Organization and management

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What is management?

What is management?

Management, as a field of study, equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to effectively plan, organize, lead, control, and coordinate resources (human, financial, material) to achieve an organization's goals. It's a broad discipline encompassing various aspects of running a successful enterprise. Here's a breakdown:

What are the main features of management?

  • Goal-Oriented: Management practices are designed to achieve specific organizational objectives, ensuring all activities contribute to the overall goals.
  • Decision-Making: Managers make informed decisions by analyzing information, considering alternatives, and weighing potential risks and rewards.
  • Leadership: Effective leaders inspire, motivate, and guide their teams towards achieving common goals.
  • Communication: Clear and concise communication is essential for collaboration, task delegation, and ensuring everyone is aligned with the organization's direction.

What are important sub-areas of management?

  • Human Resource Management (HRM): Focuses on attracting, developing, and retaining a talented workforce to achieve organizational goals.
  • Organizational Behavior (OB): Examines how individuals, groups, and structures interact within organizations, influencing overall effectiveness.
  • Operations Management: Ensures efficient and effective production of goods or services, optimizing processes and managing resources.
  • Marketing Management: Develops and implements strategies to promote products or services to target markets, driving sales and revenue growth.
  • Financial Management: Manages the company's finances, including securing capital, making investment decisions, and ensuring financial stability.

What are the key concepts in management?

  • Planning: Setting organizational goals, developing strategies to achieve them, and creating action plans to guide day-to-day operations.
  • Organizing: Structuring the organization to efficiently achieve goals, allocating resources, and assigning tasks.
  • Leading: Motivating, inspiring, and guiding employees to achieve their full potential and contribute to the organization's success.
  • Controlling: Monitoring progress towards goals, measuring performance, and taking corrective action as needed.
  • Organizational Culture: The shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that characterize an organization, influencing decision-making and employee behavior.

Who are influential figures in management?

  • Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915): Pioneered scientific management, focusing on efficiency and work process optimization. While some aspects are outdated, his work laid the groundwork for management practices.
  • Henri Fayol (1841-1925): Developed 14 Principles of Management, emphasizing planning, organizing, leading, and controlling as core managerial functions.
  • Abraham Maslow (1908-1970): Proposed Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a framework explaining human motivation, influencing how managers can motivate employees.
  • Peter Drucker (1909-2005): Management consultant who emphasized the importance of innovation and knowledge workers for organizational success.

Why is management important?

Effective management is crucial for organizational success in several ways:

  • Achieving Goals: Provides a framework for setting clear goals, allocating resources, and ensuring activities are aligned with desired outcomes.
  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Management practices optimize workflows, improve resource utilization, and ultimately lead to a more productive organization.
  • Motivated Workforce: Effective managers create a positive work environment that motivates employees and fosters high performance.
  • Innovation and Adaptation: Management practices encourage innovation, facilitate change, and enable organizations to adapt to market dynamics.
  • Competitive Advantage: Strong management skills can give an organization a competitive edge by enabling efficient operations, attracting top talent, and capitalizing on new opportunities. more
What is organization?

What is organization?

Organization studies, also known as organizational studies or organization science, dives deep into the complexities of how organizations function. It examines how individuals, groups, and structures interact within organizations to achieve goals, adapt to change, and ultimately influence society.

What are the main features of organization?

  • Focus on Collective Action: It explores how individuals within organizations collaborate, coordinate, and make decisions to achieve a common purpose.
  • Multidisciplinary Approach: Organization studies draws insights from various disciplines like sociology, psychology, economics, and management to understand organizational behavior.
  • Formal and Informal Structures: It analyzes both the formal structures and processes designed by management, as well as the informal networks and relationships that emerge within organizations.
  • Power Dynamics: This field examines how power is distributed within organizations, influencing decision-making, resource allocation, and overall organizational behavior.
  • Organizational Change: A crucial aspect of organization studies is understanding how organizations adapt to internal and external changes in the environment.

What are important sub-areas of organization?

  • Organizational Theory: Explores different theoretical perspectives on how organizations function and evolve, including bureaucracy, institutional theory, and resource dependence theory.
  • Organizational Behavior: Focuses on individual and group dynamics within organizations, studying leadership, motivation, communication, and conflict management.
  • Strategic Management: Analyzes how organizations formulate and implement strategies to achieve long-term goals, considering factors like competition, market opportunities, and resource allocation.
  • Organizational Design: Studies how organizations structure themselves to achieve efficiency and effectiveness, considering factors like departmentalization, centralization, and formalization.
  • Organizational Culture: Examines the shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the way individuals interact and work within an organization.

