
Latest changes and updates tagged with: Sexology and Sexuality

Sexuality and the life cycle: childhood and adolescence - a summary of chapter 9 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 9
Sexuality and the life cycle: childhood and adolescence

Lifespan development: development from birth through old age.

Data sources

Scientific data available on the sexual behaviour of children and adolescents

  • Kinsey report

Responses on surveys may be problematic

  • The data on childhood sexual behaviour may be subject to errors that result from adults being asked to recall things that happened a very long time ago
  • An alternative would be to interview children about their sexual
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Sexual arousal - a summary of chapter 8 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 8
Sexual arousal

Satisfying sexual expression contributes to good physical and mental health.

The sexual response cycle

Sexual response typically progresses in thee stages, according to the Masters and Johnson’s model

  • Excitement
  • Orgasm
  • Resolution

Physiological processes that occur during these stages are

  • Vasocongestion:
    An accumulation of blood in the blood vessels of a region of the body, especially the genitals; a swelling or erection results.
  • Myotonia
    Muscle contraction
    Not only in the genitals, but also throughout the body.


Excitement: the first stage of sexual response, during which erection

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Contraception and abortion - a summary of chapter 7 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 7
Contraception and abortion

Both babies and mothers are healthier if pregnancies are spaced three to five years apart.

Hormonal methods

Hormonal methods of contraception are highly effective and come in a number of forms

  • The pill
  • The patch
  • The vaginal ring
  • Injections

The combination pill

Combination birth control pills: birth control pills that contain a combination of estrogen and pregestin (progesterone), both at higher than natural levels.
A women takes the pill for 21 days, and then no pill or

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Sex hormones, sexual differentiation, and the menstrual cycle - a summary of chapter 5 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 5
Sex hormones, sexual differentiation, and the menstrual cycle

Many of the structural differences between males and females arise before birth, during the prenatal period, in a process called prenatal sexual differentiation.
Prenatal period: the time from conception to birth.
Further differences develop during puberty.

Sex hormones

Hormones: chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands into the bloodstream.
Because they go into the blood, their effects are felt rapidly and at places in the body quite distant from where they were manufactured.
The most important sex hormones are

  • Testosterone
    A hormone secreted by the testes in males (also present at
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Sexual anatomy - a summary of chapter 4 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 4
Sexual anatomy

Female sexual organs

The female sexual organs can be classified into two categories

  • External organs
  • Internal organs

External organs

The external genitals of females consist of

  • The clitoris
  • The mons pubis
  • The inner lips
  • The outer lips
  • The vaginal opening

Vulva: the collective term of the external genitals of the female.
The appearance of the vulva varies greatly from one women to another.

The clitoris

Clitoris: a highly sensitive sexual organ in the female: the glans is in front of the vaginal entrance, and the rest of the clitoris extends deeper into the body.
It consists

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Sex research - a summary of chapter 3 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 3
Sex research

There are different types of sex research, but basically the techniques vary in terms of the following:

  • How sexuality is measured
    • Self-reports
    • Observations of behaviour
    • Using biological measures
  • Whether large numbers of people are studies in surveys, or whether a smaller number of people are studies
  • Whether the studies are conducted in the laboratory or in the field
  • Whether sexual behaviour is studied as it occurs naturally or whether some attempt is made to manipulate it in an experiment.

Measuring sex


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Theoretical perspectives on sexuality - a summary of chapter 2 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 2
Theoretical perspectives on sexuality

Evolutionary perspectives


Sociobiology: the application of evolutionary biology to understanding the social behaviour of animals, including humans.
Sociobiologists try to understand why certain patterns of sexual behaviour have evolved in humans.

The sociobiologists argues that many of the characteristics we evaluate in judging attractiveness are indicative of the health and vigour of the individual.
These in turn are probably related to the person’s reproductive potential.
Thus, perhaps our concern with physical attractiveness is a product of evolution and natural selection.

Attractiveness is an indicator of health and is more important in mate selection in societies where more people are unhealthy.

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Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater - a summary

This is a summary of the book Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater. The book is about topics ranging from sex is different cultures to sexual disfunctions. The book is used in the course 'Sexology' at the university of Amsterdam. Because of this only the chapters needed for this course will be uploaded.

The first two chapters of this summary are for free, but to support worldsupporter and Joho, you have to become a Joho-member to read the other chapters. This is five euro a year, and you then can read all Joho-member content


Sexuality in perspective - a summary of chapter 1 of Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater

Chapter 1
Sexuality in perspective

Sex and gender

Gender: being male, female, or some other gender such as trans.
Sexual behaviour: behaviour that produces arousal and increases the chance of orgasm.

The history of understanding sexuality: religion and science


Throughout most of recorded history, religion provided most of the information that people has about sexuality.
These religions have profound impact.


The scientific study of sex began in the 19th century, although religious notions continue to influence our ideas about sexuality.
Freud gave

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Summary for the course Sexology at the UvA

Summary with the mandatory readings for the course Sexology (a free elective for Psychology students at the UvA).

Selected by VSPA




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Psychology and behavioral sciences: Summaries and Study notes

  • Summaries with fields of study and topics of interest: Psychology and Behavioral sciences
  • Summaries with textbooks, scientific articles and concepts: Psychology and Behavioral sciences
  • Summaries with courses an...

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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Sexology and Sexuality

This is a summary of the book Understanding human sexuality by Hyde and DeLamater. The book is about topics ranging from sex is different cultures to sexual disfunctions. The book is used in the course 'Sexology' at the university of Amsterdam. Because of this only the chapters needed for this cours...


Nodig voor een gezonde seksuele ontwikkeling zijn:

  • Voldoende liefde, lichamelijke affectie (huidcontact) en een veilige hechting
  • Voldoende voorbeelden van positief-relationeel gedrag
  • Voldoende positieve boodschappen over seksualiteit en intimiteit
  • Voldoende mogeli...

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