Work abroad as expat


Checklists, Organizations, Projects & Vacancies

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Work abroad as expat


Working abroad as expat abroad


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Checklists for emigrants, nomads and expats - WorldSupporter Theme

Checklists for emigrants, nomads and expats - WorldSupporter Theme

You usually only emigrate once and even if you do it more often, the preparation takes quite a lot of work. JoHo has put together a handy checklist, so that you can get an idea of the arrangements that await you. The exact interpretation of each subject varies greatly from person to person. Please share your experience with your emigration....... read more
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Leave and living abroad - Theme


Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Work abroad as expat

Jobs abroad: what to do, why to do it, and where are the best places to go?

Paid vacancies, internships and volunteer work with organizations and institutions in work fields such as consulting, administration, communications, consulting, finance, health care, legal, social services, management, marketing, environment, education, research, organization, psychology, pedagogy, engineering, tourism and science. With sector information, destination advice and job application tips

See the following pages for jobs and vacancies per sector: more

Doe ervaring op als programmeur en ontwikkel websites en apps

  • je werkt voor een bedrijf dat gespecialiseerd is in het ontwerpen van websites en apps
  • je verbetert je kennis en vaardigheden omtrent de techniek achter websites en het ontwikkelen en onderhouden van webapplicaties en websites

Wat hou je er aan over?

  • samenwerken, resultaatgericht werken, klantgericht zijn, professioneel handelen
  • informele werksfeer met jonge mensen more

Teach English to kids or adults in Spain

  • You teach at an English language school.
  • You develop the Enlish skills of your students.
  • You teach to students of all ages.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: Being authentic, verbal communication skills, building relationships, ability to adapt.
  • You work in a friendly and professional workplace.
  • You receive a good salary package and free more

Confluence International School

Confluence International School

Confluence International School of Khartoum provides international curriculum for children of Sudanese and foreign nationals living in Khartoum, from the pre-school to the secondary level (2 -16 years old).

Note: it seems that Confluence International School of Khartoum has moved its activities to Egypt. Exact current activity is uncertain.

......Read more on this page


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Displaying 1 - 4 of 9
Jobs abroad: what to do, why to do it, and where are the best places to go?

Paid vacancies, internships and volunteer work with organizations and institutions in work fields such as consulting, administration, communications, consulting, finance, health care, legal, social services, management, marketing, environment, education, research, organization, psychology, pedagogy...

Doe ervaring op als programmeur en ontwikkel websites en apps
  • je werkt voor een bedrijf dat gespecialiseerd is in het ontwerpen van websites en apps
  • je verbetert je kennis en vaardigheden omtrent de techniek achter websites en het ontwikkelen en onderhouden van webapplicaties en websites
  • Wat hou je er aan over?

    • samenwer...



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Displaying 1 - 4 of 48
Jobs abroad: what to do, why to do it, and where are the best places to go?

Paid vacancies, internships and volunteer work with organizations and institutions in work fields such as consulting, administration, communications, consulting, finance, health care, legal, social services, management, marketing, environment, education, research, organization, psychology, pedagogy...



Organizations & Sectors

Work abroad as expat: check organizations
Displaying 1 - 4 of 7

Waar ook ter wereld Nederlandse TV kijken! U heeft overal direct toegang tot alle TV kanalen, bij u thuis of op reis. Op laptop, tablet, mobiel, en op uw TV! U kunt alle Nederlandse TV (en radio) zenders in het buitenland ontvangen zoals u die in Nederland kunt zien. Daarnaast kunt u kieze...

Swiss Care Work

Swiss Care Work is een bemiddelingsbureau voor medewerkers in de gezondheidszorg. Nederlanders Anita en Ninja Versteeg wonen al sinds 1995 in Zwitserland en bemiddelen voor medewerkers uit de gezondheidszorg, in het bijzonder voor Nederlanders. Zij richten zich hoofdzakelijk op HBO verplee...

Confluence International School

Confluence International School of Khartoum provides international curriculum for children of Sudanese and foreign nationals living in Khartoum, from the pre-school to the secondary level (2 -16 years old). Note: it seems that Confluence International School of Khartoum has moved its activities to E...



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Stories and suggestions related to Work abroad as expat
packing boxes

What to check regarding your property/residence in your home country?

  • Sell, sublet, lend or leave your property empty.
  • At end of lease: check in what state you should deliver your property/residence. For example think about recovering your outstanding deposit. Return your rented ho...

Why live in Canada, why emigrate to Canada or stay for a long time?

Why should you live in Canada as an expat, emigrant or working nomad?

  • Because Canada is one of the most favorite countries for longer stays and emigration.
  • Because there is a tremendous amount of outdoor adventures.
  • Because the amenities are good, and the people are incred...

Selected Worldsupporter pages in relation with the topic
More crossroads and side roads:

Betaald werken in het buitenland van vacatures zoeken tot voorbereiden op vertrek, en van verblijf ter plaatse tot voorbereiden op terugkeer

  • Activiteiten: Emigratiedesk bood voorlichting, coaching, financiële planning, administratieve begeleiding bij emigratie en lang verblijf in het buitenland
  • Status: activiteiten van de organisatie zijn gestaakt.
  • Alternatieven:  zie Emigratie en wonen in het buitenl...


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Crossroad: region
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