese and Indian, you can also find Western dishes.

What should you pay attention to?

  • that alcohol and non-halal food is not easily available everywhere.
  • that visa application procedures are complicated.s
  • that speaking a word of Malay makes your life a lot easier.
Where to study in Malaysia, do an internship, do volunteer work or look for a job in Malaysia?

Where to study in Malaysia, do an internship, do volunteer work or look for a job in Malaysia?

Why study, do an internship, volunteer or work temporarily in Malaysia?

  • because there are a number of reputable universities in Malaysia, offering a wide range of courses.
  • because the quality of education is comparable to that in Europe and the United States.
  • because the cost of education is often a lot lower than in the Netherlands.

What should you pay attention to?

  • that the price of living is considerably higher than in neighboring countries.
  • that the sometimes poor infrastructure makes it more difficult to get to certain parts of the country.
  • that the climate is hot and humid.



Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Malaysia

Why live in Malaysia, why emigrate to Malaysia or stay for a long time?

Why should you live in Malaysia as an expat, emigrant or working nomad?

  • because English is the second language of communication, and that everyone in business speaks English.
  • because the cost of living is relatively low.
  • because he Malaysian economy is growing with good job opportunities.
  • because the food is affordable and diverse. Besides Malay, Chinese and Indian,
....... read more

Aanpassen, Actie en Adrenaline


Met een omweg op weg richting Vietnam en meer ervaringen rijker

Het was de bedoeling om met het Vliegtuig naar Vietnam te gaan maar dit ging helaas niet door dus ik moest mijn plannen veranderen.

Omdat met mijn visum ik het risico liep om direct terug gestuurd te worden omdat ik een formulier had moeten invullen

....... read more

Loop stage in Thailand, Maleisië, Dubai, Vietnam of de Malediven!


Asia is on the rise! De laatste jaren vestigen steeds meer bedrijven zich in deze regio vanwege de snelle economische groei. Hierdoor wordt ook stagelopen in een van deze landen steeds aantrekkelijker. De stageplekken en traineeships zijn specifiek voor deze diverse regio. Van de streetfood markets in Vietnam tot de skyscrapers in Dubai en de paradijselijke stranden in Thailand. Er zijn stagemogelijkheden voor more

Stopcontacten lifehack voor o.a. Maleisië en Sri Lanka

  • Voor landen waar stopcontacten drie gaten hebben (type G), zoals bijvoorbeeld Maleisië en Sri Lanka, heb je in principe geen wereldstekker nodig.
  • Er is namelijk een truc om je Nederlandse stekker te gebruiken in dit type stopcontact: steek een pen in het bovenste gat en tegelijkertijd je stekker in de onderste twee gaten en je hebt stroom!
  • Hoewel dit misschien more

Kota Bharu


Kota Bharu. Een streng islamitisch district in het noorden van Maleisië, grenzend aan Thailand, waar de islamitische waarden onder toeziend oog van een speciale politie eenheid worden nageleefd. Waar je stiekem met een bootje de grens over steekt naar Thailand voor enig nachtelijk vertier. Maar voor heerlijk eten, de liefste mensen, een toeristloos bestaan en het meest amateuristische profvoetbal op aarde hoef je het land niet te verlaten. Neem er vooral een kijkje als je een paar dagen Maleisië over hebt!



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Malaysia: activities, jobs and tips
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Asia is on the rise! De laatste jaren vestigen steeds meer bedrijven zich in deze regio vanwege de snelle economische groei. Hierdoor wordt ook stagelopen in een van deze landen steeds aantrekkelijker. De stageplekken en traineeships zijn specifiek voor deze diverse regio. Van de streetfoo...


A delicious, healthy and simple Maleysian meal learned from a Filipino!   Cook the rice and fry it later for a short while. Add the carrot, sausage and white cabbage while frying. Add garlic and soja sauce. Serve it with a fried egg and enjoy! Ready In: 15 min. Ingredients:

  • rice
  • ...


Penang, een eiland het noordwesten van Maleisie, staat bekend om haar streetfood. Je kunt hier heerlijk streetfood eten, wat dan dus ook nog eens super goedkoop is, perfect dus voor de arme backpacker!! Het voordeel van deze recepten is ook dat het super makkelijk is om zelf te maken, ideaal voor de...

  • Voor landen waar stopcontacten drie gaten hebben (type G), zoals bijvoorbeeld Maleisië en Sri Lanka, heb je in principe geen wereldstekker nodig.
  • Er is namelijk een truc om je Nederlandse stekker te gebruiken in dit type stopcontact: steek een pen in het bovenste gat...


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Malaysia: Updates & Travel
  • Travel in Malaysia
  • Updates Malaysia
  • Travel in Malaysia

    • Malaysia is several countries in one, due to its mixed population of Malays, Indians and Chinese. The many islands on both the east and west coasts are real attractions. Kuala Lumpur is not only booming as...

Asia is on the rise! De laatste jaren vestigen steeds meer bedrijven zich in deze regio vanwege de snelle economische groei. Hierdoor wordt ook stagelopen in een van deze landen steeds aantrekkelijker. De stageplekken en traineeships zijn specifiek voor deze diverse regio. Van de streetfoo...


Stories, tips and experiences from Malaysia


Spotlight: contributions


Spotlight: favorites

Favorite tips and suggestions related to Malaysia
  • Voor landen waar stopcontacten drie gaten hebben (type G), zoals bijvoorbeeld Maleisië en Sri Lanka, heb je in principe geen wereldstekker nodig.
  • Er is namelijk een truc om je Nederlandse stekker te gebruiken in dit type stopcontact: steek een pen in het bovenste gat...

Asia is on the rise! De laatste jaren vestigen steeds meer bedrijven zich in deze regio vanwege de snelle economische groei. Hierdoor wordt ook stagelopen in een van deze landen steeds aantrekkelijker. De stageplekken en traineeships zijn specifiek voor deze diverse regio. Van de streetfoo...


A delicious, healthy and simple Maleysian meal learned from a Filipino!   Cook the rice and fry it later for a short while. Add the carrot, sausage and white cabbage while frying. Add garlic and soja sauce. Serve it with a fried egg and enjoy! Ready In: 15 min. Ingredients:

  • rice
  • ...

Favorite stories, blogs and texts related to Malaysia

I went to Malaisya for 6 weeks. The first 3 weeks I worked as a volunteer in the Tunn Hussein National Eye Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. This was a great experience for me, because of my Medicine study: I learned a lot in a proffesional way, and in the mean time I could help the people who need our help...


Kota Bharu. Een streng islamitisch district in het noorden van Maleisië, grenzend aan Thailand, waar de islamitische waarden onder toeziend oog van een speciale politie eenheid worden nageleefd. Waar je stiekem met een bootje de grens over steekt naar Thailand voor enig nachtelijk vertier....


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