Minimalism: Quitting Your Job for A Simpler, Stress-Free Life

Many people are stressed out and unhappy with their jobs. When you're ready to de-clutter your life, stand up and shout, "I NEED A NEW JOB!"

Only 34% of employees feel enthusiastic about and engaged with their work. Why stick to a boring 9 to 5 that leaves you miserable at the end of the day? If you're wasting your time and energy on a job that doesn't make you happy, it's time for a change.

Are you telling yourself, "I need a new job!" every day? It's time to make a plan instead of waiting for it to happen.

Here are the five steps you need to take to declutter your life for simpler, stress-free living. With these tips, you can find a life that keeps you happy and engaged. Make a change with these five steps.

1. Rediscover Your Dreams

Before you quit your day job, take a second to consider what you really want in life. Take the time to create a list of hopes and dreams you have for yourself.

Then, organize them into an achievable order. Try to plan SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, results-driven, timely). Give yourself a possible deadline for each goal. 

Next, take a look at your current job. What do you love? What could you live without?

When you keep telling yourself, "I need a new job," it's important to recognize why. What's making you unhappy?

Look out for signs you need a new job. For example, do you hate getting out of bed each morning? Do you watch the clock, eager to leave?

Determining why you want to quit will help you avoid a similar situation in the future. 

2. Make a Game Plan

In August 2019, a record-breaking 4,478,000 workers quit their jobs. That's 3% of the workforce! However, many people quit without a plan.

Once you recognize the signs you need a new job, create a schedule for yourself. Make a to-do list that includes:

  • Updating your resume
  • Drafting new cover letters
  • Having someone read over your work
  • Applying to new jobs
  • Preparing for interviews
  • Quitting your current job

3. Start Simplifying

Once you decide, "I want a new job," you'll need to simplify your current life. Consider places you can cut expenses, such as:

  • Groceries
  • Clothing
  • Entertainment
  • Travel

You're likely spending money unnecessarily. Reduce your expenses and simplify your life.

4. Choose Happiness

For a simple, stress-free life, you need to focus on what matters. What makes you happy?

Is it your marriage, a hobby, or raising your kids?

Whatever it is, give that your full attention. If you can make a career out of it, even better! Choose happiness over the stress and start loving life again. 

5. Set an Intention

Take a look at your goals and the parts of your life that make you happy. Where do they overlap? Then, set the intention to focus your intentions and career there and start living simply!

"I Need a New Job": Call It Quits and Discover a Simpler, Stress-Free Existence

Instead of telling yourself, "I need a new job," do something about it! Use these tips to call it quits. Discover your happy, stress-free life today!

Explore our magazine for more minimalistic mindsets!


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