
Latest changes and updates tagged with: Sexology and Sexuality

Sexology TentamenTests

This question was literally asked on the exam (april 2019)

Pro-family activists favor: 

  1. legalization of abortion
  2. non-discrimination against homosexuals.
  3. religious conservatism.
  4. cohabitation of consenting unmarried individuals.


  • Know what cunningulus means! (= oral sex on a woman).
  • We had to draw Ledoux's model (1996): the one with the 'neat and slow pathway' and 'quick and dirty pathway' (Lecture 6: sexology research).
  • Prevalence of perpetrators of sexual violence (10%) and perpetrators of manslaughter (35-57%) (Lecture 7: Paraphillia).
  • Media can have three types of influence.
    These are:

    • Cultivation = The view that exposure to the mass media makes people think that what they see there represents the mainstream of what happens in our culture.

    • Agenda setting = The idea that the media define what is important and what is not by which stories they cover.

    • Social learning = The idea that the media provide role models whom we imitate, perhaps even without realizing it.

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What are the stages of development according to Freud?


Freud believed that the child passes through a series of stages of development. In each stage a different erogenous zone is in focus
Erogenous zones: areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to sexual stimulation.
Freud saw the libido as being focused in these zones.

  • Oral stage
    Lasts form birth to 1 year more

In which parts did Freud divide the human personality?


Freud described the human personality as being divided in three major parts.
These are:

  • The id
    The part of personality containing the libido
    The basic part of personality and is present at birth
    Basically operates on the pleasure principle
  • The ego
    The part of the personality that helps the person have realistic, rational more

What are three types of influence of the media?


Media can have three types of influence.
These are:

  • Cultivation
    The view that exposure to the mass media makes people think that what they see there represents the mainstream of what happens in our culture
  • Agenda setting
    The idea that the media define what is important and what is not by which stories they cover more

What are the attachment styles in romantic relationships?


According to the attachment theory, adults are characterised, in their romantic relationships, by one of three styles.
These are:

  • Secure lovers
    People who find it easy to get close to others and are comfortable having others feel close to them
    Mutual dependency in a relationship feels right
    They do not fear abandonment
  • Fearful or more

Wanneer is er sprake van een seksuele stoornis?


Er zijn drie criteria nodig om een seksuele disfunctie of stoornis te hebben.
Dit zijn:

  • Er moet adequate seksuele stimulatie zijn
  • Het moet minimaal zes maanden aanwezig zijn
  • Er moet sprake zijn van een klinisch significante lijdensdruk

Wat zijn de verschillende soorten peer-normen?


Er zijn drie soorten peer-normen.
Dit zijn:

  • Descriptieve normen
    Wat doen peers?
    • Dit heeft de grootste samenhang met seksueel gedrag
  • Injuctieve normen
    De attitude/goedkeuring van peers
  • Pressure normen
    De sociale druk die peers geven

Wat zijn de criteria van het vlaggensysteem?


Het vlaggensysteem is om te beoordelen of seksueel gedrag grensoverschrijdend is.
De criteria hiervan zijn:

  • Vrijwilligheid
  • Gelijkwaardigheid
  • Leeftijds- of ontwikkelingsadequaat
  • Contextadequaat
  • Zelfrespect

Wat is nodig voor een gezonde seksuele ontwikkeling?


Nodig voor een gezonde seksuele ontwikkeling zijn:

  • Voldoende liefde, lichamelijke affectie (huidcontact) en een veilige hechting
  • Voldoende voorbeelden van positief-relationeel gedrag
  • Voldoende positieve boodschappen over seksualiteit en intimiteit
  • Voldoende mogelijkheden om seksuele gevoelens op een, bij de leeftijd passende, manier te onderzoeken en te uiten.
    Alleen en/of bij leeftijdsgenootjes
  • Intacte (seksuele) anatomie en bij het lijf passende more



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Psychology and behavioral sciences: Summaries and Study notes

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  • Summaries with textbooks, scientific articles and concepts: Psychology and Behavioral sciences
  • Summaries with courses an...

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Spotlight summaries related to Sexology and Sexuality
How does sexuality change in the adulthood? - Chapter 10
  • What is sexual behaviour of a single person?
  • What is typical sexual behaviour in marital relationships?
  • What are non-monogamous relationships?
  • What are reasons -and attitudes on extramarital sex?
  • What is internet infidelity?
  • What is the relation...
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