Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA


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Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA


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Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Assortment of summaries and study assistance

Which summaries and study assistance can you use and expect with JoHo?

Bachelor 1:

  • Introductory Psychology; Brain and Cognition; Research Methods and Statistics; Developmental Psychology; Work and Organisational Psychology; Social Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Neuropsychology; First year thesis

Bachelor 2 Shared Program:

  • Scientific and Statistical Reasoning; Practical training: Psychological Communication; Practical training: Psychological Research; Fundamentals of Psychology


  • various courses, a.o.: Current Topics: Introduction to Cultural Psychology; Youth Interventions: Theory, Research and Practice; Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology; Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical and School Psychology; KNP Diagnostiek; Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Skills; Teams in Organisations; Emotion

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Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Universiteit Amsterdam: UVA

Adolescence and emerging adulthood: A cultural approach by Jeffrey Arnett and Malcolm Hughes (sixth edition) – Chapter 6 summary

Self-conception refers to the notion of what kind of person one is. Self-esteem refers to the capacity to evaluate one’s fundamental worth as a person. Identity refers to one’s perception of their capacity and characteristics and how this fit into the opportunities available to them. Self-reflection increases in adolescence as a result of normal cognitive development but culture has a profound influence on how people experience this change.

People’s self-conceptions change with age. Self-conceptions become more abstract and more complex in adolescence. Self-conceptions become more trait-focused and the traits become more abstract (e.g. being outgoing).

There is a cultural difference between collectivistic (i.e. interdependent self) and individualistic (i.e. independent self) cultures with regard to self-conception. In collectivistic cultures, the self is defined by social relationships.

The ideal self refers to the person the adolescent would like to be. The feared self refers

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Adolescence and emerging adulthood: A cultural approach by Jeffrey Arnett and Malcolm Hughes (sixth edition) – Chapter 3 summary

PET (positron emission tomography) scans and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) are useful for studying the brain.

A lot of the thickening of synaptic connections occurs around the time puberty begins. Overproduction (i.e. exuberance) refers to the thickening of synaptic connection and this mainly occurs around the time puberty begins. It peaks around the age of 11 or 12. It also occurs during prenatal development. Exuberance during puberty is focused in the frontal lobes. The frontal lobes are associated with the higher functions of the brain (e.g. planning; problem solving; moral judgement).

Synaptic pruning refers to the selective ‘death’ of synapses. This occurs after exuberance and occurs between the ages of 12 and 20. The synapses that are used remain while the ones that are not used disappear (i.e. “use it or lose it”). Synaptic pruning is especially rapid among adolescents with high intelligence.

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Moffitt (2018). Male antisocial behaviour in adolescence and beyond.” – Article summary

Male antisocial behaviour is heavily concentrated in adolescence. There may be two types of male antisocial behaviour:

  1. Life-course persistent antisocial behaviour (LCP)
    This refers to antisocial behaviour that has its origins in neurodevelopmental processes and family adversity. Here, antisocial behaviour begins in childhood, builds persistently and continues into midlife.
  2. Adolescence limited antisocial behaviour (AL)
    This refers to antisocial behaviour that occurs due to age-graded social processes that begin with a maturity gap in adolescence and end when social adulthood is attained. Here, antisocial begins in adolescence and ends when social adulthood is attained.

Life-course persistent antisocial behaviour is rare, persistent, pervasive and pathological whereas adolescence-limited antisocial behaviour is normative. For LCP, there first is a neurodevelopmental vulnerability (e.g. cognitive deficit; hyperactivity; difficult temperament) and this is exacerbated by environmental risk factors (e.g. inadequate parenting; maltreatment; poverty). The environmental risk factors includes

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Lazowski & Hulleman (2016). Motivation interventions in education: A meta-analytic review.” – Article summary

Intervention studies facilitate our understanding about which interventions are most effective in improving educational outcomes.

Theories of motivation regard the energization and direction of behaviour. Social-cognitive theories of motivation include theories focusing on achievement motives and needs (1), perceived ability and self-concept (2), perceived value for and interest in an activity (3), goals (4), attributions about success and failure (5), emotions (6) and potential future identities (7). Motivation refers to processes that are affective, behavioural and/or cognitive and energize and direct behaviour.

Student motivation is essential for learning. Motivated students learn more (1), persist longer (2), produce higher quality work (3) and score higher on tests (4). This is especially the case if they are motivated by relatively intrinsic as compared with extrinsic motivation. Declines in student motivation are a common problem and threaten educational equity. Schools do not seem to be enhancing or

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Sommerville (2013). The teenage brain: Sensitivity to social evaluation.” – Article summary

Social sensitivity refers to the heightened attention, salience and emotion relegated to processing information concerning social evaluations and social standing in adolescence. Social sensitivity could intensify socioemotional processes (e.g. more attuned to instances of perceived social evaluation).

