SPCA stands for Society for the Prevention of Cruelty for Animals. They are located in Singapore and are founded in the 1800s. Furthermore the organisation is a registered Animal Welfare Charity with IPC status. Their main objective is to prevent cruelty and promote kindness to animals and birds.

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Contact & Location
50 Sungei Tengah Road
More about SPCA in past and present

Products & Services CV


  • The SPCA offers many services, such as for example they have a adoption shelter located in Singapore. This is a place where animals stay after they have been mistreated, abandoned or are unwanted. The shelter is a save place, but a temporary one. Therefore they would like to make sure all of the animals get adopted. 
  • Futhermore they have a Hotline, which is available for people who witness an animal being mistreated or in need of help. 
  • Next to the above mentioned services, the SPCA has a consultation office and medical assistance for people with community animals, this service is not provided for pets who are owned. 
  • Also there are educational programs given. 

Working together

  • The SPCA collaborates with different organisations who have the same vision and interest. And together they provide different events. 

Work & Internship CV

The organisation offers the possility to volunteer at the SPCA in Singapore. As well it has possibilties for careers and internships .


​The different functions available are:

  • Animal Support officer
  • Animal Rescue officer
  • Accounts officer
  • Animal Support officer- night reception

On their website you can find a clear overview of the requirements and tasks per function. 


For more information about internships contact them via email or phone, or look on their website. 


Since the SPCA is a chairty organisation, they depend on their volunteers. Therefore there are many possibilities of volunteering at the organisation, such as:

  • Animal Shelter helper
  • Shelter & Reception phones
  • SPCA merchandise shop 
  • Merchandise sales 
  • Dog walker
  • Mailouts
  • Adoption counsellor (21+)
  • Animal ambassador 

With exception of the Adoption counsellor the minimum age is 17 years old. Furthermore it is needed that the volunteer is available for at least 4 months, of 5 working days or 4 nights a week. 

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