Gibbons abroad and while traveling: are they dangerous, where do you encounter them, where can you see them?

What are gibbons?

  • Gibbons are social apes of which there are 17 species.
  • The main characteristics of the gibbon are the long swinging arms and the many types of sounds they can make.

Are gibbons dangerous?

  • If you encounter a gibbon in the wild they are not dangerous
  • In captivity it is best to keep your hands to yourself to avoid a nasty bite or scratch.

Where to see gibbons in the wild abroad?

  • All species of gibbons are only found in Southeast Asia. Gibbons prefer to live in rainforests and jungles. Due to the cutting down of these tropical forests, all species of gibbons are threatened in their existence.
  • You can find Gibbons in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and China. 

What to do if you encounter a gibbon in the wild?

  • Keep your distance, stay quiet and calm and avoid eye contact. 
  • Don’t feed gibbons as this disrupts their natural behaviour and can make them aggressive. 

What to do when a gibbon attacks you?

  • In the rare case a gibbon attacks you it is best not to run, as sudden movements can make the situation worse. Avoid eye contact and back away slowly. If already under attack, curl into a ball and protect yourself. 

What to do in case of a bite or scratch by a gibbon?

  • Clean the wound immediately with soap and water for at least 5-10 minutes. Disinfect it, control the bleeding if necessary and seek medical attention ASAP for further treatment. 

Which diseases can humans get from a gibbon?

  • Gibbons can carry several zoonotic diseases such as rabies (but rarely), hepatitis B, tuberculosis and herpes. 
  • They can also cause bacterial infections in the wounds, or host intestinal parasites. 

Can you volunteer or intern with gibbons?

  • Yes, you can! There are several sanctuaries, research projects and rehabilitation centers that offer opportunities to work with gibbons. You can, for example, help with observing their behaviour and creating enrichment activities, help with habitat restoration or participate in educational programs and community outreach. 

Where is the best place to work with gibbons?

  • You can go to a sanctuary, research station or national park that focusses on rehabilitation and conservation. For example the Gibbon Rehabilitation Project in Thailand, the Kalaweit Gibbon Conservation project in Indonesia, the Wildlife Alliance in Cambodia and the Borneo Nature Foundation (Indonesia). 
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