Understanding reliability and validity

In short: reliability and validity

  • Reliability refers to the consistency of a measurement. A reliable measurement is one that gives consistent results when repeated under the same or similar conditions. For example, if you take a thermometer and measure the temperature of a cup of water 5 times in a row, you should get the same or very close results each time.
  • Validity refers to the accuracy of a measurement. A valid measurement measures what it is intended to measure. For example, a scale that is correctly calibrated is valid because it measures weight accurately. A thermometer that is not calibrated correctly is not valid because it measures temperature incorrectly.
  • In other words, a reliable measurement is one that gives consistent results, while a valid measurement is one that gives accurate results.

Understanding reliability and validity

Reliability and validity are concepts used to evaluate the quality of your research. They indicate how well a method, technique or test measures something.

Reliability and validity

Reliability and validity are two central themes within statistics. The reliability refers to the phenomenon that the measurement instrument provides consistent results. If you repeat the same measurement, a reliable instrument will provide the same result. Validity describes whether the construct that is aimed to be measured, is indeed being measured by the instrument. The validity is dependent upon the aim of the study: an instrument may be valid for one concept, but not for another. A valid measurement is always a reliable measurement too, but the reverse does not hold: if an instrument provides consistent result, it is reliable, but does not have to be valid.

Measurement error

The score of a participant on a measurement consists of two parts: 1) the true score of the participant and 2) measurement error. In short:

\[Observed\: score = True\: score + Measurement\: error\]

The true score is the score that a participant would have had if the measurement technique was perfect and hence no measurement errors have been made. However, the measurement techniques that researchers use are (almost) never flawless. All measurement techniques consist of measurement error. Because of these measurement errors, scientist can never reveal the exact score of a participant.

Measurement error and reliability

Measurement errors and reliability of a measurement are related. When a measurement has a low reliability, the measurement errors are large and the researcher knows little about the true scores of the participants. When a measurement has a high reliability, little measurement error occurred. The observed scores of a participant are then a good (but not perfect) reflection of the true score of the participant.

Reliability as systematic variance

Scientist are never completely certain how much measurement error is persistent in a study and what the true scores of participants are. In addition, they do not know how reliable their measure is precisely, but they can estimate how reliable it is. If they determine that their measure was not reliable enough, they can try to make their measurement more reliable. If making their measurement more reliable is not possible, they can decide not to use the measurement at all.

  • The total variance in a data set of scores consists of two parts: 1) variance by true scores and 2) variance by measurement errors. In formula form, this is:

\[{\small Total\: variance = Variance\: by\: true\: scores + Variance\: by\: measurement\: errors}\]

  • We can also say that the proportion of total variances that is in accordance with the true scores of the participants is the systematic variance, because the true scores are systematically related to the measurement.

  • The variance that is caused by measurement errors is called error variance, because this variance is not related to what the scientist examines.

  • We therefore can say that the reliability can be computed by dividing the systematic variance by the total variance:

\[Reliability = \frac{Systematic\: variance}{Total\: variance}\]

  • The reliability of a measurement is somewhere between 0 and 1. A reliability of 0 implies that the scores solely exist of measurement errors and that there is no true score variance present in the data. The scores only refer to measurement errors. The reverse applies to a reliability of 1: now, only true score variance is present, and there is no variance caused by measurement errors. The rule-of-thumb is that a measure is reliable when the reliability is at least .70. This implies that 70% of the variance in the data refers to true score variance (systematic variance).

Types of reliability

Researchers use three types of reliability for analyzing their data: 1) test-retest reliability 2) inter-item reliability and 3) inter-rater reliability.

1. Test-retest reliability

Test-retest reliability refers to the consistency in the responses of participants throughout time. Often, participants are measured with time between the measurement occasions. If we assume that a characteristic is stable, the person should get similar scores with similar measurements. If someone scores 110 on an IQ-test the first time, this person should score around 110 on the second measurement occasion. This is because IQ is a relatively stable concept. However, both measurement occasions will not be completely similar, so measurement errors will occur. If the correlation between both tests is high (at least .70), a test (here: IQ-test) has a high reliability. Examples where we expect a high test-retest reliability are: intelligence-, attitude- and personality tests. Examples where we expect a low test-retest reliability are less stable characteristics such as hunger, fatigue or concentration level.

2. Inter-item reliability

The inter-item reliability is important for measurements that consist of more than one item. Inter-item reliability refers to the extent of consistency between multiple items measuring the same construct. Personality questionnaires for example often consist of multiple items that tell you something about the extraversion or confidence of participants. These items are summed up to a total score. When researchers sum up the answers of participants to receive a single score, they have to be certain that all items measure the same construct (for example extraversion). To check to what extent items are in accordance with each other, the item-total correlation can be computed for each combination of items. This is the correlation between an item and the rest of all items combined. Each item on the measurement instrument should correlate with the remaining items. An item-total correlation of .30 or higher per item is considered to be sufficient.

Next to calculating whether each item is in accordance with the remaining items, it is also necessary to calculate the reliability of all items combined. In the past, the split-half reliability was calculated. For the split-half reliability all items are subdivided into two sets. A total score is computed for each set and then the correlation between both sets is calculated. If the items in both sets measure the same construct, there should be a high correlation between the tests. The correlation (and hence split-half reliability) is considered high if it is .70 or higher.

