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How does helping behaviour work? - Chapter 13

What is this chapter about?

This chapter is about helping behaviour. It explores why and when people help others, and the various factors that influence helping behaviour, such as situational factors, individual differences, and social norms. The chapter discusses the bystander effect, which is the phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to help in an emergency situation when other people are present. It also covers the positive and negative effects of receiving help, as well as the positive and negative consequences of self-sacrifice, or the willingness to help at personal cost.


Why do people help each other?

Helping behaviour is a fundamental aspect of human social behaviour that can have numerous positive effects on both the helper and the recipient. In this way, it is the complete opposite of aggression, which was explained in chapter 12. When individuals engage in helping behaviour, they often experience increased feelings of empathy, connection, and satisfaction. For the recipient, help can provide much-needed relief, support, and reassurance. Helping behaviour can also strengthen social bonds, increase trust, and promote social cohesion.

Social psychologists study the reasons and factors that influence helping behaviour in order to better understand why people help and what can be done to encourage helping behaviour in different situations. People may help others for a variety of reasons, including empathy, altruism, and self-interest.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. When people experience empathy for someone in need, they may be more likely to help them. This is because they are able to understand the distress that the person is experiencing and feel compelled to alleviate their suffering.

Altruism is another motive for helping. Altruism refers to the desire to help others without any expectation of personal gain. People who are motivated by altruism may help others simply because they believe it is the right thing to do, or because they want to contribute to the well-being of others.

Self-interest is also a common motive for helping. When people help others because they expect to receive some benefit in return, such as social approval or material rewards, they are acting out of self-interest. This may not necessarily be a negative thing, as it can encourage people to engage in helpful behaviours that benefit both themselves and others.

One important factor that influences helping behaviour is the perceived cost of helping. People are more likely to help when the costs of helping are low, such as when the task is easy or when the benefits of helping are high. However, when the costs of helping are high, such as when the task is difficult or when there is a risk of harm, people are less likely to help.

What is the bystander effect?

Another important factor that influences helping behaviour is the presence of other people. The bystander effect is a well-documented phenomenon that occurs when individuals are less likely to help in an emergency situation when other people are present. One explanation for the bystander effect is the diffusion of responsibility, which refers to the idea that people feel less responsible for helping when others are present because they assume that someone else will take action. In other words, the presence of others can lead to a diffusion of responsibility, as individuals feel that the responsibility to help is shared among the group.

Social influence is another factor that can contribute to the bystander effect. When people are in a group, they may be more likely to conform to social norms and behave in ways that are consistent with the group's expectations. If the group does not intervene in an emergency situation, individuals may be less likely to intervene as well, as they do not want to go against the group and risk social disapproval or rejection.

Finally, the perceived level of competence of other bystanders can also contribute to the bystander effect. If individuals perceive that others in the group are more competent or knowledgeable about the situation, they may be less likely to intervene because they feel that the other individuals are better equipped to handle the situation. On the other hand, if individuals perceive that others in the group are less competent or knowledgeable, they may feel a greater sense of responsibility to intervene and take action.

What are personal factors in helping behaviour?

Individual differences also play an important role in helping behaviour. For example, personality traits, such as empathy and agreeableness, have been shown to be positively associated with helping behaviour. Gender also plays a role in helping behaviour, with women being more likely to engage in helping behaviour than men. In addition to individual differences, social norms and cultural values can also influence helping behaviour. For example, norms of reciprocity and social responsibility can encourage helping behaviour, while individualistic cultural values may discourage it.


What are the effects of receiving help?

Receiving help can have both positive and negative effects on the recipient. On one hand, receiving help can have positive effects, such as increased well-being and gratitude. When individuals receive help from others, they may feel a sense of relief and gratitude, which can improve their emotional state and overall well-being. Additionally, receiving help can improve social connections and strengthen relationships between individuals, as it can create opportunities for individuals to bond over shared experiences.

On the other hand, receiving help can also have negative effects, such as a loss of autonomy. When individuals receive help, they may feel that their autonomy has been compromised, as they may be dependent on others for their well-being. This loss of autonomy can be particularly challenging for individuals who value independence and self-reliance. Furthermore, receiving help can also lead to feelings of indebtedness. When individuals receive help, they may feel that they owe something to the person who helped them, which can create a sense of obligation and indebtedness. This can be particularly challenging in situations where the recipient of help is unable to repay the person who helped them, leading to feelings of guilt or inadequacy.

It's important to note that the effects of receiving help can vary depending on the situation and the individual. Some individuals may be more comfortable with receiving help than others, and may not experience negative effects in the same way. Additionally, the nature of the help being offered can also influence the recipient's reaction, as some types of help may be perceived as more intrusive or helpful than others.


What is the role of self-sacrifice in helping behaviour?

Self-sacrifice is an important aspect of helping behaviour that can have positive effects on both the helper and the recipient. When individuals engage in self-sacrifice, they may experience feelings of fulfillment, pride, and increased self-worth. Additionally, self-sacrifice can strengthen social connections and improve relationships between individuals.

However, self-sacrifice can also have negative consequences, such as burnout and resentment. When individuals engage in self-sacrifice at a high level, they may experience burnout, which can lead to feelings of exhaustion and detachment. Additionally, individuals who engage in self-sacrifice may experience resentment towards the recipient of their help if they feel that their efforts are not appreciated or reciprocated.


How can helping behaviour be encouraged?

There may be some negative effects of helping behaviour, but overall, it is good to have more helping behaviour in society. There are different approaches to encourage helping behaviour:

  • Increasing awareness and education. Education and awareness programs can increase individuals' knowledge and understanding of helping behaviour and the benefits of helping others.

  • Modeling prosocial behaviour. When individuals see others engaging in helping behaviour, they are more likely to help themselves. Thus, modeling prosocial behaviour can help to encourage and facilitate helping behaviour.

  • Reducing ambiguity and diffusion of responsibility. Ambiguity and diffusion of responsibility can hinder helping behaviour. Thus, efforts to reduce ambiguity and clarify responsibility can facilitate helping behaviour.

  • Providing social support. Providing social support can help individuals feel more connected to others and increase their sense of social responsibility. This can in turn facilitate helping behaviour.

  • Encouraging empathy and altruism. Encouraging empathy and altruism can help individuals to develop a sense of obligation to help others and increase their willingness to do so.

  • Creating a culture of helping. Creating a culture in which helping others is valued and celebrated can help to encourage and facilitate helping behaviour.

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