Public administration and public policy

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What is public administration?

  • Public administration is the field concerned with how governments translate policies into action, manage resources, and deliver services. It involves running government agencies efficiently and ensuring they serve the public good.

What is public policy studies?

  • Public policy studies examines the process of creating and implementing government policies. It analyzes the factors that influence policy decisions, their impact on society, and how they are evaluated and reformed.



Latest changes and updates tagged with: Public administration and public policy

Article summary with Children's and young people's participation within child welfare and child protection services: a state‐of‐the‐art review by Van Bijleveld a.o. - 2015 - Exclusive


Van Bijleveld, Dedding, and Bunders-Aelen (2015) review the state of knowledge regarding children and young people's (CYP) participation within child welfare and protection services (CWPS). They emphasize the importance of meaningful participation for CYP well-being and service effectiveness.


  • The review employs a systematic approach, analyzing 51 studies published between 1990 and 2013 that explore CYP participation in CWPS across diverse countries and contexts.
  • The analysis focuses on various aspects, including:
    • Models and methods for facilitating participation
    • Factors influencing participation (e.g., age, context, power dynamics)
    • Outcomes and impacts of participation on CYP and services
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Article summary with Children's voices: Listening and deciding is an adult responsibility by Emery - 2003 - Exclusive


Emery (2003) argues that listening to and responding to children's voices in legal and family decisions significantly impacts their well-being. He emphasizes the ethical and practical necessity of incorporating children's perspectives while acknowledging the challenges and complexities involved.


This article primarily adopts a conceptual and argumentative approach. Drawing on existing research and legal cases, Emery presents a critical analysis of the importance of children's voices in family law proceedings. He does not present original empirical data but utilizes existing evidence and ethical frameworks to support his arguments.


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    Article summary with Are adolescents less mature than adults? by Steinberg a.o. - 2009 - Exclusive


    Steinberg et al. (2009) examine the complex question of adolescent maturity, challenging the often-held assumption that they are inherently less mature than adults. They argue that maturity varies across domains and contexts, and simple comparisons often overlook key developmental changes unique to adolescence.


    The article takes a multifaceted approach:

    • Review of existing research: Drawing on diverse literatures in psychology, neuroscience, and law to understand different aspects of maturity (e.g., decision-making, risk-taking, emotion regulation).
    • Analysis of legal contexts: Examining how legal systems treat adolescents differently based on assumptions about their maturity.
    • Presentation of developmental principles: Highlighting specific cognitive and neural changes
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    Summary with The young: a generation full of problems by De Winter - Chapter 1 - Exclusive

    This chapter was published in: Children as fellow citizens by De Winter


    De Winter (1996) challenges the prevailing view of young people as a "generation full of problems," arguing that this perspective misconstrues their needs and hinders positive engagement. He proposes a new approach that recognizes young people as fellow citizens with valuable contributions to society.


    This chapter utilizes a conceptual and theoretical approach, drawing on existing research and literature on youth, social psychology, and citizenship. It does not present original empirical data but analyzes existing frameworks and proposes a new perspective on youth participation.

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    Article summary with Participation, citizenship, and well-being: Engaging with young people, making a positive difference by Barber - 2009 - Exclusive


    Barber (2009) argues that meaningful participation in society is crucial for young people's well-being and citizenship development. He critiques traditional youth participation models that often lack authenticity and power, hindering positive outcomes.


    The article utilizes a conceptual and theoretical approach, drawing on existing research and literature on youth participation, citizenship, and well-being. It does not present original empirical data but analyzes existing frameworks and proposes a new model.


    Critique of existing models:

    • Tokenistic participation: Young people are involved in superficial activities with little real decision-making power.
    • Instrumental
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    Article summary with The Netherlands as a Country of Immigration by Jennissen a.o. - 2023 - Exclusive


    Jennissen et al. (2023) explore the Netherlands' transformation into a "country of immigration." They analyze its integration policies and outcomes, comparing them to other European countries and highlighting key challenges and opportunities.


    The authors employ a comparative approach drawing on existing data, policy documents, and academic literature. They examine quantitative indicators like migration trends, integration measures, and socio-economic outcomes for immigrants and natives. Qualitative insights are incorporated through expert interviews and policy analysis.