The disadvantage of the split-half reliability is that the correlation that is found depends on which items are placed in which set. If you subdivide the items a little differently, it may result in a different split-half reliability. Because of this reason, we recently calculate more often the ‘Chronbach’s alpha coefficient’. The Chronbach’s alpha is used to calculate the mean of all possible split-half reliabilities. Researchers assume that the inter-item reliability is sufficient when Chronbach’s alpha is .70 or higher.

Chronbach's alpha in formula:

\[\alpha = \frac{Items}{Items - 1} 1 - \frac{\sum{Variance\: of\: all\: items}}{Total\: variance\: of\: complete\: scale}\]


\[\alpha = \frac{N\cdot\bar{c}}{\bar{v}+(N-1)\cdot\bar{c}}\]

  • N : the number of items
  • c-bar : the average inter-item covariance among the items
  • v-bar : equals the average variance

3. Inter-rater reliability

Inter-rater reliability is also called ‘inter-judge’ or ‘inter-observer’ reliability. It refers to the extent to which two or more observers observe and code the behavior of participants equally. When the observers make similar judgements (thus, a high inter-rater reliability), the correlation between their judgements should be .70 or higher.

Correlation coefficient

A correlation coefficient is a statistic that indicates the strength of the relation between two measurements. This statistic lies between 0 (no relation between the measurements) and 1 (perfect relation between the measurements). Correlation coefficients can be positive or negative. When this statistic is squared, we see what proportion of the total variance of both measures is systematic. The higher the correlation, the more related the two variables are.


Measurement techniques should not only be reliable, but also valid. Validity refers to the extent to which a measurement technique measures what it should measure. The question is thus whether we measure what we want to measure. It is important to note that reliability and validity are two different things. A measurement instrument can be reliable, whilst not being valid. A high reliability tells us that the instrument measures something, but does not tell us exactly what the instrument measures. To discover that, it is important to check the validity of the instrument. Validity is not a definite characteristic of a measurement technique or instrument. A measure can be valid for one aim, whilst not being valid for another aim.

A subdivision is made into internal validity and external validity.

  • Internal validity refers to drawing right conclusions about the effects of the independent variable. Internal validity is warranted by experimental control. This causes namely that only the independent variable differs between the conditions. If participants in different conditions differ systematically on more than only the independent variable, we are facing confounding.
  • External validity refers to the extent to which the research results can be generalized to other samples. Researchers distinguish three kinds of validity: 1) face validity 2) construct validity and 3) criterion-validity.


Face-validity refers to the extent to which a measure seems to measure what it should measure. A measure has face-validity when people think that what is measured is indeed the case. This form of validity can thus not be computed statistically, but is more an assessment of the measure based on the feelings of people. The face-validity is determined by the researcher, the participants and/or field experts.

Face-validity is important in statistics, because if a measurement does not have face-validity, the participants think it is not important to really participate (if a personality test has no face-validity, but participants have to fill in the questionnaire, then they do not see the added value of the test). It is important to remember three things: 1) If a measurement has face-validity, it does not mean per se that the measure is valid too 2) If a measurement does not have face-validity, it does not mean per se that the measurement is not valid 3) Some researchers try to hide their aims to get valuable answers. For example, if answers are too much associated with sensitive topics, participants may not want to answer those questions correctly; if the face-validity of the questions is lowered, the participants may not know that they are giving delicate information and may more easily do so.

Construct validity

Often, researchers are interested in hypothetical constructs. These are constructs that can not be observed directly by empirical evidence. The question arises how to determine whether the measurement of a hypothetical construct (that can not be observed directly) is valid. Chronbach and Meehl say that the validity of the measurement of a hypothetical construct can be determined by comparing the measure with other measures. Scores on an instrument for self-confidence for example should correlate positively with measures for optimism, but negatively with measures for insecurity and fear.

A measurement instrument has construct validity when 1) it correlates strongly with instruments with which it should correlate (convergent validity) and 2) it does not correlate (or correlates to a small extent) with instruments to which it should not correlate (discriminant validity).

Criterion validity

Criterion validity refers to the extent to which a measurement instrument is related to a specific outcome or behavioral criterion. Researchers distinguish between two primary types of criterion validity: 1) concurrent criterion validity and 2) predictive criterion validity.

  • Concurrent criterion validity tells us something about the correlation between measurement instrument and outcome - for instance whether people with a high grade for the course 'Introduction to Statistics' also have a high grade for the course 'Introduction to social sciences'. Generally, the measurements are at almost the same time.
  • Predictive criterion validity tells us something about the predictive value of a certain measurement instrument for an outcome - for instance whether people with a high grade for the course 'Introduction to Statistics' also have a high grade for the course 'Statistics for advanced students'. Generally, measurements are made with (a lot of) time in between them.

Glossary and practice questions with reliability and validity

Glossary for Reliability and Validity

Glossary for Reliability and Validity

What is reliability in statistics?

What is reliability in statistics?

In statistics, reliability refers to the consistency of a measurement. It essentially reflects whether the same results would be obtained if the measurement were repeated under similar conditions. Simply put, a reliable measure is consistent and reproducible.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • High reliability: A measure is considered highly reliable if it produces similar results across repeated measurements. This implies that the random errors in the measurement process are minimal.
  • Low reliability: A measure with low reliability means the results fluctuate significantly between measurements, even under supposedly consistent conditions. This suggests the presence of significant random errors or inconsistencies in the measurement process.
  • True score: The concept of reliability is linked to the idea of a true score, which represents the underlying characteristic being measured. Ideally, the observed scores should closely reflect the true score, with minimal influence from random errors.
  • Distinction from validity: It's important to distinguish reliability from validity. While a reliable measure produces consistent results, it doesn't guarantee it's measuring what it's intended to measure. In other words, it can be consistently wrong. A measure needs to be both reliable and valid to be truly useful.