What are the key concepts in organization?

  • Formal Structure: The official hierarchy and reporting relationships within an organization, often depicted through organizational charts.
  • Informal Structure: The network of unofficial relationships and communication channels that exist within an organization.
  • Organizational Culture: The shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that shape the way individuals interact and work within an organization.
  • Power: The ability to influence others' behavior and decisions within an organization.
  • Organizational Change: The process of adapting an organization's structure, processes, or culture to meet new challenges and opportunities.

Who are influential figures in organization?

  • Max Weber: Developed the concept of bureaucracy, a formal structure characterized by hierarchy, rules, and specialization.
  • Frederick Winslow Taylor: A pioneer of scientific management, emphasizing efficiency and standardization of work processes.
  • Henri Fayol: Contributed to classical management theory, focusing on principles of management like planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
  • Elton Mayo: Pioneered the Hawthorne studies, demonstrating the importance of social factors on worker productivity.
  • H. Mintzberg: Known for his work on organizational structure, identifying different configurations of organizational design.

Why is organization important?

Organization studies is crucial for several reasons:

  • Understanding Organizations: It equips individuals with the knowledge to navigate complex organizational structures, work effectively within teams, and contribute to organizational success.
  • Effective Management: This field provides valuable insights for managers to lead teams, make informed decisions, and foster a positive organizational culture.
  • Organizational Change: By understanding how organizations change, leaders can more


Latest changes and updates tagged with: Organization and management

Samenvatting Werken met logistiek. Supply chain management (Visser & van Goor)

Deze samenvatting bij Werken met logistiek. Supply chain management (Visser & van Goor) is geschreven in collegejaar 2012-2013.

Deel 1 Logistiek en de vraag naar logistiek

1. Wat is logistiek?

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Samenvatting: Een praktijkgerichte benadering van Organisatie en Management



1. Denken over organisatie en management


Bij organisatie en management, ofwel organisatiekunde, wordt vanuit verschillende vakgebieden gekeken hoe een organisatie handelt, welke oorzaken er aan ten grondslag liggen en hoe de organisatie effectief aangestuurd kan worden. Het vakgebied omvat twee aspecten:

  1. Het descriptieve aspect: een analyse van de handelswijze, inclusief oorzaak/gevolg relaties.

  2. Het prescriptieve aspect: een aanbeveling van bedrijfsstructuur en manier van handelen.

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Samenvatting Projectmanagement (Grit)

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Samenvatting: Managementvaardigheden

Deze samenvatting is geschreven in collegejaar 2012-2013 bij het boek Managementvaardigheden van Hunsaker. Bekijk hier het huidige aanbod.

Inleiding op managementvaardigheden

Effectief management

Managers houden toezicht op de activiteiten van andere mensen met als doel de organisatiedoelen te bereiken. Het is geen makkelijke taak en brengt veel verantwoordelijkheid met zich mee, als manager ben je namelijk onder andere verantwoordelijk voor het motiveren van anderen.........Read more




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Displaying 21 - 24 of 54
Summary Managing Change (Burnes)

Summary of Managing Change by Burnes, 5th edition - Donated to WorldSupporter

  • Chapter 1: Development of work organization and the rise of organization theory
  • Chapter 2: Developments in organizational theory and practice
  • Chapter 3: New organizational paradigms
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Samenvatting Inleiding organisatiekunde (Ten Berge)

Deze samenvatting bij Inleiding organisatiekunde van Ten Berge is geschreven in 2014.

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  • 2. Strategy
  • 3. Structure
  • 4. Systems
  • 5. Staff
  • 6. Skills
  • 7. Style
  • 8. Shared values
  • 9. Trends e...


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Summary Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge
  • Chapter 1: What is Organizational Behavior?
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Summary Principles of Marketing by Kotler
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This is a summary of the book Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S (8th edition). This book is about psychology at the workplace. It contains for instance ways to increase employee satisfaction and workplace dynamics. The book is used in the course 'Labor and and organisational psychology' at the f...

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Summary Principles of Marketing by Kotler
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Summary Organizational Behavior by Robbins and Judge
  • Chapter 1: What is Organizational Behavior?
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