To have a vision

Around & Abroad: Suggestions, Summaries, Texts, Tips, Themes & Vacancies





[toc To have a vision: discover or develop competencies, qualities, traits and signals

Wat is een visie hebben?

What is vision?

  • To have vision is to develop and communicate a picture of the future.
  • Taking distance from daily practice and recognizing facts, trends and future developments.
  • You place future developments in the long-term perspective of your own environment, a discipline or part of an organization.

What are related competencies to having vision?

  • Being able to develop a vision
  • Being able to communicate vision
  • Having a helicopter view
  • Have imagination


More supporting content:
WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

Improve competencies and skills for study, travel, work and meaningful life - Theme
Discussions and Debates - Theme
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Sustainable shopping and recycling - WorldSupporter Theme
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme




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Nowadays, if you look at all the products in a supermarket, way too much plastic is used for packaging. Although you can choose to buy unpackaged fruits and vegetables, usually you still put it in a plastic bag. You can reduce a lot of waste by taking your own tiny bags with you for all your fruits,...


Wil jij deze zomer ontspannen maar ook aan je persoonlijke ontwikkeling werken? MYJourney Málaga is een unieke week vol met activiteiten, coaching en ontspanning. Samen met een kleine groep vertrek je naar Zuid-Spanje om een week in Málaga te verblijven. Tijdens deze week volg je ...

Venice painting

This summer school will take place in Venice, Italy from Monday 26 July – Friday 6 August, 2021. Focusing on Sustainable, Healthy cities - (re-)building for the future, you will try to retro-fit today's urban spaces to cater for new challenges that may evolve. The 12-day programme will ask stu...


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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to To have a vision

JoHo WorldSupporter is op zoek naar enthousiaste Supporters die een (of meer) bepaald thema binnen WorldSupporter willen modereren. Wat doet een moderator?

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There is this certain 'myth' that if you are not a native English speaker, teaching English abroad is almost impossible to do. Let me first say: no, this is absolutely not the case! You are perfectly capable of teaching English as a non-native speaker. However, it can be more difficult to find jobs...


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Spotlight summaries related to To have a vision
What makes a good leader? - Chapter 6

In most studies, it is assumed that leadership is something that is learned. Leaders' behaviors can be divided into two broad categories: initiating structure and consideration. A takeaway of this chapter is that leaders need to be flexible and adapt to both followers and the situation they are in. ...

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