Understanding reliability is crucial in various statistical applications, such as:

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of tests and surveys
  • Assessing the accuracy of measurement instruments
  • Comparing results from different studies that use the same measurement tools
What is validity in statistics?

What is validity in statistics?

In statistics, validity refers to the degree to which a measurement, test, or research design actually measures what it's intended to measure. It essentially reflects whether the conclusions drawn from the data accurately reflect the real world.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • High validity: A measure or research design is considered highly valid if it truly captures the intended concept or phenomenon without significant bias or confounding factors. The results accurately reflect the underlying reality being investigated.
  • Low validity: A measure or design with low validity means the conclusions drawn are questionable or misleading. Factors like bias, confounding variables, or flawed methodology can contribute to low validity, leading to inaccurate interpretations of the data.
  • Example: Imagine a survey intended to measure student satisfaction with a new teaching method. If the survey questions are poorly worded or biased, the results may not accurately reflect students' true opinions, leading to low validity.

It's important to note that:

  • Validity is distinct from reliability: Even if a measure is consistent (reliable), it doesn't guarantee it's measuring the right thing (valid).
  • Different types of validity: There are various types of validity, such as internal validity (dealing with causal relationships within a study), external validity (generalizability of findings to other contexts), and construct validity (measuring a specific theoretical concept).
  • Importance of validity: Ensuring validity is crucial in any statistical analysis or research project. Without it, the conclusions are unreliable and cannot be trusted to represent the truth of the matter.

By understanding both reliability and validity, researchers and data analysts can ensure their findings are meaningful and trustworthy, contributing to accurate and insightful knowledge in their respective fields.

What is measurement error?

What is measurement error?

In statistics and science, measurement error refers to the difference between the measured value of a quantity and its true value. It represents the deviation from the actual value due to various factors influencing the measurement process.

Here's a more detailed explanation:

  • True value: The true value is the ideal or perfect measurement of the quantity, which is often unknown or impossible to obtain in practice.
  • Measured value: This is the value obtained through a specific measuring instrument or method.
  • Error: The difference between the measured value and the true value is the measurement error. This can be positive (overestimation) or negative (underestimation).

There are two main categories of measurement error:

  • Systematic error: This type of error consistently affects the measurements in a particular direction. It causes all measurements to be deviated from the true value by a predictable amount. Examples include:

    • Instrument calibration issues: A scale that consistently reads slightly high or low due to calibration errors.
    • Environmental factors: Measuring temperature in direct sunlight can lead to overestimation due to the heat.
    • Observer bias: An observer consistently rounding measurements to the nearest whole number.
  • Random error: This type of error is characterized by unpredictable fluctuations in the measured values, even when repeated under seemingly identical conditions. These random variations average out to zero over a large number of measurements. Examples include:
    • Slight variations in reading a ruler due to human error.
    • Natural fluctuations in the measured quantity itself.
    • Instrument limitations: Measurement devices often have inherent limitations in their precision.

Understanding and minimizing measurement error is crucial in various fields, including:

  • Scientific research: Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of data collected in experiments.
  • Engineering and manufacturing: Maintaining quality control and ensuring products meet specifications.
  • Social sciences: Collecting reliable information through surveys and questionnaires.

By acknowledging the potential for measurement error and employing appropriate techniques to calibrate instruments, control environmental factors, and reduce observer bias, researchers and practitioners can strive to obtain more accurate and reliable measurements.

What is test-retest reliability?

What is test-retest reliability?

Test-retest reliability is a specific type of reliability measure used in statistics and research to assess the consistency of results obtained from a test or measurement tool administered twice to the same group of individuals, with a time interval between administrations.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • Focus: Test-retest reliability focuses on the consistency of the measured variable over time. Ideally, if something is being measured accurately and consistently, the results should be similar when the test is repeated under comparable conditions.
  • Process:
    1. The same test is administered to the same group of individuals twice.
    2. The scores from both administrations are compared to assess the degree of similarity.
  • Indicators: Common statistical methods used to evaluate test-retest reliability include:
    • Pearson correlation coefficient: Measures the linear relationship between the scores from the two administrations. A high correlation (closer to 1) indicates strong test-retest reliability.
    • Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC): Takes into account both the agreement between scores and the average level of agreement across all pairs of scores.
  • Time interval: The appropriate time interval between administrations is crucial. It should be long enough to minimize the effects of memory from the first administration while being short enough to assume the measured variable remains relatively stable.
  • Limitations:
    • Practice effects: Participants may perform better on the second test simply due to familiarity with the questions or tasks.
    • Fatigue effects: Participants might score lower on the second test due to fatigue from repeated testing.
    • Changes over time: The measured variable itself might naturally change over time, even in a short period, potentially impacting the results.

Test-retest reliability is essential for establishing the confidence in the consistency and stability of a test or measurement tool. A high test-retest reliability score indicates that the results are consistent and the test can be relied upon to provide similar results across different administrations. However, it's crucial to interpret the results cautiously while considering the potential limitations and ensuring appropriate controls are in place to minimize their influence.

What is inter-item reliability?

What is inter-item reliability?

