Hungary: Updates & Travel

Travel in Hungary?

  • Hungary is a country that is different from it's neighbours. The inhabitants are not Slavic but Magyar (a tribe from Central Asia), the country does not have high mountains like Austria but vast plains and Budapest is perhaps the most beautiful capital of Europe. The largest freshwater lake, Lake Balaton, is also definitely worth a visit.
  • Climb the citadel hill on the Buda side of the Danube in the evening. From here you have a beautiful view of the city and all the lights in the evening.
  • Visit one of the typical Hungarian thermal baths. The most famous is Sezchenyi in Budapest, where tourists and locals take a bath in medicinal water that smells like rotten eggs. Fortunately, there are also warm baths with chlorine outside, which is really recommended in the winter!
  • Go horseback riding on the Puszta, the Hungarian steppe. Avoid (unless you are a huge bird lover) the Hortobágy National Park, it clearly did not make it onto the UNESCO World Heritage List for its natural beauty.
  • Visit an Opera in Budapest, the tickets are cheap, you can easily get a great spot for a small amount and even if you are not a fan of opera it is definitely worth it to see this beautiful building from the inside.
  • Visit Budapest, is not to be missed, not only because all roads in Hungary lead to Budapest. Beautiful architecture, nice restaurants, the castle hill in Buda, Margit Sziget (the city island) and the thermal baths.
  • Eger: A place with nice colored houses, a beautiful castle from which you can also look far, a yellow basilica and the northernmost minaret in Europe that was built by the Moors.
  • Lake Balaton: The place where Hungarians (and Germans and Russians) spend their weekend in the summer. Lying in the sun, swimming or renting a boat and especially studying the locals.
  • Be aware that Hungarian is a Finno-Ugric language and can hardly be traced back to anything that would sound familiar to any of us.

Updates Hungary

  • More about Hungary, updates and contributions, see the link below.
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