Help children and young adults with speech difficulties in Honduras by providing various treatments *

  • You organize therapy sessions in a school or childcare house to improve the communication skills of the children and young adults.
  • You conduct research to assess the severity of speech and/or language delays.
  • You diagnose new children with speech and communication problems.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: professionalism, balanced decision making, communication, persistence.
  • You get a chance as a young professional to work for a longer period of time on improving the given therapies.
  • You receive room and board and a monthly allowance.

What do you need?

  • Competences: results-oriented, flexibility, creativity.
  • You have a working knowledge of Spanish.
  • You have a relevant education or qualification to work in the field of speech and cognitive disorders.


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Paid work & Work for board and lodging
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WereldOuders biedt structurele hulp aan kwetsbare kinderen en gezinnen in negen landen in Latijns-Amerika. Door medische zorg, een veilig thuis en goed onderwijs komen kinderen uit de armoedespiraal en maken daarmee kans op een betere toekomst voor zichzelf en hun omgeving.

WereldOuders biedt ook vrijwilligerswerk aan voor young professionals die in hun eigen vak in een van de projecten

......Read more on this page
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