    • The Netherlands exhibits high immigration rates: Approximately 25% of its population consists of immigrants or individuals with immigrant parents, placing it among the most diverse countries in Europe.
    • Integration policies: While policies emphasize language acquisition and labor market participation, concerns exist about their effectiveness in promoting social inclusion and intercultural dialogue.
    • Outcomes: Immigrants in the Netherlands face challenges in areas like employment, education, and income compared to natives, raising concerns about social
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    Article summary with Pakistani in the UK and Norway: different contexts, similar disadvantage. Results from a comparative field experiment on hiring discrimination by Larsen & Stasio - 2019 - Exclusive


    Larsen and Stasio (2019) investigate hiring discrimination against Pakistani immigrants in the UK and Norway. They employ a harmonized correspondence test to compare discrimination levels across these two countries with contrasting labor market policies and immigration histories. Their study challenges the notion that more open and diverse societies like the UK automatically lead to less discrimination than countries like Norway with stricter immigration policies.


    The authors conducted a field experiment where fictitious resumes with Pakistani and majority-group names were sent to real job advertisements in both countries. They measured discrimination by comparing callback rates between the two groups.


    • Both Pakistani applicants in the UK and Norway faced significantly lower callback rates compared to the majority group.
    • Discrimination was more pronounced in Norway: While statistically significant, the difference in callback rates was smaller in the UK.
    • No evidence was found for an interaction effect: The gap
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    Article summary with Two logics of policy intervention in immigrant integration: An institutionalist framework based on capabilities and aspirations by Lutz - 2017 - Exclusive


    Lutz (2017) examines the underlying logics driving different policy approaches to immigrant integration. He proposes an institutionalist framework based on capabilities and aspirations, arguing that these two concepts shape distinct policy paradigms: assimilation and multiculturalism.


    The article primarily adopts a theoretical and conceptual approach, drawing on existing literature and institutionalist theory. It does not present original empirical data but analyzes existing policy debates and frameworks from various countries.


    • Capability-based logic:
      • Focuses on providing immigrants with the necessary skills and resources to achieve self-sufficiency and equal participation in society.
      • Policy interventions emphasize language acquisition, vocational training, and access to employment opportunities.
      • This logic aligns with the assimilation paradigm, aiming to equip immigrants with the capabilities required to integrate into the dominant culture.
    • Aspiration-based logic:
      • Acknowledges the diverse aspirations and cultural identities of immigrants and aims to create an inclusive society that accommodates
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    Article summary with The effectiveness of immigration policies by Czaika and De Haas - 2013 - Exclusive


    This article, written by Michael Czaika and Hein de Haas, delves into the complexities of assessing the effectiveness of immigration policies. It argues that the often heated public and academic debates surrounding this issue stem from conflicting definitions of policy effectiveness. These conflicting definitions arise from confusing:

    • Policy discourses: Public pronouncements and rhetoric surrounding immigration policies.
    • Policies on paper: The official statutes and regulations outlining immigration controls.
    • Policy implementation: The actual practices and procedures used to enforce immigration controls.
    • Policy impacts: The intended and unintended consequences of immigration policies on migration flows and other factors.

    The authors emphasize that while public discourses often equate policy effectiveness with reducing migration flows, a more nuanced approach is necessary. They identify three distinct "policy gaps" that contribute to confusion and misassessment:

    1. Discursive gap: The discrepancy between public discourses and actual policies.
    2. Implementation gap: The discrepancy between policies on
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    Article summary with Pakistani in the UK and Norway: different contexts, similar disadvantage. Results from a comparative field experiment on hiring discrimination by Larsen & Stasio - 2019 - Exclusive

    Introduction Larsen and Stasio (2019) investigate hiring discrimination against Pakistani immigrants in the UK and Norway. They employ a harmonized correspondence test to compare discrimination levels across these two countries with contrasting labor market policies and immigration histories. Their ...

    What is administration?

    Administration, as a field of study, focuses on the principles, practices, and skills needed to effectively manage and organize people, resources, and processes to achieve organizational goals. It's about ensuring smooth operations, efficient resource allocation, and meeting the needs of stakeholder...


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    What is administration?

    Administration, as a field of study, focuses on the principles, practices, and skills needed to effectively manage and organize people, resources, and processes to achieve organizational goals. It's about ensuring smooth operations, efficient resource allocation, and meeting the needs of stakeholder...

    What is public policy studies?

    Public Policy Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the entire policy cycle, from the creation and analysis of policies to their implementation and evaluation. What are the main features of public policy studies?

    • Interdisciplinary Approach: Public policy studies draws fro...

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