Inter-item reliability, also known as internal consistency reliability or scale reliability, is a type of reliability measure used in statistics and research to assess the consistency of multiple items within a test or measurement tool designed to measure the same construct.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • Focus: Inter-item reliability focuses on whether the individual items within a test or scale measure the same underlying concept in a consistent and complementary manner. Ideally, all items should contribute equally to capturing the intended construct.
  • Process: There are two main methods to assess inter-item reliability:
    • Item-total correlation: This method calculates the correlation between each individual item and the total score obtained by summing the responses to all items. A high correlation for each item indicates it aligns well with the overall scale, while a low correlation might suggest the item captures something different from the intended construct.
    • Cronbach's alpha: This is a widely used statistical measure that analyzes the average correlation between all possible pairs of items within the scale. A high Cronbach's alpha coefficient (generally considered acceptable above 0.7) indicates strong inter-item reliability, meaning the items are measuring the same concept consistently.
  • Interpretation:
    • High inter-item reliability: This suggests the items are measuring the same construct consistently, and the overall score can be used with confidence to represent the intended concept.
    • Low inter-item reliability: This might indicate that some items measure different things, are ambiguous, or are not well aligned with the intended construct. This may require revising or removing problematic items to improve the scale's reliability.
  • Importance: Ensuring inter-item reliability is crucial for developing reliable and valid scales, particularly when the sum of individual items is used to represent a single score. A scale with low inter-item reliability will have questionable interpretations of the total scores, hindering the validity of conclusions drawn from the data.

Inter-item reliability is a valuable tool for researchers and test developers to ensure the internal consistency and meaningfulness of their measurement instruments. By using methods like item-total correlation and Cronbach's alpha, they can assess whether the individual items are consistently measuring what they are intended to measure, leading to more accurate and reliable data in their studies.

What is split-half reliabilty?

What is split-half reliabilty?

Split-half reliability is specific type of reliability measure used in statistics and research to assess the internal consistency of a test or measurement tool. It estimates how well different parts of the test (referred to as "halves") measure the same thing.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • Concept: Split-half reliability focuses on whether the different sections of a test consistently measure the same underlying construct or skill. A high split-half reliability indicates that all parts of the test contribute equally to measuring the intended concept.
  • Process:
    1. The test is divided into two halves. This can be done in various ways, such as splitting it by odd and even items, first and second half of questions, or using other methods that ensure comparable difficulty levels in each half.
    2. Both halves are administered to the same group of individuals simultaneously.
    3. The scores on each half are then correlated.
  • Interpretation:
    • High correlation: A high correlation coefficient (closer to 1) between the scores on the two halves indicates strong split-half reliability. This suggests the different sections of the test are measuring the same construct consistently.
    • Low correlation: A low correlation coefficient indicates weak split-half reliability. This might suggest the test lacks internal consistency, with different sections measuring different things.
  • Limitations:
    • Underestimation: Split-half reliability often underestimates the true reliability of the full test. This is because each half is shorter than the original test, leading to a reduction in reliability due to factors like decreased test length.
    • Choice of splitting method: The chosen method for splitting the test can slightly influence the results. However, the impact is usually minimal, especially for longer tests.

Split-half reliability is a valuable tool for evaluating the internal consistency of a test, particularly when establishing its psychometric properties. While it provides valuable insights, it's important to acknowledge its limitations and consider other forms of reliability assessment, such as test-retest reliability, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the test's overall stability and consistency.

What is inter-rater reliability?

What is inter-rater reliability?

Inter-rater reliability, also known as interobserver reliability, is a statistical measure used in research and various other fields to assess the agreement between independent observers (raters) who are evaluating the same phenomenon or making judgments about the same item.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • Concept: Inter-rater reliability measures the consistency between the ratings or assessments provided by different raters towards the same subject. It essentially indicates the degree to which different individuals agree in their evaluations.
  • Importance: Ensuring good inter-rater reliability is crucial in various situations where subjective judgments are involved, such as:
    • Psychological assessments: Psychologists agree on diagnoses based on observations and questionnaires.
    • Grading essays: Multiple teachers should award similar grades for the same essay.
    • Product reviews: Different reviewers should provide consistent assessments of the same product.
  • Methods: Several methods can be used to assess inter-rater reliability, depending on the nature of the ratings:
    • Simple agreement percentage: The simplest method, but can be misleading for data with few categories.
    • Cohen's kappa coefficient: A more robust measure that accounts for chance agreement, commonly used when there are multiple categories.
    • Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC): Suitable for various types of ratings, including continuous and ordinal data.
  • Interpretation: The interpretation of inter-rater reliability coefficients varies depending on the specific method used and the field of application. However, generally, a higher coefficient indicates stronger agreement between the raters, while a lower value suggests inconsistencies in their evaluations.

Factors affecting inter-rater reliability:

  • Clarity of instructions: Clear and specific guidelines for the rating process can improve consistency.
  • Rater training: Providing proper training to raters helps ensure they understand the criteria and apply them consistently.
  • Nature of the subject: Some subjects are inherently more subjective and harder to assess with high agreement.

By assessing inter-rater reliability, researchers and practitioners can:

  • Evaluate the consistency of their data collection methods.
  • Identify potential biases in the rating process.
  • Improve the training and procedures used for raters.
  • Enhance the overall validity and reliability of their findings or assessments.

Remember, inter-rater reliability is an important aspect of ensuring the trustworthiness and meaningfulness of research data and evaluations involving subjective judgments.

What is the Chronbach’s alpha?

What is the Chronbach’s alpha?

Cronbach's alpha, also known as coefficient alpha or tau-equivalent reliability, is a reliability coefficient used in statistics and research to assess the internal consistency of a set of survey items. It essentially measures the extent to which the items within a test or scale measure the same underlying construct.

