To be confident

Around & Abroad: Suggestions, Summaries, Texts, Tips, Themes & Vacancies




To be confident

discover or develop competencies, qualities, traits and signals


More supporting content:
WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

Improve competencies and skills for study, travel, work and meaningful life - Theme
Discussions and Debates - Theme
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Sustainable shopping and recycling - WorldSupporter Theme
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme


Latest changes and updates tagged with: To be confident

General information about the Philippines: Buhay Filipinas

The Philippines

Do you want to be touched by the Filipino culture and amazed by its beautiful beaches, mountains and underwater world? This is your chance!

Travel Advice Header



The Philippines

Lonely Planet: "The second-largest archipelago in the world, with over 7000 tropical islands, the Philippines is one of the great treasures of Southeast

....... read more

Books around the world: The Salth Path

The Salth Path by Raynor Winn

I have read this book all at once. It is beautifully written. It is a story of a couple, who after a long time with courtcases, loose their house and their income. Their house was a bed and breakfast. They have been putting all their love and energy in their home, for years and more



Check the image for my statement of the week. 

"We're al brave until we realize the cockroach has wings".

I remember seeing my first flying cockroach for the first time. Do you?

Volunteer as a teacher in rural India

What is it?

  • Vallalar Educational Trust (VET) is looking for volunteers and interns who can teach English or other subjects in their school in rural India.
  • VET's mission is to empower women and youth in rural India through social, economical and children's educational development. VET has started its activities in a primary school and is now also educating more

Work as a TEFL tutor

  • Wanted: Enthusiastic, inspirational TEFL tutors to deliver intensive practical TEFL courses
  • Location: South Africa, United States, Australia, United Kingdom, or Ireland


  • Deliver a TEFL course which includes, among other things, teaching TEFL methodology and language analysis, Giving teaching demonstrations, and Organising peer teaching practice.
  • Provide TEFL career advice
  • Promote i-to-i products and services to customers
  • Complete course administration more

Holland Kindness Pandemic


Positiviteit verspreiden. Dat is de missie van de Holland Kindness Pandemic. Als tegenhanger van de negativiteit die vanwege corona onder veel jongeren heerst. 

Veel jongeren voelen zich verslagen, onbegrepen of geïsoleerd. Daarom reist Joyce (Jongleren/MyJourney) met een volkswagenbusje door Nederland om jongeren een luisterend oor te bieden, coaching te geven en hen uit te dagen om hun onzekerheden te overwinnen. Hopend dat more



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Volunteer as a teacher in rural India

What is it?

  • Vallalar Educational Trust (VET) is looking for volunteers and interns who can teach English or other subjects in their school in rural India.
  • VET's mission is to empower women and youth in rural India through social, economical and children's educational development. V...

two ladies on a cliff looking over the caribbean ocean

Weet je nog niet wat je wilt gaan studeren? Heb je komend jaar een tussenjaar en wil je daarvoor ook naar het buitenland? WereldRoute biedt een fantastisch meerweeks Gap Year programma aan waarmee je een beeld krijgt van je eigen kwaliteiten, vrijwilligerswerk gaat doen, je duikbrevet haalt en v...


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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to To be confident
work near bali beaches

Edumatic is looking for Program Coordinators to help run our trips. If you know anyone (or you are someone) that would love to be paid to travel the world and impact the lives of young and adventurous online students, then this might be a job for them! Further details of the role will be distributed...

Spotlight summaries related to To be confident
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