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What is sociology?

  • Sociology is the scientific study of human societies and social behavior. It examines how people interact, form groups, and create cultures, looking at both small-scale interactions and large-scale social structures.



Latest changes and updates tagged with: Sociology

Article Summary of Addressing Gender Socialization and Masculinity Norms Among Adolescent Boys: Policy and Programmatic Implications - Amin et al. - 2018

What is this article about?

Global health and development policies focus mostly on teenage girls, as gender inequalities make them more disadvantaged and vulnerable. However, there are convincing reasons to take a closer look at adolescent boys. Their transition from childhood to adolescence is associated with several health problems and risk factors that influence their health during their whole life (e.g. injuries, violence, suicide, aids, alcohol, drugs, tobacco). Males are also less likely to seek help than

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Article Summary of He is a stud, she is a slut! A meta-analysis on the continued existence of sexual double standards - Endendijk et al. - 2020

What is sexual double standards (SDS)?

Men and women are usually held to distinct standards of appropriate (sexual) behavior. For example, men are socially punished for behaving passively or modestly and women for behaving dominantly or directly. Receiving backlash for breaching social standards can have a bad influence on society and individuals.

Sexual double standards (SDS) refer to the different sexual behaviors that are valued for and expected of women and men. Traditionally, males are expected to be

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Article summary with The complexities of sexual consent among college students: a conceptual and empirical review by Muehlenhard a.o. - 2016

Media coverage regarding sexual assault among college students puts pressure on universities to improve their sexual consent policies. The headlines express the controversy that surrounds sexual assault in college. American and Canadian universities are pressured to investigate and address the complaints of students. Both the accused and complaining student usually acknowledge the occurrence of sexual contact, but disagree about it being consensual. While most awareness and educational campaigns emphasize how important getting sexual consent is, they do not clarify what is considered consent.

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Article Summary of A bio-ecological theory of sexual harassment of girls: research synthesis and proposed model- Brown et al. - 2020

What is this article about?

Many American teenage girls have experienced sexual harassment and nearly a quarter of female college students have been the victim of sexual assault. Despite the negative and long-term consequences of these experiences on their emotional, physical and mental health, perpetrating sexual assault and harassment is usually seen as normative. Very few perpetrators receive punishment. Cases are rarely tried and merely 5% of them result in a conviction.

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Article Summary of Women’s sexual desire. Challenging narratives of ‘dysfunction’ - Graham et al. - 2017

The altered classification of sexual dysfunction of women in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and the approval by the FDA of the first drug to treat low sexual desire in females have led to a debate among researchers and clinicians.

How was female sexual dysfunction originally classified?

Psychosexual dysfunction was first mentioned in the DSM published in 1980. Previous versions did not cover sexual disorders. One of the included psychosexual dysfunctions was inhibited sexual desire, which was based on the Human Sexual Response Cycle (HSRC):

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Article Summary of A motivation model of sex addiction – Relevance to the controversy over the concept - Toates - 2022

What is this article about?

Sex addiction was first formulated in the 1980’s and is often compared with drug addiction. While the notion is widely accepted, not everyone is fully convinced by it.

This study presents a model of sexual addiction, which involves a combination of models based upon the dual-control organisation of behavior and brain, and the incentive motivation theory. Two criteria suggest addiction:

  • There is suffering and a desire to be free of
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Article Summary of The storyscapes of teenage pregnancy. On morality, embodiment, and narrative agency - Cense & Ganzevoort - 2019

What is this article about?

Pregnant teenagers tell different stories about their experience. Their stories are influenced by normative discourses. How the meaning of teenage pregnancy is constructed depends on stigma and social norms, but the embodiment of pregnancy also plays a significant role.

Teenage pregnancies are associated with poverty and considered a risk for sexual active girls. American,

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Article summary with About but not without: Recently arrived refugees’ understanding of and expectations for integration within a local policy context in the Netherlands by Damen a.o. - 2022 - Exclusive

Introduction Damen et al. (2022) explore the understanding and expectations of recently arrived refugees regarding integration in the Netherlands. They move beyond solely studying policy perspectives and delve into the refugees' own experiences and aspirations, emphasizing their agency and participa...


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Selected spotlight content related to Sociology
Summary of Society the basics by Macionis
  • 1: The Perspective, Theory, and Method of Sociology
  • 2: The Workings of Culture
  • 3: Socialization Process, a Lifelong Process
  • 4: Social interaction in Daily Life
  • 5: The Workings of Groups & Organization in Society
  • 6: Sexuality and its Impact ...
Sociologie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Sociologie Inhoudsopgave

  • Maatschappij en rechtssociologie: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Sociologie van communicatie: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Sociologie van werk en organisatie: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Werken e...

What is sociology?

Sociology delves into the fascinating world of human societies, exploring social life, social change, and the social forces that shape our behavior. What are the main features of sociology?

  • Scientific Lens: Sociology uses systematic research methods like surveys, experiments, and data ...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Sociology
Spotlight summaries related to Sociology
Relationship between Science and Democracy - Ravetz (2006)

Summary of Science and democracy (The No-Nonsense Guide to Science, Chapter 7) - Ravetz - 2006

  • The relationship between Science and Democracy
  • The Research World and Democracy
  • The role of Science in improving the world
  • Science and Policies
  • Levels of openn...

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