Kvinna till kvinna

Kvinna till Kvinna means ”woman to woman”. The foundation strengthens the organisation of women in conflict regions by cooperating with local women’s organizations and supporting their work to promote women’s rights and peace. Today, Kvinna till kvinna supports over a hundred organisations in five regions affected by conflict: Central and Western Africa, the Middle East, the South Cau­casus and the Western Balkans.

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  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and work better together, and thereby contribute to a tolerant tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, it support personal development and promote international cooperation is encouraged.

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  • As a JoHo donor, member or insured, you provide support to the JoHo objectives. JoHo then supports you with tools, coaching and benefits in the areas of personal development and international activities.
  • JoHo's core services include: study support, competence development, coaching and insurance mediation when departure abroad.

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Contact & Location
Slakthusplan 3
121 62 Johanneshov
More about Kvinna till kvinna in past and present

Products & Services CV

Helping women

  • Kvinna to Kvinna supports women's rights organisations in conflict regions in times of war and conflict. 
  • The foundation cooperates with women's rights organizations to increase and share knowledge. They support local organizations, providing local ownership. 
  • Kvinna till Kvinna does advocacy work and contract teaching on issues regarding women, peace and security. They also conduct different research projects to improve their knowledge so they can support women in need as best as they can.
  • The main focus of Kvinna till Kvinna lies on six thematic areas: Create safe meeting places, empower women’s rights defenders, increase women’s power, inclusion of more women in peace processes, support power over one’s own body, provide security voor all. 
  • Kvinna till Kvinna focusses on long term core goals, to develop cacapity and build a stable foundation for women empowerment organizations.

Learning and Developing Talent

  • Kvinna till Kvinna provides different traineeships that focus on international cooperation and knowledge sharing.
  • One of those traineeships is the 'Advanced International Training Programme' that focusses on preventing gender based violence. The foundation aims to achieve this by providing knowledge and letting participants apply gained knowledge and tools in their home and network.
  • Another example is the 'Young Women's Peace Academy'. This is a training programme for young women from the Caucasus and the Balkans. Its aim is to increase young women’s leadership, advocacy and communication skills and strengthen their capacity to influence policymakers at a local and international level for a positive change.

Do you want to support Kvinna till Kvinna?

  • Make a donation
  • Sign up for a job.


Work & Internship CV

Paid Jobs

  • There are several possibilities to work at Kvinna till Kvinna, at their headquarter in Stockholm or at one of their projects in the field. See the organization's website for more information and current positions.


  • Kvinna till Kvinna accepts applications for internships mutiple times a year. See their website for the available internships.


  • At this moment, it is not possible to volunteer at Kvinna till Kvinna.
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