Cooking international recipes and tasting local food abroad?

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Cooking international recipes and tasting local food abroad


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Cooking recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme
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Recipes from around the world - Bundle

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Cooking recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme

Cooking recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme


 Recipes from all over the World: From sustainable recipes to local food habits

Table of contents

  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Africa or with a African twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Asia or with an Asian twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Europe or with a local twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Latin America or
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Latest changes and updates tagged with: Cooking international recipes and tasting local food abroad

Morning routine


For one person: Two table spoons of home made yoghurt, half a banana, some strawberries, water, spirulina, chiaseeds and oatmeal. But in the blender and done.

Off you gooooo.... My morning routine breakfast.

Ready In: 2 min.

Delicious vegan ramen recipe



This is a Japanese ramen recipe that is delicious and suitable for everyone, also vegans. It is easy to make and you can create a different dish every time if you change the toppings. This recipe will give you the ramen stock, and some toppings I really like. In case you make the more

Scotch Eggs

Scotch Egg

Hello everyone,

On my trip to great England i had the one of the best pub foods. Pub food is fast easy, simple and doesn't require to much effort. Today i wan't to share my version of scotch eggs, i've been making them since i left England and the are delicious.

Prep Time: 10 mins

Cook time: 15 mins more

Super Easy Cold Tomato Ramen



This is a recipe I received from my japanese friend Yusuke. He said it's a great summer dish. I haven't made it yet, but I'm passing it on to you so everyone can try it!

Step 1: 

Mix the tomato sauce, miso, olive oil, salt, pepper and water and put it in the fridge, or add more

Boerenkool curry

Sinds kort een heel lekker recept voor een gezonde boerenkoolcurry gevonden. Lekker te combineren met rijst of maanbrood.




150 gr boerenkool, fijngesneden

300 gr kikkererwten

2 eetlepels korma currypasta

250 ml kokosmelk

75 gr cashewnoten

1 rode ui

Olie of boter om te bakken



Snipper de ui en bak deze in more

Ecuadorian Fruits :D


Hola Amigos!

Fruits are one of the main parts of a healthy diet, but also just simply DELICIOUS. Well, if you want a good choice of fruits, head out to South-America. It's FRUIT HEAVEN! The fruits here are sweet,

....... read more

Must eat: Guatemalan Ceviche

Famous in Guatemala: Ceviche


Ceviche is a dish in which any variety of fish and other seafood is mixed (usually raw) with juices, herbs, and vegetables (and sometimes fruit). A dish similar to ceviche was eaten almost 2,000 years ago. In South America, especially in Peru – where ceviche is recognized as a traditional local food – there’s a wide more

Green plantain breakfast/lunch/dinner


Plantains, or cooking bananas/green bananas, are everywhere in Ecuador! They can be recognised by their big size and if unripe, their green colour. The bananas are different from the 'normal' bananas you usually find in the supermarket. They have a higher amount of starch and less sugar and if I am correct, also contain vitamin B6, vitamin more
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Dit recept is ook van mijn oma. Ik was helaas te klein om samen met haar te hebben gekookt, toen zij nog leefde. Met deze recepten leeft zij nog een beetje voor. Je kan in plaats van vlees ook heel goed een vleesvervanger gebruiken.  Alle ingredienten in een kom of pan doen (nogal grote pan, w...


This deep fried flatbread is a common street food in Hungary where it is served warm with sour cream and grated cheese, rubbed with garlic or garlic butter, or doused with garlic water. Instructions

  1. In a mug dissolve the salt in the water. In a bowl combine the sifted flour with the yeas...


Een arepa is een ongerezen Zuid-Amerikaans maïsbroodje. Arepas zijn even eenvoudig als lekker en je kunt ze zowel hartig als met een zoete vulling eten. Ze worden gewoonlijk gemaakt van voorgegaard maïsmeel, waardoor de broodjes snel klaar zijn. Arepas zijn prima als snelle snack voor ont...


Arepas are corn pancakes/bread that can be eaten in all kinds of ways. If I understood correctly, arepas are mostly eaten like a kind of sandwich in Colombia (so cut open the arepa and put stuffing inside), while in Ecuador I mostly got it as a kind of thick pancake with other things on top.  ...


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Na meer dan een jaar hier geleefd te hebben ben ik inmiddels wel bekend met het eten hier. Inmiddels heb ik zelf uitgevonden hoe ik hun 'typische' maaltijd kan maken: Adobo. Het is heel simpel en daarom iets wat ik nog weleens wil maken (ben vanmijzelf zeker geen chef).  Hier wordt veel rijst g...


Arepas are corn pancakes/bread that can be eaten in all kinds of ways. If I understood correctly, arepas are mostly eaten like a kind of sandwich in Colombia (so cut open the arepa and put stuffing inside), while in Ecuador I mostly got it as a kind of thick pancake with other things on top.  ...


Snipper de ui en verhit in een pan met dikke bodem olie. Bak de ui in 5 min. op heel laag vuur glazig. Snijd de courgette in blokjes en schep de risotto en courgette door de ui. Bak dit mee tot alle rijstkorrels glanzen. Prepareer de bouillon volgens de aanwijzing op de verpakking. Roer een kwart va...


You’ve probably heard of enchiladas before, but you might be thinking about a rolled tortilla filled with chicken, or beef, topped with melted cheese and sauce, which is more like a Mexican enchilada. These enchiladas -Guatemalan enchiladas- are made by topping a fried or toasted tortilla (cal...

Spotlight summaries related to Cooking international recipes and tasting local food abroad
(Vegan) Wellington recept

Dit jaar kon ik mijn familie niet bezoeken met Kerstmis, waardoor ik de verschillende luxe gerechten mis die verschillende familieleden zouden koken. Door de kerst zonder hen door te brengen, werd ik plotseling gepromoveerd van assistent-chef tot chef-kok. Ik ben geen geweldige kok, en zeker geen&nb...

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