Pintar en Bolivia

With Pintar en Bolivia we want to prove that the Arts are a powerful tool for ones self-development, well-being and empowerment. Arts Therapy is the perfect combination of psychological support and the use of Arts!

This organisation is as such no longer active. Founder Lisan van der Wal is still commited to improve daily life in Bolivia, but since covid hit the world it is unclear which project she is working on

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More about Pintar en Bolivia in past and present

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Through the action of Pintar en Bolivia they want to improve the well-being of children in difficulties, from poverty areas in Bolivia. Pintar en Bolivia believe that through Arts Therapy one can work on emotions and personal issues in a different way than regular psychological support. The ‘Pintar en Bolivia’ project was first started in 2015 when Lisan Van der Wal, then student in Bachelor of Art therapy in Holland, conducted an exploration to assess the feasibility of developing and arts therapy support in Cochabamba Bolivia, a country where this type therapy is inexistant.

Art therapy sessions

  • Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • Art therapy can achieve different things for different people. It can be used for counseling, healing, treatment, rehabilitation, psychotherapy, and in the broad sense of the term, it can be used to express one’s inner-self in a way that may provide the individual with a deeper understanding of him or herself.

Training and education

  • In addition to offering Arts therapy sessions, Pintar en Bolivia believe it is important to focus on knowledge transmission.
  • Despite having psychological support, Art Therapy is inexistant in Bolivia.
  • In order to spread the word about the issue and to help the project be self-sustainable within Bolivia, Pintar en Bolivia work together with local organizations and intermediaries. To learn and train cooperational partners about the subject. 


  • Through the involvment of international students, alumni, professionals and/ or volunteers, we want to stimulate the transfer of knowledge and expertise within the local community
  • Through the involvement of local volunteers who get involved within the foundation, we want to offer development aid at a sustainable level
  • You can work e.g. with long term hospitalized patients, at a pediatric oncology department in one of the biggest (and poorest) hospitals of Cochabamba, at a location with a group of children who are fysically serioulsy burned, or within a women house to reduce the impact of mistreatment of women of all ages.


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