Here's a breakdown of the key points:

  • Application: Cronbach's alpha is most commonly used for scales composed of multiple Likert-type items (where respondents choose from options like "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree"). It can also be applied to other types of scales with multiple items measuring a single concept.
  • Interpretation: Cronbach's alpha ranges from 0 to 1. A higher value (generally considered acceptable above 0.7) indicates stronger internal consistency, meaning the items are more consistent in measuring the same thing. Conversely, a lower value suggests weaker internal consistency, indicating the items might measure different things or lack consistency.
  • Limitations:
    • Assumptions: Cronbach's alpha relies on certain assumptions, such as tau-equivalence, which implies all items have equal variances and inter-correlations. Violations of these assumptions can lead to underestimating the true reliability.
    • Number of items: Cronbach's alpha tends to be higher with more items in the scale, even if the items are not well-aligned. Therefore, relying solely on the value can be misleading.

Overall, Cronbach's alpha is a valuable, but not perfect, tool for evaluating the internal consistency of a test or scale. It provides insights into the consistency of item responses within the same scale, but it's important to consider its limitations and interpret the results in conjunction with other factors, such as item-analysis and theoretical justifications for the chosen items.

Here are some additional points to remember:

  • Not a measure of validity: While high Cronbach's alpha indicates good internal consistency, it doesn't guarantee the validity of the scale (whether it measures what it's intended to measure).
  • Alternative measures: Other measures like inter-item correlations and exploratory factor analysis can provide more detailed information about the specific items and their alignment with the intended construct.

By understanding the strengths and limitations of Cronbach's alpha, researchers and test developers can make informed decisions about the reliability and validity of their measurement tools, leading to more reliable and meaningful data in their studies.

What is a correlation coefficient?

What is a correlation coefficient?

A correlation coefficient is a statistical tool that measures the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables. It's a numerical value, typically represented by the letter "r," that falls between -1 and 1.

Here's a breakdown of what the coefficient tells us:

  • Strength of the relationship:

    • A positive correlation coefficient (between 0 and 1) indicates that as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other variable also tends to increase (positive association). Conversely, if one goes down, the other tends to go down as well. The closer the coefficient is to 1, the stronger the positive relationship.
    • A negative correlation coefficient (between -1 and 0) signifies an inverse relationship. In this case, as the value of one variable increases, the value of the other tends to decrease (negative association). The closer the coefficient is to -1, the stronger the negative relationship.
    • A correlation coefficient of 0 implies no linear relationship between the two variables. Their changes are independent of each other.

It's important to remember that the correlation coefficient only measures linear relationships. It doesn't capture other types of associations, like non-linear or categorical relationships. While a strong correlation suggests a possible cause-and-effect relationship, it doesn't necessarily prove it. Other factors might be influencing both variables, leading to a misleading correlation.

What is internal validity?

What is internal validity?

In the realm of research, internal validity refers to the degree of confidence you can have in a study's findings reflecting a true cause-and-effect relationship. It essentially asks the question: "Can we be sure that the observed effect in the study was actually caused by the independent variable, and not by something else entirely?"

Here are some key points to understand internal validity:

  • Focuses on the study itself: It's concerned with the methodology and design employed in the research. Did the study control for external factors that might influence the results? Was the data collected and analyzed in a way that minimizes bias?
  • Importance: A study with high internal validity allows researchers to draw valid conclusions from their findings and rule out alternative explanations for the observed effect. This is crucial for establishing reliable knowledge and making sound decisions based on research outcomes.

Here's an analogy: Imagine an experiment testing the effect of a fertilizer on plant growth. Internal validity ensures that any observed growth differences between plants with and without the fertilizer are truly due to the fertilizer itself and not other factors like sunlight, water, or soil composition.

Threats to internal validity are various factors that can undermine a study's ability to establish a true cause-and-effect relationship. These can include:

  • Selection bias: When the study participants are not representative of the target population, leading to skewed results.
  • History effects: Events that occur during the study, unrelated to the independent variable, influencing the outcome.
  • Maturation: Natural changes in the participants over time, affecting the outcome independent of the study intervention.
  • Measurement bias: Inaccuracies or inconsistencies in how the variables are measured, leading to distorted results.

Researchers strive to design studies that address these threats and ensure their findings have strong internal validity. This is essential for building trust in research and its ability to provide reliable knowledge.

What is external validity?

What is external validity?

In research, external validity addresses the applicability of a study's findings to settings, groups, and contexts beyond the specific study. It asks the question: "Can we generalize the observed effects to other situations and populations?"

Here are some key aspects of external validity:

  • Focuses on generalizability: Unlike internal validity, which focuses on the study itself, external validity looks outward, aiming to broaden the relevance of the findings.
  • Importance: High external validity allows researchers to confidently apply their findings to real-world settings and diverse populations. This is crucial for informing broader interventions, policies, and understanding of phenomena beyond the immediate study context.

Imagine a study testing the effectiveness of a new learning method in a specific classroom setting. While high internal validity assures the results are reliable within that class, high external validity would suggest the method is likely to be effective in other classrooms with different teachers, student demographics, or learning materials.

Threats to external validity are factors that limit the generalizability of a study's findings, such as:

  • Sampling bias: If the study participants are not representative of the desired population, the results may not apply to the wider group.
  • Specific research environment: Studies conducted in controlled laboratory settings may not accurately reflect real-world conditions, reducing generalizability.
  • Limited participant pool: Studies with small or specific participant groups may not account for the diverse characteristics of the broader population, limiting generalizability.

