
Latest changes and updates tagged with: Sexology and Sexuality

Sex in Geneva, sex in Lilongwe, and sex in Balaka - Tawfik, Linda & Watkins - 2007 - Article


The current study compares three interpretations of women and the transmission of HIV in Malawi. The focus lies on what the interpretations say are the women’s motivations for extramarital sex. The three interpretations and case studies shall be named A (The Geneva Model), B (The Lilongwe Model) and C (The Balaka Rhetoric).

Interpretation A: The Geneva Model

This interpretation contains the view of the array of global institutions that are mobilized against the epidemic. It includes representatives of global agencies,

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Article summary with Doing Gender in Sex and Sex Research? by Vanwesenbeeck - 2009

Gender and sexuality are interconnected and extensively studied topics in sexology. Research on gender and homosexuality shows that there is a complex and variable relationship between gender and sexual orientation. The study of intersex, gender dysphoria, and transgenderism also demonstrates the complexity of gender. However, most studies focus on gender in relation to men and women in heterosexuality, as it is a fundamental and interdependent aspect. The term "heterogender" has been proposed to describe the asymmetrical stratification of the sexes within patriarchal heterosexuality. However, studying gender in heterosexuality presents challenges in sex research. In this essay, the author identifies and discusses difficulties in treating gender in sex research, presenting evidence and a process-oriented perspective on gendered sexual behavior. The aim is to highlight the importance of gender in understanding sexuality, view gender and sexuality as ongoing social processes, and emphasize the need for a nuanced and balanced approach to

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Article summary with Testosterone and Sexual Desire in Healthy Women and Men by Van Anders - 2012

The article describes a research study investigating the link between testosterone and sexual desire in healthy adults. Previous studies have shown mixed evidence regarding this link, with some suggesting that men have higher sexual desire due to higher levels of testosterone. However, these studies have mostly been conducted with clinical populations or animal subjects. The current study aims to examine the role of psychosocial factors in understanding the association between testosterone and desire in healthy individuals. The study focuses on three psychosocial domains: sexual behavior, gender/sex attitudes, and sexual self-esteem. By integrating physiological and psychosocial variables, the study aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between testosterone and sexual desire.

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Article summary with Do Hormones Influence Women's Sex? Sexual Activity over the Menstrual Cycle by Caruso a.o. - 2014

What was studied for this article?

Female mammals, such as many other animals, experience increased sexual activity during estrus. However, women do not exhibit a clear heat period and their sexual activity is not significantly influenced by the different phases of the menstrual cycle. Studies have found low correlations between sex hormones and subjective/objective measures of sexual arousal in women. Some research suggests that sexual desire may increase around the presumed ovulation phase or the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. However, hormonal influences on female sexuality are challenging to demonstrate due to various factors, including constant male sexual interest, contraceptive

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Article summary with The Steps of Sexuality: A Developmental, Emotion-focused, Child-centered Model of Sexual Development and Sexuality Education from Birth to Adulthood by Cacciatore a.o. - 2019

Sexual development is often oversimplified as a journey from a first kiss to the first sexual intercourse during adolescence. However, this perspective fails to acknowledge that sexual development is a lifelong process that extends beyond measurable heterosexual activities. It is important to recognize that individuals are sexual beings throughout their lives, and children and adolescents continually develop in this aspect, just as they do in other areas.

To understand sexual development in childhood and adolescence as a personal and individual maturation process, we need a more comprehensive and child-centered approach. This is necessary both in sexuality education tailored to different developmental stages and in providing a gradual understanding of the process for parents and educators.

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Article summary with Offline and Online Sexual Risk Behavior among Youth in the Netherlands: Findings from 'Sex under the Age of 25" by De Graaf et al. - 2018

What is this study about?

As children grow up, they naturally begin to explore and develop their sexuality. This process typically starts with less intimate behaviors like kissing and progresses to more intimate behaviors such as oral sex or intercourse. However, as these behaviors become more intimate, they also come with risks. Engaging in unprotected sex can lead to negative health outcomes such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or unwanted pregnancy. Additionally, in today's digital era, young people face new risks related to online sexual behaviors.

Sexual risk behavior refers to behaviors that increase the chances of unintended pregnancy or STI transmission, including HIV. However, measuring these behaviors is

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Article summary with Romantic Relationships and Sexuality in Adolescence and Young Adulthood: The Role of Parents, Peers, and Partners by Van de Bongardt a.o. - 2015

The development of healthy romantic relationships and sexuality is a lifelong process that begins with romantic feelings and sexual experimentation early in life. During adolescence and young adulthood, individuals explore these aspects of their lives, and social contexts and interpersonal relationships with parents, peers, and partners play a significant role in shaping their experiences. This special issue aims to advance our understanding of how romantic relationships and sexuality develop in the context of these social domains.

How have perspectives in the field changed?

In the past, romantic relationships and sexual activities of youth

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Article summary with The complexities of sexual consent among college students: a conceptual and empirical review by Muehlenhard a.o. - 2016

Media coverage regarding sexual assault among college students puts pressure on universities to improve their sexual consent policies. The headlines express the controversy that surrounds sexual assault in college. American and Canadian universities are pressured to investigate and address the complaints of students. Both the accused and complaining student usually acknowledge the occurrence of sexual contact, but disagree about it being consensual. While most awareness and educational campaigns emphasize how important getting sexual consent is, they do not clarify what is considered consent.

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