Universiteit Amsterdam: VU

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Psychological Testing - Gregory


Hey studenten!

Hier hebben jullie een link van JoHo voor een samenvatting van het boek "Psychological testing - History, Principles and Applications" (Gregory). Dit boek is vooral tijdens periode 4 (Vrije Universiteit) van belang.

Op mijn profil vinden jullie ook een begrippenlijst van dit boek.

Ik hoop het helpt!




Statistics 1 - VU

Hey freshman!

In this bundle you will find summaries for the mandatory readings, videos and other little helpers to support your studying and progress. Some of the presented material can be useful also when you are already further in your university career.

Some summaries are only availiable in dutch but I will add the english versions as soon as they are availiable.


1st year Vrije Universiteit: Biology and Cognitive Psychology

Summaries and Videos for Biology and Cognitive Psychology - 1st year course Psychology at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam

When I was in my first year I really enjoyed the biological and cognitive part of psychology. However, sometimes studying for that subject was a pain due to the amount of material. Here, I put together a little overview of things that could help you getting through this!

In this magazine you can find:

  • Summary of Cognitive Psychology by Goldstein

  • Summary of Physiology of Behavior by Carlson

  • Explanatory YouTube clips that are instructive and facilitate your readings

Have fun!


SPSS survival


This post is rather beneficial for dutchies and dutch-speakers amongst you!

Bij deze vind je een nederlandse samenvatting van Pallant J., "SPSS Survival Manual". Volgens mij is het niet verplicht om deze te lezen binnen de cursus statistics 1 (VU) maar het helpt wel! Jullie moeten toch met SPSS werken, dus waarom niet elke steun meenemen die er is?

....... read more

Psychological Report Writing - Starreveld


This post is rather benefical for the dutchies and dutch speakers amongst you. This is a dutch summary of "Psychological Report Writing" of Starreveld. If you want to have an "up-to-date"-version of the summary you can use the link to the JoHo page.

However, these kinds of books help you throughout your whole student career so make sure you

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Statistical Methods For The Social Sciences (Agresi&Finlay)


Hey students,

If you find the book "Statistical Methods for the Social Scienes" of Agresi & Finlay (5th Edition) too long, too boring or what ever negative adjective you wanna add - at least take a look into the summaries (Dutch or English). Here you find the info you need to survive the lectures and hopefully the exams too!

....... read more

Biology and Cognitive Psychology (VU) - Summaries and Videos

hey guys,

When I was in my first year I really enjoyed the biological and cognitive part of psychology. However, sometimes studing for that subject was a pain due to the amount of material. Here I put together a little overview of things that could help you getting through this!

In this bundle you can find some summaries and media to help you through your first year bachelor subject "Biology and Cognitive Psychology

......Read more

Drugs and Neurotransmission


Important for your understanding of psycho-biology is the influence of differnt drugs on our brain - this will also play a big role in psychopharmacology!

You should be familiar with basic functions of the brain and the action potential by now (if that is not the case check out the videos I posted on my profile). This little clip visualizes the theoretical knowledge you obtained through readings and explains the effect of different drugs on our brain.


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Watching videos is - in my opinion - always a good supplement to old-school reading and writing. This video is one example of a video regarding cognitive psychology (i.e. Memory). However, the channel has heaps and heaps of different videos regarding different topics. Check it out!


This post is rather beneficial for dutchies and dutch-speakers amongst you! Bij deze vind je een nederlandse samenvatting van Pallant J., "SPSS Survival Manual". Volgens mij is het niet verplicht om deze te lezen binnen de cursus statistics 1 (VU) maar het helpt wel! Jullie moeten toch met SPSS werk...


Hey studenten! Hier hebben jullie een link van JoHo voor een samenvatting van het boek "Psychological testing - History, Principles and Applications" (Gregory). Dit boek is vooral tijdens periode 4 (Vrije Universiteit) van belang. Op mijn profil vinden jullie ook een begrippenlijst van dit boek. Ik ...

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