Researchers strive to enhance external validity by employing representative sampling methods, considering the study context's generalizability, and replicating studies in different settings and populations. This strengthens the confidence in applying the findings to a broader range of real-world situations.

Remember, while both internal and external validity are crucial, they address different aspects of a study's reliability and applicability. Ensuring both allows researchers to draw meaningful conclusions, generalize effectively, and ultimately contribute to reliable knowledge that applies beyond the specific research context.

What is face validity?

What is face validity?

Face validity, in statistics, refers to the initial impression of whether a test or measure appears to assess what it claims to assess. It's essentially an informal assessment based on common sense and logic, and doesn't rely on statistical analysis.

Here's a breakdown of key points about face validity:

  • Focuses on initial appearance: It judges whether the test seems relevant and appropriate for the intended purpose based on its surface features and content. For example, a test full of multiplication problems would appear to measure multiplication skills.
  • Subjective nature: Unlike other types of validity, face validity is subjective and based on individual judgment. What appears valid to one person might not appear so to another, making it unreliable as a sole measure of validity.
  • Strengths and limitations: Face validity can be helpful for initial evaluation of a test's relevance. However, it doesn't guarantee its actual effectiveness in measuring the intended construct.

Here's an analogy: Imagine judging a book by its cover. While a cover depicting historical figures might suggest a history book, it doesn't guarantee the content actually addresses historical topics. Similarly, face validity provides an initial clue but needs confirmation through other methods to ensure true validity.

Therefore, it's important to complement face validity with other forms of validity like:

  • Content validity: This assesses whether the test comprehensively covers the intended domain.
  • Construct validity: This investigates whether the test truly measures the underlying concept it's designed to capture.
  • Criterion-related validity: This evaluates the test's ability to predict performance on other relevant measures.

By utilizing these combined approaches, researchers can gain a more thorough and objective understanding of a test's effectiveness in measuring what it claims to measure.

What is content validity?

What is content validity?

Content validity assesses the degree to which the content of a test, measure, or instrument actually represents the specific construct it aims to measure. In simpler terms, it asks: "Does this test truly capture the relevant aspects of what it's supposed to assess?"

Here's a breakdown of key points about content validity:

  • Focuses on representativeness: Unlike face validity which looks at initial appearance, content validity examines the actual content to see if it adequately covers all important aspects of the target construct.
  • Systematic evaluation: It's not just a subjective judgment, but a systematic process often involving subject-matter experts who evaluate the relevance and comprehensiveness of the test items.
  • Importance: High content validity increases confidence in the test's ability to accurately measure the intended construct. This is crucial for ensuring the meaningfulness and interpretability of the results.

Imagine a test designed to assess critical thinking skills. Content validity would involve experts examining the test questions to see if they truly require analyzing information, identifying arguments, and evaluating evidence, which are all essential aspects of critical thinking.

Establishing content validity often involves the following steps:

  1. Defining the construct: Clearly defining the specific concept or ability the test aims to measure.
  2. Developing a test blueprint: A blueprint outlines the different aspects of the construct and their relative importance, ensuring the test covers them all.
  3. Expert review: Subject-matter experts evaluate the test items to ensure they align with the blueprint and adequately capture the construct.
  4. Pilot testing: Administering the test to a small group to identify any potential issues and refine the content further if needed.

By following these steps, researchers can enhance the content validity of their tests and gain a more accurate understanding of the construct being measured. This strengthens the reliability and trustworthiness of their findings.

What is construct validity?

What is construct validity?

Construct validity is a crucial concept in research, particularly involving psychological and social sciences. It delves into the degree to which a test, measure, or instrument truly captures the underlying concept (construct) it's designed to assess. Unlike face validity, which relies on initial impressions, and content validity, which focuses on the representativeness of content, construct validity goes deeper to investigate the underlying meaning and accuracy of the measurement.

Here's a breakdown of key points about construct validity:

  • Focuses on the underlying concept: It's not just about the test itself, but about whether the test measures what it claims to measure at a deeper level. This underlying concept is often referred to as a construct, which is an abstract idea not directly observable (e.g., intelligence, anxiety, leadership).
  • Multifaceted approach: Unlike face and content validity, which are often assessed through single evaluations, establishing construct validity is often a multifaceted process. Different methods are used to gather evidence supporting the claim that the test reflects the intended construct.
  • Importance: Establishing high construct validity is crucial for meaningful interpretation of research findings and drawing valid conclusions. If the test doesn't truly measure what it claims to, the results can be misleading and difficult to interpret accurately.

Here's an analogy: Imagine a measuring tape labeled in inches. Face validity suggests it looks like a measuring tool. Content validity confirms its markings are indeed inches. But construct validity delves deeper to ensure the markings accurately reflect actual inches, not some arbitrary unit.

Several methods are used to assess construct validity, including:

  • Convergent validity: Examining if the test correlates with other established measures of the same construct.
  • Divergent validity: Checking if the test doesn't correlate with measures of unrelated constructs.
  • Factor analysis: Statistically analyzing how the test items relate to each other and the underlying construct.
  • Known-groups method: Comparing the performance of groups known to differ on the construct (e.g., high and low anxiety groups).

By employing these methods, researchers can gather evidence and build confidence in the interpretation of their results. Remember, no single method is perfect, and researchers often combine several approaches to establish robust construct validity.

In conclusion, construct validity is a crucial element in research, ensuring the test, measure, or instrument truly captures the intended meaning and accurately reflects the underlying concept. Its multifaceted approach and various methods allow for thorough evaluation, ultimately leading to reliable and meaningful research findings.

What is criterion validity?

