
Latest changes and updates tagged with: Working abroad and finding jobs

Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme

Working Abroad & Working Holidays

What are the 7 questions you can ask before working abroad?

  • Your own motivation influences your search, the choices you make and the eventual job you find. It is good for yourself and the people around you to have an open attitude and to be ready for the local population. Even if you want to
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Article summaries for Perspective on Career Planning (POCP) 20/21

Summaries with 15 articles for the course Perspective on Career Planning (POCP) at the University of Leiden (2020/2021)


What are personality assessment methods?- Cohen - 2018

Summary of What are personality assessment methods? - Chapter 12 - Cohen - 2018.

When assessing an individual's personality you can use a lot of different personality assessing methods. The methods commonly used will be discussed below.

What are objective methods of personality assessment?

Objective methods of personality assessment are often administered by paper-and-pencil means or by computer, and they usually contain short-answer items for which the assessee's

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Tips for settling in after moving to a new country

settling in

There are many reasons to move to another country. Maybe you moved abroad for work, study or family, or you want to experience a different culture and way of life. Whatever your reason is, it is common that while moving to a new country can be exciting, you will also likely experience difficulties settling in. The key is to

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What are personality assessment methods?- Cohen - 2018

Summary of What are personality assessment methods? - Chapter 12 - Cohen - 2018. When assessing an individual's personality you can use a lot of different personality assessing methods. The methods commonly used will be discussed below.

  • What are objective methods of personality assessment?...


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What are personality assessment methods?- Cohen - 2018

Summary of What are personality assessment methods? - Chapter 12 - Cohen - 2018. When assessing an individual's personality you can use a lot of different personality assessing methods. The methods commonly used will be discussed below.

  • What are objective methods of personality assessment?...

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