Travel to Kosovo to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Kosovo

Kosovo, with an area of 10,887 km2, has been part of Europe with its existence since 2008. It is located in the middle of the Balkans. Although traditional tourists tend to overlook Kosovo, the country has much to offer for especially for nature lovers.

Supporting content

WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


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Toeristenvisum Inwoners uit de EU, Australië, Canada, Japan, Nieuw-Zeeland, Zuid Afrika en de VS, hebben geen toeristen visum nodig. Bij aankomst in Kosovo krijg je een stempel in het paspoort waarmee je 90 dagen in het land mag verblijven. Wanneer men van plan is langer dan 90 dagen in Kosovo ...

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