What is criterion validity?

Criterion validity, also known as criterion-related validity, assesses the effectiveness of a test, measure, or instrument in predicting or correlating with an external criterion: a non-test measure considered a gold standard or established indicator of the construct being assessed.

Here's a breakdown of key points about criterion validity:

  • Focuses on external outcomes: Unlike construct validity, which focuses on the underlying concept, criterion validity looks outward. It asks if the test predicts or relates to an established measure of the same construct or a relevant outcome.
  • Types of criterion validity: Criterion validity is further categorized into two main types:
    • Concurrent validity: This assesses the relationship between the test and the criterion variable at the same time. For example, comparing a new anxiety test score with a clinician's diagnosis of anxiety in the same individuals.
    • Predictive validity: This assesses the ability of the test to predict future performance on the criterion variable. For example, using an aptitude test to predict future academic success in a specific program.
  • Importance: High criterion validity increases confidence in the test's ability to accurately assess the construct in real-world settings. It helps bridge the gap between theoretical constructs and practical applications.

Imagine a new test designed to measure leadership potential. Criterion validity would involve comparing scores on this test with other established measures of leadership, like peer evaluations or performance reviews (concurrent validity), or even comparing test scores with future leadership success in real-world situations (predictive validity).

It's important to note that finding a perfect "gold standard" for the criterion can be challenging, and researchers often rely on multiple criteria to strengthen the evidence for validity. Additionally, criterion validity is context-dependent. A test might be valid for predicting performance in one specific context but not in another.

In conclusion, criterion validity complements other types of validity by linking the test or measure to real-world outcomes and establishing its practical relevance. It provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the test in various contexts and strengthens the generalizability and usefulness of research findings.

Understanding reliability and validity
Practice Questions for Reliability and Validity

Practice Questions for Reliability and Validity


1. What is the difference between reliability and validity, two central terms within statistics?


2. Of which two parts consists the total variance in a data set of scores?


3. Between which two numbers does reliability range?


4. Which three kinds of reliability can be distinguished?


5. How can the split-half reliability be computed?


6. What is the difference between internal and external validity?


7. A study-counselor tries to predict study success. He administers a questionnaire about motivation to first year students. At the end of the year, he determines whether the students finished their year successfully. Next, he determines the correlation with the score on the questionnaire. What kind of validity is involved here?


8. A researcher has established that higher levels of testosterone in young men coincides with increased risk behavior when driving. In a follow-up study, he finds the same association for young women. What kind of validity is involved here?


1. What is the difference between reliability and validity, two central terms within statistics?
The reliability refers to the extent to which a measurement instrument provides consistent results. A reliable instrument will provide similarly results when doing a measurement twice. Validity describes whether the measured construct is indeed measured by the instrument.


2. Of which two parts consists the total variance in a data set of scores?
The total variance consists of the variance from the true scores and the variance from measurement errors (error variance and systematic variance).


3. Between which two numbers does reliability range?
Between 0 and 1.


4. Which three kinds of reliability can be distinguished?

  • Split-half reliability

  • Inter-item reliability

  • Inter-rater reliability


5. How can the split-half reliability be computed?

For the split-half reliability, the items are divided between two sets. Next, a total score is calculated for each set. Then, the correlation between both sets is computed. If the items in both sets measure the same construct, the correlation between the sets should be high.


6. What is the difference between internal and external validity?
Internal validity implies that the researcher draws conclusions about the effects of the independent variable. External validity refers to the extent to which the results can be generalized to other conditions or samples than in the study.


7. A study-counselor tries to predict study success. He administers a questionnaire about motivation to first year students. At the end of the year, he determines whether the students finished their year successfully. Next, he determines the correlation with the score on the questionnaire. What kind of validity is involved here?
Predictive criterion validity.
We speak of predictive criterion validity, when a measurement instrument is able to distinguish between people on a behavior criterion in the future, thus, whether the

.......read more

Topics related to understanding reliability and validity

Statistics: Magazines for encountering Statistics

Statistics: Magazines for encountering Statistics

Startmagazine: Introduction to Statistics

Startmagazine: Introduction to Statistics


Introduction to Statistics: in short

  • Statistics comprises the arithmetic procedures to organize, sum up and interpret information. By means of statistics you can note information in a compact manner.
  • The aim of statistics is twofold: 1) organizing and summing up of information, in order to publish research results and 2) answering research questions, which are formed by
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Stats for students: Simple steps for passing your statistics courses

Stats for students: Simple steps for passing your statistics courses


How to triumph over the theory of statistics (without understanding everything)?

Stats of students

  • The first years that you follow statistics, it is often a case of taking knowledge for granted and simply trying to pass the courses. Don't worry if you don't understand everything right away: in later years it will fall into place, and you will see the importance of the theory you had to know before.
  • The book you need to study may be difficult to understand at first. Be patient: later in your studies, the effort you put in now will pay off.
  • Be a Gestalt Scientist! In other words, recognize that the whole of statistics is greater than the sum of its parts. It is very easy to get hung up on nit-picking details and fail to see the forest because of the trees
  • Tip: Precise use of language is important in research. Try to reproduce the theory verbatim (i.e. learn by heart) where possible. With that, you don't have to understand it yet, you show that you've been working on it, you can't go wrong by using the wrong word and you practice for later reporting of research.
  • Tip: Keep study material, handouts, sheets, and other publications from your teacher for future reference.

How to score points with formulas of statistics (without learning them all)?

