Industrial and organizational psychology

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Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S. (8th edition) a summary

This is a summary of the book Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S (8th edition). This book is about psychology at the workplace. It contains for instance ways to increase employee satisfaction and workplace dynamics. The book is used in the course 'Labor and and organisational psychology' at the first year of psychology at the University of Amsterdam.

The first two chapters of this summary are for free, but to support worldsupporter and Joho, you have to become a Joho-member to read the other chapters. This is five euro a year, and you then can read all Joho-

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Team dynamics - summary of chapter 8 of Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S. (8th edition)

Organizational Behavior
Chapter 8
Team dynamics

Teams and informal groups

Teams: groups of two or more people who interact with and influence each other, are mutually accountable for achieving common goals associated with organizational objectives, and perceive themselves as a social entity within an organization.

All teams exist to fulfill some purpose.
Team members are held together by their interdependence and need for collaboration to achieve common goals.

Team members influence each other.
A team exist when it members

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Decision making and creativity- summary of chapter 7 of Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S. (8th edition)

Organizational Behavior
Chapter 7
Decision making and creativity

Rational choice decision making

Decision making: the conscious process of making choices among alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state of affairs.

Rational choice decision making selects the best alternative by calculating the probability that various outcomes will occur from the choices and the expected satisfaction from each of those outcomes.
Rely primarily on two pieces of information:

  • The probability that each outcome will occur
  • The valence or expected satisfaction of each outcome
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Applied Performance Practices- summary of chapter 6 of Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S. (8th edition)

Organizational Behavior
Chapter 6
Applied Performance Practices

The meaning of money in the workplace

Money is much more than an object of compensation for an employee’s contribution to organizational objectives.
Money relates to our needs and our self-concept.

It generates a variety of emotions.
Money is a symbol of achievement and status, a motivator, and an influence on our propensity to make ethical or risky decisions.

To some extent, the influence of

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Foundations of employee motivation- summary of chapter 5 of Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S. (8th edition)

Organizational Behavior
Chapter 5
Foundations of employee motivation

Motivation: the forces within a person that affect his or her direction, intensity and persistence of voluntary behavior.

Employee engagement

Employee engagement: individual emotional and cognitive motivation, particularly a focused, intense, persistent, and purposive effort toward work-related goals.
An emotional involvement in, commitment to, and satisfaction with the work.

Also high level of absorption in the work and self-efficacy.

Most employees aren’t very engaged.
Actively disengaged employees tend to be disruptive at work, not just disconnected from work.

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Workplace emotions, attitudes, and stress - summary of chapter 4 of Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S. (8th edition)

Organizational Behavior
Chapter 4

Workplace emotions, attitudes, and stress

Emotions in the workplace

Emotions influence almost everything we do in the workplace.
Often occur before cognitive processes and, consequently influence them.

Emotions: physiological, behavioral, and psychological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event that create a state of readiness.
Quite short.

Directed toward someone or something.
Emotions are experiences, they represent changes in our physiological state, psychological state and behavior.
Most of these emotional reactions are subtle, they occur without

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Individual behavior, personality and values - summary of chapter 2 of Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S. (8th edition)

Organizational Behavior
Chapter 2
Individual behavior, personality and values

MARS model of individual behavior and performance

For most of the past century, experts have investigated the direct predictions of individual behavior and performance.

  • One of the earliest formulas was: performance = person X situation

Person: individual characteristics
Situation: external influences on the individuals behavior

Another formula
Performance = ability X motivation
The skill-and-will model

AMO model

Limited interpretation of

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Introduction to the filed of Organizational behavioral - summary of chapter 1 of Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S. (8th edition)

Organizational Behavior
Chapter 1
Introduction to the filed of Organizational behavioral

The field of organizational behavior

Organizational behavior (OB): the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations.
They study this topic at multiple levels of analysis:

  • The individual
  • The team
  • The organization

Organizations: groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose.
Collective entities. Humans who interact with each other in an organized way.

Requires some minimal level of:

  • Communication
  • Coordination
  • Collaboration

Members have a

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Check or search within topic: Industrial and organizational psychology
Displaying 69 - 72 of 215
Welke job design modellen zijn er? - Chapter 3
  • 3.1 Hoe is job design ontstaan?
  • 3.2 Wat is het Job Characteristics Model?
  • 3.3 Wat is het Demand-Control-Support Model?
  • 3.4 Wat is het Vitamin Model?
  • 3.5 Wat is het Effort-Reward Imbalance Model?
  • 3.6 Wat is Socio-Technical Systems Thinking?
  • ...
Hoe verbeteren werknemers de eigen baan? - Chapter 17
  • 17.1 Wat is job crafting?
  • 17.2 Hoe is job crafting ontstaan?
  • 17.3 Hoe is job crafting een individuele benadering van job redesign?
  • 17.4 Wat zijn de verbanden tussen job crafting en organisatieverandering en innovatie?
  • 17.5 Welke zaken met betrekking tot ...


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This is a summary of the book Organizational Behavior by Mcshane, S (8th edition). This book is about psychology at the workplace. It contains for instance ways to increase employee satisfaction and workplace dynamics. The book is used in the course 'Labor and and organisational psychology' at the f...


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Spotlight summaries related to Industrial and organizational psychology
Assessment, Careers, and Business - Chapter 15 - Cohen - 2018

Summary of Assessment, Careers, and Business - Chapter 15 - Cohen - 2018. A whole world of tests is available to help in various phases of career choice. Historically, one variable considered closely related to occupational fulfillment and success is personal interests.

  • What are the measur...

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