Travel to Central America to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Central America

Backpacking in Central America

  • Central America is one of regions where backpackers can alternate a lot of culture and nature in a short period of time.
  • Characteristics: Mayas, tropical rainforest, exotic islands, volcanoes, lots and diverse wildlife.

Travelling in Central America

  • A versatile travel area with lots of culture, white beaches, colorful (capital) cities, hospitable people, traveling by bus and special coffee fields.
  • Cities and island spotting: Mexico City, Panama City, Antigua, Granada, Léon, Bay Islands, San Blas archipelago.
  • Animal spotting: including sloth, toucan, jaguar, howler monkeys, sea turtles, tapir, quetzal, ocelot.
  • Nature spotting: Monteverde Cloud Forest (cloud forest), Tikal National Park, Arenal volcano, Rincón de la Vieja National Park, Lago de Atitlán (volcanic lake), Isla de Ometepe, Bocas del Toro archipelago, Semuc Champey limestone pools and waterfalls.

Studying in Central America

  • Studies: basically all subjects and forms of education can be found. Additional opportunities regarding anthropology, tropical biology, Spanish language & culture, international relations, environmental and sustainability studies, archaeology, marine biology, development studies.
  • Study cities: San José & Heredia, Panama City, Antigua, Managua, Tegucigalpa, Léon.
  • Characteristics: education varies in quality by country and location, but of reasonably good level. Many study cities offer vibrant cultural scenes. Studying in Central America often also means aanda
  • Characteristics: education varies in quality by country and location, but of reasonably good level. Many study cities offer vibrant cultural scene. Studying in Central America often means paying attention to social and political context in the country where you study.

Internship in Central America

  • Internships: internships can be found in all sectors of society. The (eco)tourism, conservation, international relations/development cooperation, health, education, microfinance, archaeology and ICT sectors have the most offerings.
  • Destination cities: San José, Panama City, Antigua, Managua, Tegucigalpa, Léon, Guatemala City, Heredia, Granada.
  • Characteristics: The work culture in many Central American countries is quite informal, but sometimes hierarchical. Cooperation and team spirit are important. Being an intern in this region often means being physically present and able to adapt.

Doing volunteer work in Central America

  • Volunteer projects: particularly in education, healthcare, community development, childcare, ecotourism, nature management and cultural and heritage conservation.
  • Animal and nature projects: protecting monkeys, birds, sea turtles, jaguars, coral reefs and the tropical jungles.
  • Characteristics: volunteer work possible from 1 or 2 weeks to several months. Much attention to mutual social relationships.
  • Characteristics: volunteering possible from 1 or 2 weeks to several months. Much attention to social relationships. Especially in Central America, flexibility and adaptability is a must, as is paying attention to culture and mutual respect. Do not always expect strong organizational structures, although this varies from project to project.

Working in Central America

  • Jobs: temporary work is mainly found in the sectors: hospitality, education, healthcare, agriculture, development cooperation, ICT and (eco)tourism.
  • Characteristics: The work culture can vary considerably from country to country and location to location, but in general the atmosphere is informal, social relations between colleagues are important and sometimes it demands a lot of your adaptability. Basic Spanish is a must, depending on the location and type of company.

Working as a digital nomad in Central America

  • Favorite cities and islands: San Jose, Tamarindo, Panama City, Granada, Antigua, Léon, Bocas del Toro.
  • Characteristics: growing number of places where the good and working life are often well combined. Work facilities are good, you work in a rich culture, nature is always nearby and digital nomad community is already large. And of course: top coffee!

Living in Central America

  • Language: without Spanish it is difficult to function. English is not widely spoken.
  • Living environment: in general, the lifestyle is considered very positive by expats in many Central American countries. Relatively low cost of living.
  • Issues around safety and healthcare: the quality of healthcare can vary greatly and having your own health insurance is necessary everywhere. Be well informed about housing locations; safety is an issue in some neighborhoods/regions.
  • Seek advice on insurance policies that provide adequate coverage for proper care and also repatriation in case of emergency.

Supporting content

WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


Latest changes and updates tagged with: Central America

Why to live in Mexico, why to emigrate to Mexico or stay for a long time?

Why should you live in Mexico as an expat, emigrant or working nomad?

  • because of the climate.
  • because of its diverse nature with volcanoes, jungle, mountains and beaches.
  • because of its culture, traditions and rich history.
  • because of the gastronomy.
  • because of the emphasis on teamwork and cooperation and achieving results together. Being loyal and fulfilling your commitments
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What are the best places to go to in Mexico?

What are the best places to go to in Mexico

  • The high and often snow-capped peaks of the Popocatépetl and Nevado de Toluca volcanoes are easy to climb. You can even take a spectacular dive into the water-filled craters.
  • The reefs of Los Manchones, Cuevones, Chital and La Bandera have beautiful marine life and are famous among divers
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What are typical Spanish words and expressions?

What about communication?

  • Spanish (or Castellano or Español) is the official language of Spain.
  • However, there are actually four main languages which are considered official per region. Catalan (Català or Valenciáno) is the official language in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Andorra and a part of València (where the language is known as Valèncian). Basque is the official language
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Working Abroad & Working Holidays

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Verzekeringen voor in het buitenland - Thema

Verzekeringen voor als je naar het buitenland gaat om te backpacken, te reizen, te studeren, stage te lopen, vrijwilligerswerk te doen, te werken, te leven als digital nomad of je te vestigen als emigrant

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    Verzekeringen voor als je naar het buitenland gaat om te backpacken, te reizen, te studeren, stage te lopen, vrijwilligerswerk te doen, te werken, te leven als digital nomad of je te vestigen als emigrant


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