  • The direct relationship between data and results consists of mathematical formulas. These follow their own logic, are written in their own language, and can therefore be complex to comprehend.
  • If you don't understand the math behind statistics, you don't understand statistics. This does not have to be a problem, because statistics is an applied science from which you can also get excellent results without understanding. None of your teachers will understand all the statistical formulas.
  • Please note: you will probably have to know and understand a number of formulas, so that you can demonstrate that you know the principle of how statistics work. Which formulas you need to know differs from subject to subject and lecturer to lecturer, but in general these are relatively simple formulas that occur frequently, and your lecturer will likely tell you (often several times) that you should know this formula.
  • Tip: if you want to recognize statistical symbols, you can use: Recognizing commonly used statistical symbols
  • Tip: have fun with LaTeX! LaTeX code gives us a simple way to write out mathematical formulas and make them look professional. Play with LaTeX. With that, you can include used formulas in your own papers and you learn to understand how a formula is built up – which greatly benefits your understanding and remembering that formula. See also (in Dutch): How to create formulas like a pro on JoHo WorldSupporter?
  • Tip: Are you interested in a career in sciences or programming? Then take your formulas seriously and go through them again after your course.

How to practice your statistics (with minimal effort)?

How to select your data?

  • Your teacher will regularly use a dataset for lessons during the first years of your studying. It is instructive (and can be a lot of fun) to set up your own research for once with real data that is also used by other researchers.
  • Tip: scientific articles often indicate which datasets have been used for the research. There is a good chance that those datasets are valid. Sometimes there are also studies that determine which datasets are more valid for the topic you want to study than others. Make use of datasets other researchers point out.
  • Tip: Do you want an interesting research result? You can use the same method and question, but use an alternative dataset, and/or alternative variables, and/or alternative location, and/or alternative time span. This allows you to validate or falsify the results of earlier research.
  • Tip: for datasets you can look at Discovering datasets for statistical research

How to operationalize clearly and smartly?

  • For the operationalization, it is usually sufficient to indicate the following three things:
    • What is the concept you want to study?
    • Which variable does that concept represent?
    • Which indicators do you select for those variables?
  • It is smart to argue that a variable is valid, or why you choose that indicator.
  • For example, if you want to know whether someone is currently a father or mother (concept), you can search the variables for how many children the respondent has (variable) and then select on the indicators greater than 0, or is not 0 (indicators). Where possible, use the terms 'concept', 'variable', 'indicator' and 'valid' in your communication. For example, as follows: “The variable [variable name] is a valid measure of the concept [concept name] (if applicable: source). The value [description of the value] is an indicator of [what you want to measure].” (ie.: The variable "Number of children" is a valid measure of the concept of parenthood. A value greater than 0 is an indicator of whether someone is currently a father or mother.)

How to run analyses and draw your conclusions?

  • The choice of your analyses depends, among other things, on what your research goal is, which methods are often used in the existing literature, and practical issues and limitations.
  • The more you learn, the more independently you can choose research methods that suit your research goal. In the beginning, follow the lecturer – at the end of your studies you will have a toolbox with which you can vary in your research yourself.
  • Try to link up as much as possible with research methods that are used in the existing literature, because otherwise you could be comparing apples with oranges. Deviating can sometimes lead to interesting results, but discuss this with your teacher first.
  • For as long as you need, keep a step-by-step plan at hand on how you can best run your analysis and achieve results. For every analysis you run, there is a step-by-step explanation of how to perform it; if you do not find it in your study literature, it can often be found quickly on the internet.
  • Tip: Practice a lot with statistics, so that you can show results quickly. You cannot learn statistics by just reading about it.
  • Tip: The measurement level of the variables you use (ratio, interval, ordinal, nominal) largely determines the research method you can use. Show your audience that you recognize this.
  • Tip: conclusions from statistical analyses will never be certain, but at the most likely. There is usually a standard formulation for each research method with which you can express the conclusions from that analysis and at the same time indicate that it is not certain. Use that standard wording when communicating about results from your analysis.
  • Tip: see explanation for various analyses: Introduction to statistics
Statistics: Magazines for understanding statistics

Statistics: Magazines for understanding statistics

Startmagazine: Introduction to Statistics

Startmagazine: Introduction to Statistics


Introduction to Statistics: in short

  • Statistics comprises the arithmetic procedures to organize, sum up and interpret information. By means of statistics you can note information in a compact manner.
  • The aim of statistics is twofold: 1) organizing and summing up of information, in order to publish research results and 2) answering research questions, which are formed by
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Understanding data: distributions, connections and gatherings
Understanding reliability and validity
Statistics Magazine: Understanding statistical samples
Understanding distributions in statistics
Understanding variability, variance and standard deviation
Understanding inferential statistics
Understanding type-I and type-II errors
Understanding effect size, proportion of explained variance and power of tests to your significant results
Statistiek: samenvattingen en studiehulp - Thema
Statistics: Magazines for applying statistics

Statistics: Magazines for applying statistics

Applying z-tests and t-tests
Applying correlation, regression and linear regression
Applying spearman's correlation - Theme
Applying multiple regression
Statistiek: samenvattingen en studiehulp - Thema

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What can you do on a WorldSupporter Statistics Topic?

What can you do on a WorldSupporter Statistics Topic?

  • Understand statistics with knowledge and explanation about a topic of statistics
  • Practice with questions and answers to test your statistical knowledge and skills
  • Watch statistics practiced in real life with selected videos for extra clarification
  • Study relevant terminology with glossaries of statistical topics
  • Share your knowledge and experience and see other WorldSupporters' contributions about a topic of statistics
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