
Royal Schiphol Group is an airport company with an important socio-economic task. Royal Schiphol Group is the owner and operator of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Rotterdam The Hague Airport and Lelystad Airport, and holds a majority stake in Eindhoven Airport. Airports in the Group create value for society and for the economy, with safety as a key enabler. Together with our international activities, Schiphol Group's Dutch airports are part of our 'Why' of Connecting your world.

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JoHo WorldSupporter mission and vision:

  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and work better together, and thereby contribute to a tolerant tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, it support personal development and promote international cooperation is encouraged.

JoHo concept:

  • As a JoHo donor, member or insured, you provide support to the JoHo objectives. JoHo then supports you with tools, coaching and benefits in the areas of personal development and international activities.
  • JoHo's core services include: study support, competence development, coaching and insurance mediation when departure abroad.

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