There are three types of patterns of brain development:

  1. Age-linear patterns
    This refers to patterns which increase or decrease with age at a consistent pace.
  2. Adolescent-specific patterns
    This refers to patterns which are specific to adolescence (e.g. strong increase in adolescence but stable in childhood or adulthood).
  3. Adolescent-emergent patterns
    This refers to a rapid rate of change and a possible peak during adolescence that persists or partially resolves into adulthood.

Adolescent-emergent patterns imply developmentally mediated shifts that are constrained by maturational processes that solidify in early adulthood.

The socioaffective circuitry is critical for detection of salient information (1), assignment

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Jones et al. (2014). Adolescent-specific patterns of behavior and neural activity during social reinforcement learning.” – Article summary

Adolescents show increased attention and neural activation in response to peer acceptance. Feelings of relatedness with others and perceived acceptance during adolescence are associated with higher self-esteem (1), better adjustment in school (2) and greater self-worth (3). Peer rejection in adolescence is associated with school withdrawal (1), aggression (2) and mental health problems (3).

Social contexts are more salient to adolescents. This can lead to different decision-making abilities around peers (e.g. presence of peers increases risky decision making). Adolescents who feel rejected are more likely to engage in risky behaviour to fit in with the group.

Feedback from peers may reinforce behaviour. This may be due to overlapping neural circuitry for evaluating social and non-social rewards. The ventral striatum supports learning from varying amounts of positive social feedback from peers. The most reinforcing peers had a greater influence on social preferences. Choice behaviour (1),

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Sherman et al. (2016). The power of the like in adolescence: Effects of peer influence on neural and behavioural responses to social media.” – Article summary

During adolescence, people are uniquely attuned to the complexities of interpersonal relationships. There are significant changes and reorganization in subcortical regions associated with emotion processing and reward. Escalation of risk taking in adolescence may be the result of the dopaminergic system and related regions in the striatum. This may also explain increased desire to spend time with and earn the approval of peers.

In-person communication is necessarily qualitative and involves subjective interpretation. Online environments and interaction allow for quantifiable feedback (e.g. likes). Quantifiable social endorsement (e.g. likes; comments) may act as a powerful motivator.

The presence of peers is associated with increases in the nucleus accumbens which is a hub of reward circuitry. Peer influence is a means by which adolescents learn how to behave appropriately in their sociocultural environment. Peer pressure and social endorsement may influence risky behaviour.

Participants matched their

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Borghuis et al. (2017). Big five personality stability, change, and codevelopment across adolescence and early adulthood” – Article summary

Rank-order stability refers to the maintenance of the relative standing of individuals on a trait dimension within a population over time. Mean-level change refers to change in the average trait levels of a population over time. Individual difference in change refers to individual deviations from population mean-level patterns of change.

The cumulative continuity principle of personality development refers to personality and temperament being moderately stable in preschool years and becoming increasingly stable until middle adulthood. The maturity principle of personality development refers to the fact that, on average, young adults increase in their absolute levels of agreeableness (1), emotional stability (2), conscientiousness (3) and social dominance (4). These aspects are related to being mature and thus maturing is associated with increases in these factors.

The disruption hypothesis states that adolescents tend to experience temporal dips in personality maturity as a result of biological, social,

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Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical, and School Psychology – Lecture 6 (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Antisocial behaviour includes lying (1), fighting (2), bullying (3), truancy (4) and stealing (5) and it also occasionally occurs in typically developing children, adolescents and adults. This behaviour is most common in toddlerhood as disruptive behaviour in young children one of the most common problems experienced in the parenting context. It is one of the main reasons for parents to seek help.

The age-antisocial behaviour curve refers to antisocial behaviour becoming more common during adolescence and decreasing in frequency after adolescence. About 70% of the adolescents have ever engaged in antisocial behaviour. Antisocial behaviour is most common during adolescence in the interpersonal sphere and antisocial behaviour also hurts the development of the individual.

The maturity gap refers to a gap between biological and social maturation. This may explain the rise in the age-crime curve during adolescence.

Disruptive behavioural disorders refer to disorders which include

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Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical, and School Psychology – Lecture 5 (UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM)

Externalizing problems consists of several aspects:

  • Non-compliance (e.g. ignoring rules).
  • Disruptive and aggressive actions.
    • Delinquency.
    • Substance use.
    • Fighting.
    • Risky driving.
    • Yelling out.
    • Destroying property.
    • Stealing.

Children with externalizing problems often come from families where parental monitoring and control is lacking (i.e. under-controlled). These problems are more common among males than females. There is a discrepancy between how adults and youth view the behaviour as youth often do not view it as problematic and do not experience distress. The problematic behaviour can be an expression of a desire for excitement (i.e. sensation seeking).

Adolescents are more likely to have accidents when driving due to inexperience and because younger drivers are more likely to engage in risky driving. This includes driving at excessive speeds (1), following other vehicles too close (2),

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Summaries and study assistance via VSPA

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