Addiction and compulsions


This bundle contians all sorts of information about addiction and compulsions.


Bundle items:
Verslavingsgedrag van DSM-IV naar DSM-5 - samenvatting van een artikel van van den Bink (2014)
Interventies in de cognitieve gedragstherapie van problematisch middelengebruik en gokken - samenvatting van hoofdstuk 2 uit Handboek cognitieve gedragstherapie bij middelengebruik en gokken
Retraining automatic action tendencies changes alcoholic patients’ approach bias for alcohol and improves treatment outcome - summary of an atricle by Wiers, Eberl, Rinck, Becker & Lindenmeyer (2011)
Community reinforcement and family traning: an effective option to engage treatment-resistant substance-abusing individuals in treatment - summary of an article by Roozen, de Waart & van der Kroft (2010)
A specific role for posterior dorsolateral striatum in human habit learning - summary of an atrticle by Tricomi, Balleine & O'Doherty (2009)
A commentary on the associations among ‘food addiction’, binge eating disorder, and obesity: Overlapping conditions with idiosyncrating clinical features - summary of an article by Davis (2017)
Obesity and the brain: how convincing is the addiction model? - summary of an article by Ziauddeen, Farooqi & Fletcher
Brain dopamine and obesity - a summary of an atricle by Wang, Volkow, Logan, Pappas, Wong, Zhu & Fowler (2001)
Eating disorders - summary of an article by Treasure, Claudino & Zucker
Cognitive remediation therapy for eating disorder - summary of an article by Danner, Dingemans, & Steinglass (2015)
Targeting habits in anorexia nervosa: a proof-of-concept randomized trial - summary of an article by Steinglass, Glasofer, Walsh, Guzman, Peterson, Walsh, Attia & Wonderlicht (2018)
Breaking habits with implementation intentions: A test of underlying processes - summary of an article by Adriaanse, Gollwitzer, de Ridder, de Wtit & Kroese (2011)
Enhanced Avoidance habits in obsessive-compulsive disorder - summary of an article by Gillan et al (2014)
Addiction and compulsions - uva
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