Travel to Malawi to backpack, study, intern, volunteer, work or live as a digital nomad, expat or emigrant?

Intro: life and experiences in Malawi

Backpacking or traveling in Malawi?

  • Malawi is found in the heart of East Africa. It is a small, beautiful country full of tea plantations, mountains, and a huge lake! It is a real backpacker destination that is still relatively undiscovered. It is also a good destination for sustainable travelers. You will find many eco lodges and sustainable initiatives. 
  • Activity spotting: explore trendy Blantyre, visit the ancient capital Zomba, learn about the freshwater fish of Lake Malawi, go on safari in at least one of the nine national parks (and they are all really different), snorkel or dive at Cape Maclear, delve into colonial history at Livingstonia, climb Mount Mulanje and experience real African life in Lilongwe. 

Studying in Malawi?

  • If you want to study in Malawi, there are a few options. The quality of education does not score very high, but it can be special to study there. There are 5 universities to choose from, with limited study options. These include education, accounting, business administration, marketing, environmental studies, journalism, biology, tourism, etc. 
  • Study cities: Mikolongwe, Blantyre, Ntcheu.
  • Language: English and Chichewa. 

Internship in Malawi?

  • There are many internship opportunities in Malawi, especially for NGOs. Examples include wildlife veterinary medicine, helping with media and marketing at small organizations/businesses, community development, education, sustainable tourism. 
  • Competencies: cross-cultural communication, creative thinking, problem solving, fieldwork, empathy and social awareness, independence. 

Volunteering in Malawi?

  • For volunteering, it is similar to internships. Options can be found mainly in education (English classes or other skills), conservation projects and protecting endangered species. 

Working in Malawi?

  • Malawi is a pretty poor country and there are not many options for work in the small job market. The best opportunity is with international nonprofit organizations with offices in Malawi. 

Working as a digital nomad in Malawi?

  • There are very few digital nomads in Malawi, so a good place if you want to be original!
  • Life is relatively cheap, but as far as we know, facilities are not very good and certainly WiFi leaves much to be desired. 

Living in Malawi?

  • Living in Malawi offers many advantages. With beautiful nature and wildlife parks and vibrant, colorful cities, Malawi offers a lot of beauty for expats. Also, the cost of living is certainly not high.  
  • It is one of the poorest countries in the world, but that does not stop the people from being hospitable and friendly. Also, the political situation is fairly stable. 
  • Be prepared for power outages, missing your Western conveniences and the sometimes too laid-back attitude of the locals. Health care also leaves much to be desired. 

Supporting content

WorldSupporter: theme pages for activities abroad
Backpacking and travel your way around the world - Theme
Emigration and moving abroad - Theme
Internships Abroad - Theme
Learning languages and language courses abroad - Theme
Remote working abroad for digital and global nomads - Theme
Study your way around the world - Theme
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language and learning English - Thems
Travel insurances and insurances for long term abroad - Theme
Volunteer abroad - Theme
Working Abroad & Working Holidays - WorldSupporter Theme


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Malawi 2014

Below you can read the program of my expedition. And here you can read about my preparations for Malawi. Expedition Program Malawi October 11th (Sat) – Departure from Brussels airport Flight from Brussels to Blantyre, via Paris and Addis Abeba in Ethiopia. October 12, (Sun) – Arriva...

projectmanager Malawi

Werkzaamheden in het kort: o.a.

  • Het ontwikkelen en uitbouwen van partnerships met lokale projecten en ondernemers
  • Je bent actief met het onderhouden van contacten met projectpartners
  • Je biedt ondersteuning en begeleidt vrijwilligers tijdens hun verblijf in Malawi
  • ...


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Deze 2 meisjes spoken nog dagelijks in mijn hoofd, daarom wil ik hun verhaal met jullie delen. Niet alleen hun verhaal, maar vooral waarom ik nog dagelijks aan deze meisjes denk en wat mijn gevoel bij hun is. Wanneer ik aan hun denk vraag ik mij af: Hoe gaat het nu met hun, wat zijn ze aan het doen ...

projectmanager Malawi

Werkzaamheden in het kort: o.a.

  • Het ontwikkelen en uitbouwen van partnerships met lokale projecten en ondernemers
  • Je bent actief met het onderhouden van contacten met projectpartners
  • Je biedt ondersteuning en begeleidt vrijwilligers tijdens hun verblijf in Malawi
  • ...

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A 4-day festival at different locations in Zomba City during the May Day public holiday. Explore the green historical city in Southern Malawi during four days of contemporary arts & culture.

projectmanager Malawi

Werkzaamheden in het kort: o.a.

  • Het ontwikkelen en uitbouwen van partnerships met lokale projecten en ondernemers
  • Je bent actief met het onderhouden van contacten met projectpartners
  • Je biedt ondersteuning en begeleidt vrijwilligers tijdens hun verblijf in Malawi
  • ...

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