Why Should You Apply For An Australian Partner Visa From Offshore?

There has been a list of changes in Australian immigration law. Mostly, these happenings are seen in permanent residency and pathways to citizenship. Among them, two upsetting things are the increase in the fees for an Australian visa and 18-19 months of the processing time of 820 and 801 Partner visa.

These things should not discourage you in your decision of moving to Australia. If you want to save yourself from high cost and prolonged time, think of lodging your application from outside Australia. You can consider consulting a partner visa migration agent for Melbourne.

Before that, this article will provide you the basic idea of various benefits of applying for a Partner Visa offshore:

Processing time is quicker

The processing time of an offshore visa is not the same as mentioned above. So, how much do you need to wait when you apply from outside of Australia? It is significantly shorter than the onshore process. If you apply for a partner visa for Australia from offshore, you will have 11-14 months of processing time.

Though it is not an official say of the Australian government, it is been known that they give priority to the applicants applying from outside of Australia.  

Get extra time to make arrangements

There are hundreds of arrangements you need to make at your home country like finish some working paper, selling the house or other assets. And being offshore will give you plenty of time to do all such stuff as you will be free to come and go.

Can still go to Australia

Now, you might be thinking that since you are applying for a visa from outside of Australia, you might not be able to visit Australia meanwhile. But, it is just a common misconception.

During the processing period, you can certainly apply for a visitor visa if you want to visit your partner in Australia. Also, you don’t need to be scared of breaching the requirement of staying offshore.

Even if you are onshore while your application is being granted, the visa office will tell you that you now need to be offshore as your visa is ready. They don’t reject your application. Rather, ask you to leave Australia for some time and come back.

Isn’t that great?

You can then go back within 2 weeks and send your travel details. However, you need to stay offshore for 5 working days in order to receive your Australian PR.

Staying close to friends and family

Moving out from your family or a familiar group of people in the new country is certainly a difficult thing. Hence, if you apply from outside of Australia, it might not affect you drastically.

Moreover, you will be thrilled to know that you can still work in your home country while holding an Australian partner visa applied from there itself. Another thing coming to your mind might be that during the processing period of your partner visa whether your partner living in Australia will be allowed to work or not. So, you must know that if you are onshore candidates who have received visa A, it allows them to work. On the other hand, the offshore applicants don’t hold visa A and it further doesn’t provide work rights to your partner in Australia.

Final thought:

Here, you have some reasons to apply for your partner visa from outside of Australia. The ultimate decision will then belong to you and your partner’s hand now. So, don’t jump to any conclusion without gathering full knowledge about it. Moreover, it is advisable to seek professionals help before you proceed with anything.


Comments, Compliments & Kudos

Working holiday at another country while I apply OFFshore

Good afternoon!

First of all thanks for all the information provided.

I am getting married in May with my australian partner and I was considering the benefits of either applying onshore or offshore.

If I apply onshore I would get a bridging visa and I'm not sure if many employers would hire me with that visa. But at the same time, things in my country are going pretty bad cause of the Coronavirus so it would be hard for me to get a job there. That's one of my main concerns.

On the other hand, me and my partner are both travelers so if I apply offshore, we would love to do a Working holiday visa in New Zealand or another country than Australia together. Is it possible to both apply for a partner visa OFFshore and a New Zealand Working holiday visa at the same time? It would be amazing if we could both work and travel while I am waiting for the PR visa to be granted.

That's all I would like to know.

Thank you very much!


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