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Lecture notes European Law

European Law summaries + tips

  • Lecture notes (English) - Utrecht University
  • Tips & Tickets European Law (Dutch)
  • Study materials European Law - before 2016 - 2017

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European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 1

European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 1

Seminar 1 European Law (2016/2017), Utrecht University. 


European Law Seminar Week 1 (2016/2017)

Freedom of establishment & freedom to provide services


Question 1

Jay Booth is a famous doctor who holds a medical biology PhD from Trinity College Dublin. Although he has several years of experience and has extensively published in the area of postmenopausal birth, he cannot find a job in the currently declining Irish job-market. Therefore, he starts to provide technical and medical advice to a Bosnian private clinic where it is possible for postmenopausal women to give birth. Jay goes to Bosnia quite often. There, he analyses specific cases and organises meetings with the staff on these cases. The clinic pays him a small fortune for every case he works on. The clinic also provides him with the necessary facilities and equipment. Jay is further completely independent to organise his activities.

Can you explain which Treaty freedom Jay exercises?

Answer to question.........Read more

European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 2

European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 2

Seminar 2 of the Course European Law (2016/2017), Utrecht University

Week 2

Free movement of workers and persons & EU citizenship


Seminar questions

Question 1

  1. What is meant by the concept of a worker within the meaning of Article 45 TFEU? What are the two main elements of the activity performed by the migrant worker?


Answer to question 1a:

According to the case Lawry Blum, par. 12. The term ‘worker’ covers ‘’any person performing for remuneration work the nature of which is not determined by himself for and under the control of another, regardless of the legal nature of the employment relationship’’.

The two main elements are therefore: remuneration and work in subordination. For a certain period of time, a person performs services for and under the direction of another person in return for which he or she receives remuneration (par 16).

 .........Read more

European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 3

European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 3

Seminar 3 of the Course European Law (2016/2017), Utrecht University

Week 3

The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice


Question 1

  1. Which policy areas does the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice encompass?


Answer to question 1a:

The Area of Freedom, Security and Justice is regulated by Article 3(2) TEU: ‘The Union shall offer its citizens an area of freedom, security and justice without internal frontiers, in which the free movement of persons is ensured in conjunction with appropriate measures with respect to external border controls, asylum, immigration and the prevention and combating of crime.’ 

According to this Article, the policy areas are border controls, immigration, asylum and the prevention and combating of crime.  


  1. The Tampere European Council (1999) endorsed the principle of the mutual recognition of judicial decisions as the foundation of judicial cooperation in both civil and criminal
  2. .........Read more
European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 4

European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 4

Seminar 4 of the Course European Law (2016/2017), Utrecht University. 

These are the questions of Week 5! Week 4 has no seminar questions. 

Week 5 (Seminar 4) European Law

Posted workers


Question 1

Paul Robowski, of Polish nationality, (26 years old) is working in Poland, where he earns 350 euros a month. On New year’s eve 2012 he decides that he wants to have a better life and wants to earn a higher wage in the future. He decides to apply for a job at Philips in Eindhoven (Netherlands), where he is subsequently offered an employment contract for 3 years. His wage is 2500 euros a month. In the beginning Paul is exhilarated as he earns about 7 times as much as before. Then he notices that his colleague, who is of the same age and has the same work experience and who does the same work earns 3000.........Read more

European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 5

European Law (2016/2017) Seminar 5

Seminar 5 of the Course European Law (2016/2017), Utrecht University

This is a seminar about Week 6!

Week 6 European Law (Seminar 5)

Equal treatment in employment


Question 1

Which similarities and/or differences are to be discerned between the discrimination prohibition on the grounds of age, handicap, belief and sexual orientation of Directive 2000/78, and the discrimination prohibition on the ground of nationality of Article 45 TFEU?

Take regard of their personal and material scope and their interpretation by the ECJ.


Answer to question 1:

Differences: The discrimination prohibition on grounds of age, handicap, belief and sexual orientation fall within the scope of the Directive. This Directive concerns equal treatment in employment, without cross-border element. It’s about internal labour situations. Therefore, the Directive has to be implemented in national law. The Directive applies to the public sector. The Directive is based on article 19 TFEU. 

The discrimination.........Read more

Uitwerking collegeverslagen European Law

Uitwerking collegeverslagen European Law

Deze samenvatting is geschreven in collegejaar 2012-2013.

Collegeverslagen – 2012/2013

Hoorcollege 1



Het begin van de Europese Unie zoals we die nu kennen was de European Coal and Steel Treaty. Dit was een verdrag gesloten tussen de Europese landen over de verdeling van grondstoffen. Na de Tweede Wereldoorlog wilden de landen in Europa nooit meer oorlog, en ze besloten samen te werken om dat te realiseren. De productie van kolen en staal werd daarom ondergebracht onder een ‘higher authority’.

Deze ideologie leidde tot de oprichting van de European Economic Community, de EEC. Er vonden intergouvernementele bijeenkomsten plaats en de macht van de EEC werd steeds verder uitgebreid. Het Europese Hof.........Read more

Aanvullende teksten European Law

Aanvullende teksten European Law

Deze samenvatting is geschreven in collegejaar 2012-2013.

Samenvatting Merger Policy



In het ECSC verdrag stonden wel bepalingen over samenwerking in de kolen- en staalsector, maar in het EEC verdrag niet, en in latere verdragswijzigingen werden daar ook geen bepalingen over toegevoegd. Dit kan komen doordat bij het Verdrag van Rome lidstaten dit liever nationaal wilden regelen, of doordat het karakter van het EEC verdrag ertoe leidde dat onderhandelaars nalieten regels op te stellen omtrent dit onderwerp. Terwijl het ECSC verdrag basis was voor de economische integratie in Europa.

Grote bedrijven brachten het bestaan van middelgrote en kleine bedrijven in gevaar. Dit kon de commissie niet controleren door toepassing van de artikelen 101.........Read more

Aanvullende Collegeverslagen European Law (hc 6 en 7)

Aanvullende Collegeverslagen European Law (hc 6 en 7)

Deze samenvatting is geschreven in collegejaar 2012-2013.

Aanvullende Hoorcollegeverslagen European law

Hoorcollege 6



Europees recht kan gezien worden als een schild in een civielrechtelijke procedure. Je hoeft niet aan je verplichtingen onder het contract te voldoen, als het contract in strijd is met het Europees recht. Aan de andere kant is het Europees recht ook een zwaard. Het recht kan namelijk worden gebruikt om een procedure te starten. Dit gebeurt meestal op grond van de onrechtmatige daad. Belangrijk hierbij is het arrest Courage van vorige week. In dit arrest is namelijk bepaald dat schadevergoeding altijd mogelijk moet zijn.


Een schadevergoedingsprocedure volgt de procedure door de Commissie meestal op. Bij de Commissie kan namelijk geen schadevergoeding worden gevorderd, daarvoor.........Read more

Verschil tussen Europees recht en Internationaal recht
Hoe lees ik een Internationaal/Europees Verdrag?


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